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T h r e e : Tell Me When it Hurts

Stretching, Harry groans rubbing the slumber from his eyes removing himself from his bed shuffling into his office. He had the weekend off work, and before yesterday planned to be engaging in loveless sex with his new submissive for most of it.

Clearly signing for the submissive he did, unknowing of his lack (severe lack) of education, his weekend was resigned to figuring out what he was going to do with the unexpected change to his life.

"Mr.Styles where did you want this?" One of the maids that cleaned his office had the file for Louis in her hand carelessly shifting it as she dusted other corners of his desk, "Give me that,"

Harry mutters yanking it from her hand before grabbing the pill bottle resting by his computer as he exits the office to the dining room.

"Kerri, have Issac run a BG on Lou-"


Louis stands with his feet turned inward, he's dressed in one of Harry's long sleeve shirts that hung from his frame perfectly, his collarbones peeking from the neckline that draws a small gasp from Harry at the sight of a man so beautiful.

A man he now owned, but can't fuck.


A frown replaces his awe, Harry rolls his eyes placing the pill bottle on the table, using the manilla folder in his hand to strike Louis' backside warningly, "None of your business who I'm talking about or too, go bother Jack for breakfast." Gesturing to the kitchen, Harry takes a seat at the table exhaling in hopes to reduce the bulge in his pants, Kerri sits across the table with a smirk as she stares at Harry over the tip of her glasses,

"Morning wood perhaps?"

"Fuck off," He shifts in the chair narrowing his emerald eyes at her, "Tell Issac I want everything he can find on Louis, this file is shit." He brings the manilla folder to view, "What kind of death is ruled classified?"

"Self-defense or homicide." Kerri replies glancing at the pages, "He has no parental record," she notes aloud, "Maybe ask him?" she suggests, Harry scoffs, "the idiot doesn't know what day is it, how the hell is he going to know why he doesn't have a PR?"

Kerri sighs defeatedly, "You need to be kind, it would suit you better." Standing from the chair she smiles softly towards Louis that reenters, "Take your pill, Harold." Giving Harry a parting side glare, she leaves the room taking her laptop and phone, "P-pill?"Louis questions tilting his head to the side, Harry lifts the bottle in his hand, "A pill, medicine people can ingest in solid form,"

Rambling off his definition, he wants to facepalm knowing the submissive is likely even more confused, "Master be mad if I no take pills, understand?" Louis' face brightens as if Harry had just spoken his own language nodding, "Y-you take two?"

"Alright smart ass, I only take one. Two wouldn't make me any happier," Standing from the chair to retreat to his office once more he chews his bottom lip watching Louis take a drink of orange juice with both hands holding the glass as a child would, he bites the inside of his cheek hoping the background check would give him much needed answers to his burning questions.

Watching from his desk chair, Harry jumps when the door to his office is pushed open with Kerri entering mail in her hand, "How long are you going to be cooped up in here?" Louis raises his head wondering himself when "read" time was over, he'd been staring at what to him were scribbles in a book for well over an hour, "We're spending quality time together," Harry remarks straightening his posture, his eyes leave his submissive that had been perched with his knees to his chest since Harry told him to find a place and sit.

"I thought you said he couldn't read," Kerri whispers in question, Harry smirks, "He can't, he hasn't flipped the page in twenty minutes." She glares at him, "you need to find him something to do then, that's just wrong."

"Then take him somewhere, I'm sure TV would keep his attention." Kerri rolls his eyes extending her hand for the submissive, "C'mon Louis, we'll go watch something fun while Master finishes his work."

The boy lowers the book glancing at Harry as if to ask if it's okay to move from the spot, "Go on," Harry commands his features softening once the boy gently lays the book on the table standing from his spot with a smile.

For an idiot, he sure did listen well.

He's alone in his office staring at a blank screen when an email announces itself, he doesn't pay much attention at first until the sender is revealed to be Issac.

Clicking on it he freezes seeing the images loaded onto the screen, it appeared to be one death certificate after another until three finally appeared in full. He can recognize the name Tomlinson being Louis' original last name, his married name CRANE from his old owner. The two death certificates labeled TOMLINSON is Louis' parents, the obituary reading that they both died in a car accident, and are survived by Louis' older half-brother Zayn and a few select nieces and nephews.


The death certificate of Louis' old master sends chills down Harry's spine as more pictures load into place, the scene resembled a horror movie with blood-stained walls, a set of chains in the room, and a gun next to the man's body.

To what Harry assumes is for the privacy of Louis, his stature is blurred in the picture, but Harry knows that was the submissive in the room with the man. The line after the picture is what Issac himself had typed,

"Not much could be found from the man, his BG showed a few arrests, mostly DUIS, but his death is ruled classified. I couldn't touch it. Hope this helps,"

It certainly had, it puts into perspective why Louis didn't go to school, but the burning question of the death of Louis' old master remained. Was he murdered and they simply spared Louis?

"Self defense or homicide,"

Louis wouldn't kill someone. He struggled to hold a glass full of orange juice.

Stan must've pissed off the wrong drunk guy or something, Harry concludes.

Harry had read books where characters are said to giggle or have giggled, and if he thought about it a lot (Which he did more often than he'd admit to) he'd say he's never actually heard someone giggle.

That was until now.

The angelic noise drifted into his office practically demanding his presence. It needed to be recorded and played on a loop in Harry's brain. He feels the hair on his arms rise at such a genuine noise, a gleeful squeal followed by none other than a giggle.

Trailing the melodious sound he's floored to find himself entering the living room. In a room he hadn't spent much time in since he'd even bought the house, the man he'd purchased sits in a chair to himself producing the noises of delight with a grin on his cheeks his wide eyes staring at the TV.

Kerri sits in the background on the sofa writing on her laptop, "Hey, you're out early," She greets bidding her boss a hello, "I heard him," Harry muses taking a seat on the couch, "Cartoons, my nephew loves them and so does your new sub," Kerri informs fawning over Louis that's tuned so deeply into the show he didn't notice his master enter the room.

"What'd you find out?" Kerri asks lowering her voice, Harry crosses his arms leaning back onto the couch watching the cheesy animations on the TV, "His parents are dead, but not even Issac had access to his old master's records,"

Kerri's eyes widen, "Damn, maybe it's still under investigation?" Harry shrugs, "Someone probably murdered the asshole, Issac said he had a lot of DUIS which means he liked to drink."

"Do you think Louis knew he was legally married to him?"

"I don't know, he was introduced as Tomlinson and told me that was his name," His eyes flicker from the TV to the submissive innocently watching a child's TV show, further proving to Harry that he couldn't and wouldn't hurt a fly.

Also that he wouldn't be having sex anytime soon.

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