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T w e l v e : Tell Me When it Hurts

Hearing the sound of tires rotating on gravel, Luke groans feeling around for his husband. He didn't glance at the clock figuring it was noon and Zayn was just now leaving for the day.

Feeling his hand connect with a body Luke shoots awake eyes widening seeing the room pitch black. Darting his oceanic eyes towards the clock he sees 1:08 AM in bright neon green letters staring teasingly at him.

"Someone just pulled up,"

Luke mutters tapping his husband that in response groans shifting in his sleep, "What?"

"Zayn someone is outside," the man snaps shaking his dominant, "P-probably just Lou or something."

"Louis doesn't drive dumbass! Go look!" Zayn's eyes shoot open as if he too realizes what he'd just said, he springs from the bed grabbing his baseball bat glancing at the clock, "It's almost two in the morning!" He heads toward the door, Luke grabbing his housecoat following, "Did you call me dumbass?" Zayn asks suddenly lowering the bat as he turns to face his submissive, Luke scoffs rolling his eyes, "Really? Some killer may be outside and you want to argue about what I called you?"

"Are you denying it?"

"Can we discuss this later?"

"You really called me that."

"Zayn that's probably the nicest thing I've called you in the bedroom." Luke admits gesturing hurriedly to the door as the sound of footsteps approaching echo in the room, the submissive yelps cowering behind his master, "Am I a dumbass now-"

"Zayn!" Luke scolds, the dominant raising his bat as knocks rattle the door.

The bat is lowered Zayn tilting his head to the side, "Well if it is a robber their very polite," Luke mumbles crossing his arms, Zayn rolls his eyes peeling the door back slightly glancing at who it was on the porch, "Harry?"

Luke gasps ripping the door back further, "you're Harry?!"

The man adjusts his posture, "Hi, I-I'm Harry."

Harry clears his throat standing from the dining room chair he was offered, Luke bringing the coffee pot to the table, "Louis is here, yes?"

"He's sleeping," Zayn mutters glaring at the man, "It's up to him at this point if he even wants to go back with you," Harry sighs knowing that the man came from a protective point, "I know I messed up, okay? I-I didn't know what I wanted or how to handle what I didn't want."

"Did you call him retarded?" Luke questions, "Not to his face," Harry replies quickly cringing at how terrible that sounded, "Look I'm a shitty person, okay? There's no denying that-"

"I don't think anyone would deny that," Zayn remarks, Luke tapping his arm, "What changed your mind?"

"I missed his giggle,"

Swallowing past the burning lump in his throat, Harry sniffles wiping his eyes with a scoff, "I have done and said really stupid things that I can't take back, and I didn't want someone like Louis. N-not until I lost him." Luke frowns hearing this, he grabs a box of tissues handing it to the man, "Lou said one of your rules is no crying,"

Harry nods taking one with an eye roll, "God, I was such a prick to him,"

"He says you take pills, are you on drugs?" Zayn questions not falling for the victim act he assumed Harry was trying to play.

"I'm bipolar, severe. Manic depressive, and borderline personality disorder."

"You shot your last submissive," Zayn remarks in reply, he raises an eyebrow silently asking for Harry to elaborate on the fact knowing that no matter what excuse the man gave nothing could excuse it. Harry nods chewing the inside of his cheek. He didn't want to confess his past to these two men, "I was cruel to my last submissive. We didn't get along-"

"I read the reports, he said he loved you,"

"He did." Harry admits, "I didn't love him, I didn't even like him. He-he told me no and that I deserved to be alone. I don't deserve Louis, I don't think I do, but I want him. I-I want the chance to fix things, and-and hear him giggle again."

Louis pokes his head around the corner entering the room, he'd been standing in the shadows of the next room listening to the tear-streaked voice of his dominant for the last ten minutes. Luke and Zayn's shouting had woke him.

He extends a hand toward Harry, eyes glazing the man's hunched-over figure, he sees the tear-stained cheeks, the bloodshot eyes, "S-sir?"

"I'm so sorry Louis,"

Lifting his lips in a small smile, Louis nods grabbing Harry's hand in his own kissing his cheek, "It-it okay,"

Against the wishes of his older brother, Louis went home with Harry. The submissive agreed to have the case dropped without a second thought, and placed his full trust in his owner.

The dominant said less than needed once he received the confirmation that his submissive would return to his home happily, "Okay,"

When the pair had left, Luke stands at the dining room table cleaning up the tissues, grabbing the centerpiece he'd moved before to clear the surface during the talk in case things became ugly.

Following his husband to bed, Luke sighs grabbing his wrist to gain his attention, "I know it's hard-"

"I don't trust him, Luke. I don't trust that he's going to change."

Luke frowns pulling Zayn in for a hug with a kiss to the cheek, "If-if Louis loves him and wants to be there, there's nothing we can do. Harry owns him,"

Zayn nods chewing the inside of his cheek as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed, "Do you think Louis has told him what happened to Stan?"

"No, he himself doesn't even know. He still thinks he shot Stan." 

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