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F o u r t e e n : Tell Me When it Hurts

"What do you think?"

It was a question Harry hadn't been asked since returning home with Louis almost two weeks ago - he'd been too busy asking others what they thought when it came to even the smallest things. It was something Harry had read in a book when trying to re-define yourself, that garnering as many different opinions as possible was sometimes the best solution to help you make the best decision.

He sits in sweats at the kitchen table, Louis knocked out on his lap as Kerri, Liam, a half-asleep Niall, Quincy, and Tucker (Harry's accountant) all gather at the mansion to discuss the future.

Mostly the financial future of one particular being.

"I-I uh," Harry stumbles on his words before sighing, he didn't have a thought on what to do - nothing proper in the least.

He has been working hard on righting the majority of his wrongs in the past twelve days, even going as far as to write his old submissive an apology letter.

However, the burning reminder that he's prohibited from ever contacting him again made itself known when the letter was replaced in his mailbox with a "Are you sure?" Sticker from the postage carrier.

Clearly, she knew of the No-contact order.

"Look," Tucker starts, he wipes the tiredness from his eyes with a sigh, "If we cut strings now, the hospital has seventy-two hours to get her out of their care. Surely in those seventy-two hours, they can find her family. Or even a friend,"

Liam scoffs rolling his eyes, "the crazy bitch doesn't have any," Niall grabs his master's hand soothing him from getting him worked up, "What is to prevent her from coming here?" Niall suddenly asks, he had seen this before in one of the romance movies he forced Liam to indulge in during his time of unemployment.

"The fact that she doesn't know where you live," Kerri retorts rolling her eyes at the idea, she freezes suddenly furrowing her eyebrows towards Harry that doesn't agree with her, "Right? Right, Harry, she has no clue where you live,"

The man huffs tightening his hold on Louis, "Of course, she doesn't, but the hospital does. C-Can they give that information out?"

Tucker curses under his breath, "I didn't go to law school Mr.Styles but surely that has to be illegal in some way."

Quincy purses her lips, "Does HIPPA only protect the patient?"

Harry raises his hand halting any more of the conversation to take place, "I made a promise to myself that I would be done." Brushing his hand through Louis' hair he presses his lips to the boy's temple, "And to him," Meeting Tucker's gray eyes Harry gestures to the paperwork in the middle of the table that had been debated over all night, "Whatever the fall out is, we'll deal with it. Cut the cord."

Kerri crosses her arms at the statement, "I'll call the hospital in the morning and get her records faxed over, Qunicy and I could try and find her family before the hospital even has the chance."

"I don't want a word of this to Louis, he doesn't need to be tainted any further," Liam raises an eyebrow at the words, "Ever find out what happened to his last owner?"

Niall stands stretching his arms with a yawn, "He-he died, right?"

Harry nods chewing the inside of his cheek, "We just don't know how,"

Louis' oceanic eyes flutter open the next morning earlier than usual, he frowns seeing the bed empty where his master usually is if he doesn't wake Louis up before.

"Sir?" He croaks squinting to see the time on the clock, he didn't recognize the numbers as the normal time he woke up, they flashed 4:36 AM, "Sir?" Louis calls again removing himself from the covers, the house was dark, the night lights Harry had installed for Louis flinging to life when he pushed open the master bedroom door into the hallway.

Crossing his arms, Louis chews his bottom lip narrowing his stare in the darkness as his eyes slowly adjusted, he takes the stairs one at a time until he's on the bottom level.


Silence is returned, with no sign of Harry or anyone in the house.

Worried something had happened, Louis shuffles into the dining room seeing papers scattered across the surface, as well as empty pizza boxes and bottles of beer, he remembered Harry's friends as he calls them coming over and talking about some girl.

Placing a hand on the door of the office, Louis sucks in a breath hearing movements in the room, "s-sir?"

"W-what are you doing up, Lou?" It was his master's voice, tears evident in the tone, Louis frowning at the sadness stringing the question together, "Y-you gone," Louis mumbles in reply stepping further into the room rounding his desk.

He could see the man sitting pitifully alone in his chair from the light of the moon that brightened half the room thanks to Harry's large windows.

"Y-you cry?"

Harry sniffles taking Louis on his lap, he doesn't speak staring into the welcoming, non-judgemental eyes of his submissive, he's lost in thought when he crashes their lips together, Louis flinching by surprise before allowing the kiss to continue.

He closes his eyes leaning forward, sitting straddle on Harry's lap he bucks his hips toward him whimpering when the master pulls away panting, "C-call me, daddy,"

"Y-yes Daddy,"

"Fuck Lou," Harry growls planting his lips on Louis' once more, the submissive moaning, tears pricking his own eyes, "L-Love you daddy,"

"Fuck," Snaking his hand to Louis' hair he tugs the man's head back the POP sound their lips make when pulled apart makes the hair on Harry's arms rise, "I love you too,"

The grip is released, Louis holding onto Harry's shirt as he falls into another kiss.

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