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T h i r t e e n : Tell Me When it Hurts

Things weren't back to normal.

There wasn't a normal to return to.

There was the before, and the after.

Adjusting his tie, Harry sighs staring at himself longingly in the mirror. He sees the hint of glimmer returning to the emerald orbs, something he never thought he'd see again. His eyes flicker from his reflection to the bed where Louis lay continuing to sleep softly.

His lips were parted, hair matted to his head, cheeks rosy.

Harry's lips lift in a smile, this was something else he thought he'd never see again.

Stepping towards the bed from the mirror, he takes a seat on the edge of the bed brushing hair from Louis' forehead, "Good Morning,"

Inhaling deeply, Louis blinks waiting for his eyes to adjust, his grin growing when he sees his master settling in his view, "H-hi,"

Peering into the oceanic eyes, Harry leans down pressing his lips to the boys, he could see himself waking up to this every morning.

Turning on the coffee pot, Quincy glances at her phone chewing the inside of her cheek seeing a headline appear on her screen warning her of the latest gossip in the world of fame and money; Harry Styles's New Beau?

Fearing it was in fact a new submissive, she sighs placing the phone down pouring herself a mug full, "Randy? Can we have Press pull the newest report," She calls exiting the room with the beverage she knew wasn't strong enough to handle the day.

Qunicy heads into Harry's office wanting to ensure her boss's best mood by sorting all the papers he'd need for the day. Her eyes glaze the bottle of pills that was set by his monitor, they'd moved from their original spot in the drawer; this signals to her that he might've taken them.

Or flushed them.

Grasping the bottle she shakes it sighing in relief her subconscious was wrong, "Okay," She mutters turning his computer on, organizing the files he had left over the night before.

The phone on the corner of his desk blinks alerting her to a voicemail, the girl checking her watch seeing that her boss was due at any minute. Sighing, she scans the room seeing she was alone before pressing the voicemail button letting the voice fill the room,

"Hi, Harry this is Amelia, just giving you a courtesy call to follow up on our conversation from last night. Zayn informed me this morning that Louis was removed from skip stay and back in your care-"

The woman drones on, Qunicy feeling her heart swell, she places a hand on her chest smiling sweetly at the words.

Holding the door open for him, Harry steps in after Louis taking his head with a smile, "I have a few calls to make, just head in and start coloring,"

"Yes sir," Louis mumbles anxious to return to his master's office, he thought his first day back would be filled with making up for lost time - but instead he was dressed and led to the car being told they were going to get breakfast before work.

When walking out of the cafe, per usual there were photographers, but unlike before Louis' face wasn't hidden. Harry held his hand on the small of Louis' back bidding the paparazzi a hello.


"What?" Harry returned scanning his badge to open the first set of doors leading into his hallway, "W-why they take p-picture my face?"

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