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T e n : Tell Me When it Hurts

"Thank you for coming,"

Liam murmurs kissing Kerri's cheek as he sends a polite wave towards the cameras, "Of course. Niall didn't want to come?" Her eyebrows knit together in concern as she glances towards Liam's phone screen showing a missed call from the submissive, "He didn't want to see Harry."

"I don't blame him," She mutters tucking her arm around Liam's as the two head into the Gala.

A once-a-year event the Styles Corp. held for charity, was designed to not only raise money for a good cause but only further publicize the name of the company to the general public.

Typically Harry rarely attended for more than ten minutes, yet this year he stands at the doors with his security surveying everyone that entered the building.

Letting Kerri step in first, Liam inhales sharply meeting Harry's eyes, "Where's Niall?" the man questions, "My submissive is at home, he was feeling ill this evening." Liam remarks clearing his throat, "Good Evening Kerri,"


"How are you?"

"I'm well." She makes it known that the question isn't returned, pursing her lips together to suppress comments, Harry nods taking the hint, "Enjoy your evening." He sighs returning his stare toward the door and greeting the others that strolled in behind Liam.

"He looks awful,"

"Good." Kerri hums removing her scarf taking her seat, Liam frowns rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I-I should go talk to him-"

"Liam, if not for yourself do it for Niall, let him lay in his own bed. He's a miserable man and doesn't deserve your kindness." Kerri growls narrowing her stare towards Harry's towering figure.

His suit fit him perfectly, hair styled back and shoes sparkled. He looked so well put together, that it looked foreign. Harry always looked good, but tonight it was as if the whole picture was a lie.

Liam lowers his gaze keeping his eyes to the table before him, "Did he not bring Qunicy?" Kerri asks suddenly scanning the room for the woman, "She has a dominant," Liam informs gesturing to the stage where the woman stood with her arms wrapped around another man smiling.

"Ah! Liam, I'm glad you came I really wanted to get your opinion-"

Collin Stute is stopped mid-sentence when Liam sends him a subtle scowl, it was evident the two hated each other, why try and paint a different narrative tonight?

Kerri raises an eyebrow silently asking about the sudden tension when Collin scoffs smirking before he speaks, "I thought you'd want someone on your side."

Liam furrows his eyebrows crossing his arms, "What are you on about?"

"Well, Liam unemployment on dominates is hard. They don't tend to offer handouts."

Kerri's hands fly to her mouth, Liam's arms falling to his side as he sits stunned by the words, "W-what do you mean?"

"Quincy informed me, that the paperwork is being filed Monday. You didn't know?" Tutting at the man before him, Connor clears his throat his smugness dripping as he leans in, "Let me know when you're ready to make a deal," Bringing a business card from his pocket he winks sliding it in Liam's hand.

Kerri grabs Liam's arm as Collin strolls away as if nothing happened, "He's always been full of shit-"

"But he's not, this is totally something Harry would do. The fucking Coward." Chewing the inside of his cheek, Liam glances down at the business card feeling his insides boiling as he stands knocking the chair he sat in down storming towards Harry that glances his way curiously hearing the chair, "You fucking dick!"Harry steps back eyes widening as he cocks his head to the side, "Excuse me?"

"You're such a fucking cunt, of course, you'd get rid of me. Couldn't handle the rejection of another person!" The room falls silent, all eyes falling on Liam's angered figure, he opens his arms gesturing to his chest, "Why didn't you just shoot me?!"

Kerri gasps rushing from her chair towards the man wanting to end the scene, the press would have a field day, "What did you just say to me?" Harry's voice lowers itself immensely, Liam steps forward, "Why didn't you just fucking shoot me," Kerri steps between the men, "Stop! Both of you-"

The paparazzi working the event had moved from outside to indoors cameras flashing and recording the building fight between the two. What was supposed to be a rather boring news night turned violent and dramatic quite quickly.

"You're such a goddamn coward, rot in hell." Liam snarls, Kerri shoves him lightly getting his attention, "Liam lets go-"

"Have your office packed up tomorrow,"

"Gladly. I hope Louis finds someone he deserves-" Harry lunges at the dominant grabbing his suit jacket as he decks the side of his face flinging him to the side, Kerri yelps rushing to aid the man, Harry shoves her away, "Say it again Liam, say his fucking name."

Glaring at the man from his spot on the floor, Liam pushes himself up on his elbow, "You never deserved him! You're just like Eleanor!"

Flinching at the worlds hurled at him so recklessly, Harry feels the hairs on his neck rise, an eery chill ring in his ears as he distances himself from the situation he'd put himself in. He shakes staring at his hands that had pushed and punched his best friend, he thinks about the words he's shouted at him, the decision he made at work that not only affects him but Liam's future.

He'd done it to hurt the man. Hurt him as Harry himself hurt.

He wanted to share the pain in a weak attempt to rid himself of it.

He was a coward.

Wiping his bloody nose, Liam sniffles glancing at the man with pity burning in his stomach, he was furious, rightfully so, but he knew he didn't just challenge Harry.

Liam had just told Harold to rot in hell.

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