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T w e n t y O n e : Tell Me When it Hurts

"You eat chicken at home all the time," Harry remarks cutting Louis' meal up for him, "N-no," he whines, it was Thursday usually they had breakfast food for dinner on Thursdays.

"I can get the chef to make him something else, it's no trouble." Anne grumbles draining her wine glass, Harry rolls his eyes smacking Louis' thigh warningly, "No it's fine, he's going to eat this." Placing the fork on the plate Harry gives him a threatening look until Louis huffs picking up the fork bringing the chicken to his mouth glumly.

"I invited Gemma," Anne announces, "She was busy, but she was surprised to hear of you coming,"

Harry nods, "I was surprised I came as well," he admits, "I thought something had happened," Anne scoffs, "Something did happen, you knocked up a girl and ran off before you had to take responsibility,"

The chicken turns to sandpaper in Harry's mouth, he feels his chest tighten snapping his look to the woman that sits with a judging glare towards Louis that's playfully moving his green beans around the plate with a smile on his cheeks, "Di-did you say I knocked someone up?"

"Are you really going to deny it? Christ Harry, I thought you had grown a little in fifteen years," Anne scolds pouring herself another glass full, "Who-who is the woman?"

"Had so many you just can't remember?" She teases, Harry slams his hand down on the table scowling at her, "Who is the woman?" he demands, Anne sits back her eyes widening, her eyes glow with a tint of satisfaction, "There he is," she mocks, "there's the angry little boy I knew,"

She rolls her eyes sipping the wine, "I don't remember, Emily, maybe, or Elizabeth, Lenora? No, it started with an E," Harry feels his face pale, "E-Eleanor?"

Anne's face brightens as she narrows her stare at him, "So it is true?"

Harry's lip part, panic rises in his chest, "Have you talked to her?" Anne scoffs tilting the wine bottle to her glass once more, "You're upsetting the special one," she muses playfully, Harry snapping his look to Louis that sits with tears in his eyes at the mention of her name, he grabs his hands shushing him, "Anne I need to know have you spoke to her?"

"Yes Harold I have, who do you think told me you were in the hospital? The nightly news? They no longer report on failed dominates." Harry stands at the end of her sentence, he grabs Louis, "go get your coat on baby,"

"Leaving so soon?"

"Anne you're drunk, but I need you to listen to me, Eleanor isn't safe, she was never pregnant and she was the one that told me you died-"

"Oh bullshit, a woman tells you I'm dead and you don't even bother to check in?" Tears prick Harry's eyes at the words, it made him sound awful, his eyes flicker to her now empty wine glass she had re-filled a total of five times since they'd been there, "I didn't have a reason to. I was fine with it."

Hurt flashes in the drunk orbs Anne wears, she scoffs before smiling fakely, "So-so let's say this is true, what does she want from you?"

"Me, believe it or not, I'm capable of being loved, and she thinks she loves me because she thinks I love her,"

"I never said you weren't lovable," Anne admits softly, she stands from her chair, "you're lovable," wrapping her arms around the man she sighs, "I told her you were coming-"

Shoving Anne off of him, he holds her by the arms, "W-when?! Wh-when did you tell her?"

"Y-yesterday," Anne confesses, she has tears pooling in her eyes, "Harold I have always loved you,"

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