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S e v e n : Tell Me When it Hurts

Reaching for his master's hand, Louis pouts dejectedly when Harry plucks his hand in his pocket, "There's going to be a lot of people here, stay close."

"Yes sir," Louis mumbles in reply, so far it feels like that had been all he said.

Today was one of the few times the two rode in the car together since he'd been purchased.

Since Kerri had been gone, Harry seemed angry all the time. The smallest thing Louis said or did would result in scolding. Louis had only been physically punished twice with a warning slap most often, he'd learned how skilled his master was with a belt and most recently a wooden spoon.

Apparently, when Harry said he didn't want to hear the ABCs, he meant it.

Louis had also caught on to Harry's changing moods, some days he'd just be normally mad, and others one wrong look and Louis would get belittled for being what Harry called Uneducated. A word the submissive didn't know.

Today was the better of days as he awoke next to his owner in bed, a new adjustment both of the two were figuring out. They'd been in each other's company more and more, and one night at Dinner Harry made the announcement that Louis would be sleeping with him in bed.

Harry had spent days bracing himself for the argument he was sure Louis would have, he's surprised to see Louis nod in acceptance. The first night Harry found it impossible to sleep, but Louis went down rather easily.

The clothes they'd purchased for the submissive still hung in the guest room closet, but on a rare occasion, Harry would hand Louis something out of one of his drawers to wear for the night.

It was day Forty.

Almost six weeks together.

At that time Louis had been kissed by Harry three times, the first time was a simple peck after Louis' first belting. The second was a passing kiss on the cheek when Harry joined him in the living room during his cartoon time. The third on the forehead while leaving a store and being photographed; While the subtle and oh-so-sweet kiss had totally been staged, the butterflies it gave Louis weren't.

He liked Harry.

Almost, liked liked Harry.

Like, a lot of like.

He didn't think his owner had noticed it, but slowly he's made himself more open to receiving Harry's absent-minded touches.

When he's working and Louis is near he'll sometimes run a hand through the boy's hair gently tugging on pieces, or when the man is lying in bed reading a book he'll stroke Louis' thigh every so often.

Harry gave the best cuddles when Louis was watching his cartoons. Every time he giggled Harry would squeeze him a bit tighter, Louis finding himself making the sound just to feel himself be held.

It was innocent bits of mindless affection to Harry that meant a hell of a lot more to Louis who craved for more.

Reaching for his master's hand once more, Louis' hand is smacked by Harry before it's taken harshly by his with a glare sent his way, "Do you think the best image is a clingy submissive I haven't beat enough?!" Louis pales at the harsh tone paying no mind to the words, had he gotten the mood of the day wrong? Was this the hateful Harry and he'd been disguised this morning?

He huffs at the lack of touch between the two trailing his master silently. Flashes of light soon appeared in front of the couple, Louis gasping as one jumped in front of him snapping the perfect photo of his face.

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