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T w o : Tell Me When it Hurts


"Rules," Louis copies squinting at the written word, Harry's pen lifts off the paper moving further down the sheet to the number one, "Rule one is no crying,"

"N-no tears?" Louis clarifies his eyes widening at the rule he knew he'd be breaking in the next twenty minutes, the poor lad sometimes felt better after he cried.

"Tears is crying, so no crying. It annoys me and there's no need for it. You're an adult, even though you might not act like one or have the intelligence of one," Harry mutters passively, "You can explain to master why you're sad if you ever feel the need to."

Louis knew somewhere in Harry's explanation of the rule there was an insult, however since he could no longer cry he felt it best to just ignore it and nod.

"Rule number two, verbal answers only." His tone hardens as Louis gulps, "Y-yes sir,"

"Rule number three You may only please yourself when I am in the room and give permission," As Harry reads off this rule he finds it to be a bit redundant from all the other rules dominates give, and given the sexual status of Louis: Virgin, figures that he didn't truly need to say it.

"Rule four you may have greens and reds, as do I, but calling one out will result in serious consequence if not treated appropriately." Louis feels tears prick his eyes knowing the color system was sometimes useless to some dominates, "That means if we're doing something that's normally a green and you say red because you're mad or just being a bitch, it will result in punishment for False coloring."

"My last rule is to never forget your place. You're my submissive, Louis, only mine. I don't share, and my time is very important to me." Louis nods at his master's words inhaling deeply as the information sinks in, Harry clears his throat gesturing to another sheet of paper, "We need to go over greens and reds,"

"S-sex be red," Louis whispers visibly paling as his owner deeply sighs though nods nonetheless, "Understandable for now, but you need to know it can't be red forever. Tell me a green,"


"Hugs? I don't do hugs, but okay. Another green?"


"Cuddles? Is that how you say cuddles? God, okay, um, let me tell you what I like and you can say what's red for you." Harry suggests bringing his typed-out list from his last submissive to the table, though Louis can't read he feels naughty looking at the lengthy list of greens compared to the two red.

One is Crying, a word he recognized from the rules list.

"T-tears red?" Louis asks pointing at the list, "For me it is, and it's against the rules for you."

He scoots closer in his chair beginning to list off his greens, Louis blushing at the phrasing his master uses.

It's twenty minutes later that Harry sits glaring at the innocent boy across from him smiling simply as he watches his owner write down the reds Louis concluded from Harry's list.

"This leaves you with four greens, Louis. Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles, and Daddy?" Raising an eyebrow on the last one, Louis gasps tapping another green on Harry's list to add to his own, "Rimming? Do you know what that is?"

"W-with ball?"

"It's not a basketball rim Louis. In fact, I'll just go ahead and add it to the red." Rolling his eyes Harry rubs his temple soothing himself, "So we'll work on these, and when we're comfortable with one another we can start moving the reds to the greens."

"T-tears too?"

"Nice try," Harry muses standing from the table placing all the papers in the manila folder, "Let me show you around,"

Having Louis trail him through most of the rooms in the house, Harry saves his own bedroom for last gesturing to the bed, "This is where we'll sleep tonight-"

"N-no me," Louis whimpers bringing his arms over his chest with a gasp, he shakes his head stepping away from his new master with fear-stricken eyes, "No me? Who the fuck taught you to talk? Louis, I'm not giving you an option here the first night-" Suddenly Harry himself stops, he had to remember that this wasn't a normal first night.

Louis was a virgin and if this was ever going to work out in the long run, Harry couldn't and wouldn't force the boy to have sex with him on the first night. Inhaling deeply, Harry pinches the bridge of his nose sighing, "It's okay. You don't have to sleep in here tonight. I'll get someone to make up the guest room," Meeting the submissive's panicked look, Harry grimaces seeing the tears slipping down his rosy cheeks, "Stop crying, I don't want to punish you on the first night." Without warning, he takes the boy's wrist leading him to the first servant he saw, "Take him to a guest room, he won't be sleeping in my bed."

Kerri brushes a hand through her hair as she makes her final round of the night with a stack of papers in her other hand, "Goodnight Mrs.Kerri," Jack calls bidding her a farewell as he tucks into his coat leaving the Style's mansion, "Night Jack," She returns pouring herself leftover tea for company as she skims the reports of the day.

Business always seemed to rise when a new submissive was brought into the picture, people loved to see a good in-real-life romance. Balancing the cup and papers in one hand she types on her phone heading down the hall towards Harry's office, "You in for the night?"

"I don't know how I'm going to do this," Harry admits, he's leaning back in his chair with a nightly cigarette in hand, the submissive nowhere to be found in the room, "He's in the guest room, cried when I suggested he sleep in the same bed as me."

"Breaking a rule on day one? Kids got guts," Kerri muses with a small smile, "You can handle this, just be sure to take care of yourself," Her brown eyes travel to the pill bottle on Harry's desk, it's the taunting reminder of what is needed to be taken every day to prevent the worse from happening.

Harry inhales deeply taking the bottle into his hand, "Would you tell me if Harold came back?"Kerri shuffles on her feet in the doorway, she clearly cares about Harry or she wouldn't subject herself to his constant attitude and occasional abuse, "Of course, I would. You need to tell Louis too,"

"Tell him what?"

"To let you know when it hurts. Harold doesn't just hurt you, Harry."

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