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T w e n t y  S i x : Tell Me When it Hurts 

"Louis you're glowing!" Luke squeals squeezing the boy, he'd been called to help ready him as Harry was rushed out of the house by Liam to ready himself before the wedding.

The boy giggles pulling his shirt off, "Daddy and me be-be doing it," he admits with another laugh, Zayn that had stepped into the room to greet the boy immediately regrets it, he frowns wishing he hadn't just heard what Louis said, Luke snapping his look to the man, "D-doing it? Like sex? You've been sleeping with Harry?"

Louis nods proudly, he places his hands on his lips grinning, "We be doing sex!" he proclaims happily, he was extremely proud of himself for trusting his daddy enough to move the final red over to the green list.

In fact the very night Louis said he was ready, Harry wasted no time stripping down and easing the boy into position. It took some soothing, but the crash after subspace was worth it when Louis had calmed enough for round two.

Handing Liam his keys, Harry pulls the man into a hug, "We'll be leaving for the honeymoon right after the reception," Liam nods placing the keys in his pocket, patting his tuxedo pocket for the ring, "Ready to roll, boss," Harry chuckles, "Thank you, Lee, for everything. You're my best friend, and I really appreciate all you have done for me," tears prick Liam's eyes, the man sniffles crossing his arms, "Well you're not marrying me so save the sweetness for the alter,"

Louis smiles twirling in the mirror, he's in the navy blue suit Kerri was fitting him for. Luke brings his brown shoes out of the closet, "Are you ready for this?" He asks helping Louis slide into them tying them tightly.

The boy nods staring into his brother in laws eyes, "Lou, baby we're so happy for you," Louis' oceanic eyes flicker beyond Luke to Zayn, the man had stated his opinion on Harry several times, but he stands before his little brother with tears in his eyes, "You look beautiful bubba,"

Extending his hand towards Zayn, Louis giggles placing his lips on the man's cheek, "Y-you too," The trio starts the descent downstairs, Luke taking Louis' other arm until they reach the backdoor where Zayn would walk Louis down the aisle.

Embracing Louis in one last hug, Luke kisses his temple, "You deserve nothing less," Leaving the pair he takes his seat on the front row waving to Harry that stands anxiously waiting for the door to be opened so he could lay his eyes on Louis.

The music changed, Zayn inhaling deeply placing his hand on the doorknob with one last glance at Louis, "you know I don't like him, but," he pulls Louis closer, "I wouldn't give you away to someone who didn't make you happy," Louis meets the serious hazel eyes his brother wore so graciously, he nods placing his head on Zayn's shoulder, "He-he make me happy, bubba,"

"that's all I've ever wanted for you,"

Opening the door, Zayn feels Louis tense when he steps out seeing everyone's eyes fall onto him, he looks beyond until he feels at peace staring into the emerald orbs at the alter. His lips lift in smile as he walks next to Zayn that's leading him to the front, kissing his cheek, the man hesitates before extending his hand to Harry.

Harry raises an eyebrow placing his hand in Zayn's being pulled close to him, "T-Take care of him, Harry,"

Nodding, Harry returns upright shaking Zayn's hand, "I promise," He turns greeting Louis in full, "Hi baby,"

"Hi daddy," Louis beams standing on his tiptoes puckering his lips for a kiss, the crowd laughs at the impatient boy, "We have to say a few things first," Harry muses gesturing to the pastor.

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