2. With each other

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Mal pov:
"Guys, are those zombies?!" I said.
"And werewolves?!" Evie added.
"How can that white-haired chick stand there so calmly?!" Carlos said anxiously.
Harry chuckled.
"Zombies and werewolves don't exist. It must be a misunderstanding."
One of those zombie boys walked up to us in surprise.
"Hi... I'm Zed. Do you know where we are?"
"Are you really a Zombie?" I asked stiffly.
Zed nodded.
"Yeah, but I don't eat brains thanks to my Z-band." 
Evie and I sighed in relief.
"I'm Mal. These are Evie, Carlos, Jay, Harry, Gil, Uma and Ben."
"Hi guys. But you're not famous here either?"
"No... We come from Auradon and the isle of lost."
"Seabrook and Zombie Town."
A buzz noise appeared and Zed stepped back and put his hand on his left wrist.
"I better go..." he said.
"Everything fine?" Harry asked.
"Zed?" I asked softly.
Zed went back to the other zombies and that zombie girl and the big guy held him by his arms.
There was clearly something wrong.
"Woah... Harry, this guy looks a lot like you." Gil said in surprise.
"I'm Sean." the weird dude who looked like Harry said.
"You two really look alike."

Zed pov:
I had just been with those colored hair people.
But my Z band got a malfunction.
Eliza's and Bonzo's were still common. I didn't want to turn into a zombie...
Not in this strange place. I went back to the rest of Seabrook.
Addison looked at me.
"Zed, are you okay?"
Eliza and Bonzo were already grabbing my arms. They knew what happend.
"My Z-band..."
I started shaking and my veins turned purple.
"Zed. You can get through it. Stay calm." Eliza said quietly.
Addison took my hand and I looked at her.
"This... Going... Wrong..."
Eliza looked at my Z-band.
"His Z-band is damaged. I can't fix it without my laptop..."
Addison looked at me anxiously.
"Is he going to be a full zombie then?"
"I don't know..." I pulled myself away from Bonzo and Eliza and growled. Yep, I was a zombie. I heard someone scream and it wasn't a familiar scream.
I put my hands on my head.
"Stop it... Not a zombie..." I thought.
"Zed?" sounded Addison.
I shook my head.
"Zed!" she said again.
I started to shake... This went wrong...
Eliza tried to fix something with my Z-band. I felt a shock and fell to the ground.
I saw Addison sitting next to me. Mal, Evie and Harry even came up to me.
I heard nothing. I saw them talking but heard nothing. At the third group a little further on I saw one of those girls pointing... Slowly the sound came back in.
"Zed...? Zed...!" sounded vague.
No idea who said it.
"Zed!" I got up carefully.
Bonzo and Harry helped me.
"Zed, are you okay?" Eliza asked.
"I...think so..."
"So it worked..."
"What worked?"
"I created a little shocker in the Z-band gives a shock that can be compared to the shock of the zombie patrol."
I chuckled.
"Thank you Eliza... My Z-band malfunctioned isn't it?"
"It's damaged... I don't know if you'll suddenly become a zombie again..."
One of the boys from the third group walked towards us.
"Is everything alright?"
"No..." "I'm Sean."
"Zed..." I glanced briefly from Harry to Sean. Those two looked a lot alike. Yet they come from other worlds.
"You look like the same person."
"We're not." they said at the same time.
"Why did we say that at the same time?"
"And now again!"
I chuckled and Addison took my hand.
"Are you OK?"
"Yes, I'll be fine..."

Skye pov:
Sean wanted to walk up to those zombies that one guy fell to the ground. I grabbed his arm.
"Be careful..."
He nodded and walked away. Danielle grabbed Ben's hand.
"Why is Sean going to those zombies? That's wrong!"
"Calm down. He knows what he's doing... I hope..."
I walked over to the other group. Which purple and blue girl went to those zombies.
And that guy who looked like Sean was there too.
"Hi, I'm Skye. Did you come here through a portal too?" "Yes, I'm Carlos. This is Jay, Ben, Gil and Uma. Mal, Evie and Harry are now with the three zombies, three werewolves and that white haired girl."
"So now there are two Bens in this world. We come from The northstar Lodge. That is, also Ben, Danielle, Kaylee, Noah and Josh. Sean just walked over to the monster group."
"So the guy who looks like Harry."
"Quite crazy really... That they look so similar..."
"Yeah. But we'll probably have to work together to get back to our own worlds."
"If we can. My group has three people who want to explore this world. Me, Ben and Sean. Are there any more of your group?" "Yes. Me, Gil and Hook are coming with you." Uma said.
I nodded and the three of us walked to zombie and werewolves squad.
"Hook, you're going to explore this world. Are there any more of you monsters coming with us?" Uma said dryly.
The white-haired girl nodded.
"I am."
"Me too." said that zombie who was just lying on the floor.
"I am going as well." one of those werewolves said.

The eight of us walked back to the rest of my world.
"Ben, come on. We're going to explore this world with the nine of us."
Danielle gave him a kiss on the cheek and we walked towards 'the forest?'

That zombie grabbed his wrist after a while.
"Everything okay...?" I asked.
"Yes... I'm Zed. This is Addison and that is Wyatt."
"I'm Skye. This is Ben and Sean."
And the rest were already known. Addison took Zed's hand.
"Your Z-band?"
He nodded.
"Z-band?" Sean asked.
"That makes sure that I won't become a brain-eating zombie..." Zed said clearly with pain in his voice.
I looked at him.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Are you lying?" Wyatt asked.
"Yeah..." Zed said softly.

After a little while of walking we arrived at a large lake.
"This looks like the enchanted lake in Auradon..." Harry said in surprise.
"Okay, split up and see if there are any other… living beings." said Uma.
We all went in different directions.

After a while I saw Zed sitting on a stump with his hand on his wrist.
"Zed? Is something wrong?"
"Skye! Oh... No..."
I sat down next to him.
"Is there a problem with that Z-band of yours?"
"I'm a danger to everyone here. My Z-band is damaged and can't be fixed. So I could turn into a zombie at any moment."
"We'll find something. And maybe Ben can help? In the lodge he could always make everything."
"Then I'll probably have to take off my Z-band and I'll be a zombie already..."
"Okay, then we'll come up with something else."
He seemed to be getting more pain from the Z band.
He began to shake and his veins turned purple and thicker. I stepped back.
"Zed, take it easy."
He growled and I slowly stepped back.
"Zed, listen to my voice. Think of Addison. You need to calm yourself."
"Skye! Get away from him now!" I heard Sean yell.
I looked at Zed.
"Zed, please. Don't show them you're the monster they think you are."
Zed lunged and I held my arms up to my face for protection.
"Zed!" I yelled.
"Skye!" Sean yelled.

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