23. Changes

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Mal pov:
The next morning I, Harry, Zed, Eliza and Josh were already sitting outside.
My jaw dropped in surprise when Wynter and Sean came out.
Harry saw that and followed my gaze.
"Wow, Sean. What happened to you?"
Sean chuckled.
"Nothing? Oh it's clearly something." Josh said in surprise.
Zed and Eliza looked at Sean in surprise, too.
"Are you a werewolf?!" Zed said incredulously.
Sean nodded.
"You see."
"Did you do that?" Eliza asked Wynter, looking at the scratches on Sean's cheek.
"Yeah, but Sean asked himself." Wynter said quickly.
"Wait a minute. You wanted to be a wolf? Why that?" I asked surprised.
"Because I finally told Wynter I liked her. And-"
"Finally!" Harry interrupted him.
"Sean?" came Skye's voice.
Sean turned and Skye was startled.
"Aah! What happened to you?!"
"I'm a wolf now too."
Skye seemed very shocked, but her expression suddenly changed to doubtful.
"Isn't that Wyatt's necklace. I had it in my bag, didn't I?"
Wynter chuckled briefly.
"Maybe I didn't steal it last night while you were asleep."
"Wait what?!" Skye and Zed said at the same time.
"Wynter, you could have just asked. That necklace belonged to your brother. Of course you could have gotten it back." Skye said afterwards.
"I know that too, but because of the Sean werewolf thing..."
Sean took Wynter's hand.
"And if we can get out of here again, I'll go with Wynter and become part of her pack."
"Wow, wow, wow. Aren't you coming back to the lodge then?" Josh asked in surprise.
Sean was silent and to my surprise Skye looked down at the ground.
Harry looked at her briefly and Skye sighed.
"I'm gone for a minute." she said briefly.
"Skye wait up." Harry said and to my surprise and Zed's he went after her.

Zed pov:
Harry went after Skye and I looked at Mal in surprise.
"Why is your boyfriend going after my girlfriend?"
"I do not know?" and yes I got jealous and ran after the two of them.

"I can't do that Harry!" Skye said.
Harry sighed.
"You have to tell them."
"I can not do that."
"Then I'll do it."
"No! You promised."
"Skye, you have to. You know that."
"I can not do it."
What can't Skye say? She's not with Harry is she?!
I accidentally stepped on a twig and shot behind a tree.
"Who is there?" sounded Skye's voice.
"Zed?" Harry's said voice.
I sighed and stepped out from behind the tree.
"Yes me."
"How much have you heard?" Skye asked, startled.
"Enough." I said angrily and walked away.
"Zed! Now wait!"
"Leave me alone Skye!"
Why did I do that now?! What if there was something else?!
"Zed! Wait, please."
I sighed and turned around.
"I know I should have said it before I couldn't." "
What that you date him?"
"Wait, is that what you're thinking?"
"What else would it be then?"
"Something else."
"What then?" I said angrily.
"Say it!"
"I can not!"
"Why not?!"
"Because I'm not ready for that!"
"For what?!"
"That only two of us live!" Skye exclaimed with tears in her eyes.
"Wait what?" I said stunned.
"Only two of our lives remain..." she muttered.
Harry came to us.
"I was the only one who knew. Evertown told Skye in the meteor when I was there. I promised not to say anything."
"Only two remain alive?" I repeated.
"Yeah, Evertown said I'll be one of them because when I die everyone dies. He also said..."
But Skye didn't finish her sentence and I looked at her quizzically.
"What else did he say?"
"I can not do it." and she ran away.
"Skye wait!" I shouted but she ignored me.
Harry sighed.
"When there are three left, Evertown lets Skye decide who dies last."
"Wait, seriously?"
"Yes, but I already know I'm going to die. So I don't really care who dies then."
"That's why Skye was like that when Sean said he'd go back with Wynter."
"Yeah, because that's not going to happen anyway. I mean even if Sean lives, I think he'd be going to go back to Wynter's wolf pack alone."

Skye pov:
I ran away. I couldn't do this.
Not now. I should decide who dies last.
That would take a while but still...
After a while I stopped running.
Harry was right.
I just had to say it. The others would probably hate me then.
But I can't hide it any longer. Although if I say so now, Wynter and Sean will have their relationship ruined.
Even though it already happens. Ugghh... I sat against a tree and sighed.
"If I say so, everything is ruined. But it already is." I muttered.
I dropped my face into my hands and the tears ran down my cheeks.
"Then why is Evertown doing this?" I sighed.
"Skye?" I was startled and looked up.
"Serina? What are you doing here? Are you lost again?"
"No, I saw you go here. I'm sorry my father is pushing you through all this."
"There's nothing you can do about that, can you?"
"I know. But since the accident, he's been doing everything he can to get us back to normal. It was going pretty well until he created a gateway to another world. Then he started bringing groups here and destroying their lives. Every time he used people for his tests and only the two strongest who survived were allowed back. Often it was three. A girl and two boys. He let the girl decide which boy she didn't want to die. You are the third group."
"Wait, is that why Evertown is doing all this?"
"Yeah, nobody can know what happened here. So nobody can survive. Except for those two. So far it worked for him."
"Great then..."
"I keep trying to convince him to stop doing this but I can't."
"Not meant to be mean. But why would you want your father to stop doing this? He's doing this for you, isn't he?"
"Yes, but he ruins so many other people's lives. Then it doesn't feel good to be normal anymore."
"I understand that."
"But I saw that one boy let himself be turned into a werewolf. That's guts. Maybe I should use that as an argument. You don't have to be human to be happy."
"You certainly don't have to. Look at Zed and Eliza. Their lives as zombies are crazy. Just like Wynter's as a wolf. And I have to admit. Being a ghost is pretty cool. Only hard in interacting with others. "
"I may know something. You also have magical powers now that you are ghost, don't you?"
"Yes why?"
"My father doesn't know it himself, but in his sleep he wishes certain things and they always appear. I kept hiding those things. Who knows what he would wish for if he knew that. What if you could wish for yourself normally?"
"Well, it's worth a try..."
I stood up and thought fervently that I wanted to be human again. Suddenly I started glowing again and my eyes turned purple. Luminous things flew around me and suddenly it all stopped.
I fell to the ground instead of floating.
Wait a minute... I looked at my hands and felt my face. Then I looked at Serina.
"Oh my brain. It worked!"
Serina laughed and gave me a high five.
Then I looked at her very seriously.
"Then why don't you tell your father that he can wish you normally?"
"Then he'll kill you all anyway. I don't mean to be a jerk, but now at least two of you can still live."
I bit my lip.
"Yeah, you're probably right."
"Skye!" came the voice of Zed and Serina took off.

Evertown pov:
Serina came running again.
"Dad, just use your stupid magic then."
"Magic is not the answer to everything."
"Oh no? Skye just made herself human again!"
"This happened through chemistry and that's how I will solve this again. Whatever happens!"
"Why? It can be so much easier and faster!"
"Magic is a curse."
"No, isn't it. Just like those werewolves and zombies. They're different but make the most of everything. That one guy had himself turned into a wolf so he could stick with that werewolf chick more. At least that's what he thinks. Because you will probably kill him again anyway!"
"No! You think you're a great dad doing all this! But it killed Mom and Zack! Your stupid experiments!"
"I said enough!" I started to glow and my eyes turned blue.
Serina ducked and there was a big flash of light.

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