27. The last six

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Mal pov:
"Josh, Skye, the others are still not back." I said with some concern.
"Mal, they're gone for half an hour. I bet they'll be right here."
"And if they don't?"
"Take it easy."
"No, you're only so calm because they're not of your world anyway!"
"Cut it out!" Eliza called, looking from me to Josh.
"Harry and Wynter know what they're doing. And Zed does too! They can come in any minute, but we also have to make sure Evertown doesn't come for us!"
Josh and I knew Eliza was right and we kept quiet.
"Wow..." Skye muttered and she partially collapsed with one hand on her head.
"Skye!" Josh rushed over to her and held her up.
"Skye, what is it?"
"Evertown... Like some of my ghost magic is still in me... And it's like Evertown trying to control me." Skye collapsed, Josh and I knelt beside her, and Eliza dashed into the hotel.
"Skye? Skye!" I said as Josh and I tried to wake her up.
What was going on?!

After a while she opened her eyes again and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Skye? Are you okay?" Josh asked and Skye shook her head.
"Evertown. He used his magic to do something. At the meteor. Zed, Harry and Wynter need help."
"I'll go. Josh, Eliza stay here." I transformed into zombie dragon and flew towards the meteor.

Zed pov:
I noticed the serum running through my veins. My zombie powers became even stronger and I felt myself becoming a zombie. But worse than usual.
One of the clamps on my wrists came loose and so did the other.
Also the clamps at my ankles came loose and I furiously roared something old zombie.
"Oh no...?" Harry whined softly and I looked at him menacingly.
"This is so bad..." he muttered.
I lunged and he stooped.
"Zed calm down, we're getting out of here. Okay?"
Harry walked quickly to the other side of the room and I glared at him and roared again.
Harry pulled the silver dagger from Wynter's chest and held it so he could stab me at any moment. He looked around briefly and grinned.
"Come and get me zombie!"
I rushed over to him and reached out with one hand. Harry thrust the dagger through my hand onto the metal table.
"Sorry Zed. But I have a plan." Harry pulled another lever and the electricity shot through my body.
My screams sounded more human again and Harry turned it off.
"Zed?" he asked carefully.
"Ugghh..." I said softly and I grabbed my hand which hurt a lot.
I looked at Harry.
"Did you do this?" I asked confused.
"Thank god, you're yourself again."
"I'll explain later. We have to get out of here first!"
But part of the ceiling exploded and a familiar purple-green dragon came in.
"I think we have a ride." Harry said with a chuckle, quickly snatching something away from Wynter and we climbed onto Mal. 

After Mal flew us back to the rest I felt the serum strengthen again.
"Zed?" Harry said doubtfully.
"Garr..." I said stifled.
"What's up with Zed?!" Skye sounded but Harry signaled everyone to back off.
My veins were thicker again and I started shaking.
"No..." I said in half zombie.
"Zed, you can get through it!" Eliza cried. Skye got past Harry and stood in front of me.
"Are you crazy?!" Josh shouted but she ignored him.

Skye pov:
I looked at Zed.
"You can do this, Zed. Hang in there."
I took his hand and he mumbled something into zombies.
"I know we might be crazy but did you hear the story?" I sang softly and Zed looked up.
"Now are you going to sing, seriously?" said Eliza in surprise.
I ignored her and continued to look at Zed.
"I think I heard it vagley. A girl and a zombie."
Zed seemed to be getting himself back.
"Oh tell me more boy, sounds like a fantasy. Oh what could go so wrong with a girl and a zombie?" I continued and Zed looked at me.
"You're from the perfect paradise and I'm living on the darker side." he sang in a monster voice.
"Oh, I've got a feeling if you get to know me."
"Right from the start you caught my eye. And something inside me came to life."
"Oh, I've got a feeling if you get to know me." I looked at Zed, he seemed to regain control and I laughed.
"Someday. This could be, this could be ordinary. Someday. Could we be something extraordinary?"
Zed shook his head briefly and his eyes became sincere again.
"You and me side by side. Out in the broad day light. If they laugh we'll say." it sounded in his normal voice.
"We're gonna be someday." and I hugged him.
"Huh... That it actually worked." Mal said, stunned, and Zed put his arms around me.
"Skye..." he muttered and I looked at him.
"I knew it would work that way."
"Huh?" Zed said in surprise.
We let go and I looked at the others.
"We're only six left. Now what?"
"Maybe I know something." Mal said and she grinned.

We all sat outside and Mal laughed.
"So, I know what to do. Set it off!"
Zed chuckled.
"Like Bamm, surely?"
I nodded. "And bringing better back!"
Eliza sighed.
"Now you want to stick to the musical part of our worlds?"
Instead of responding, Mal laughed.

"Feeling the power, let it all out. Like what you see in the mirror shout! We've got the keys, the kingdom's ours."
"Oh man, oh man. I'm the man. But you can't do it like I can." Zed continued.
"When you're feeling out of luck, that's the time you'd better pick me up. There's no feeling sorry. We don't have to worry." I continued to sing.
Harry grinned.
"Start a chain rection. Never let it stop. Let's set if off."
"Call all your friends when you're caught in the middle. And you should do the same, like I do the same." and Eliza grinned.
"Gonna start from where we're at. Gonna get it back on track. We're bringing better back!" Josh ended and everyone seemed a little happier again.

Evertown pov:
So they escaped after all. What a tragedy. Not so! So they still fall into my trap.
Their little singing thing was just sad. Making a mashup of songs from their home? Ridiculous!
But Skye has broken through Zed's serum. She is more powerful with her heart than with her mind. Interesting.

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