3. We got this

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Mal pov:
The others had been gone for a while.
"E, I'm worried. They've been gone for quite some time..."
"Don't worry M. They just went into that forest."
"A strange forest in a strange world. Very reassuring."
"Sorry. They'll be back soon."
"I hope so..."
I saw Willa and Wynter teasing Danielle.
"Wolves, stop it. Leave her alone."
"But it's so much fun." Wynter said.
I looked at her with my green eyes and they sprinted away.
Danielle came to me.
"Thanks, Mal."
"No problem."

Moments later Wyatt, Uma, Gil, Harry and Ben (lodge) returned.
I looked at them in surprise.
"Where are Skye, Sean, Zed and Addison?"
Wyatt shrugged.
"Still in the woods. They were arguing about something..."
"Let's leave them alone." Ben (lodge) said.
I looked at those two angrily.
"An unstable zombie with three people? Have you gone mad?!"
The five were silent and I ran furiously into the woods.

"Sean, Skye, Addison, Zed?!" I yelled.
After walking for a while I saw blood on the floor. That can't be good. I followed the trail and came to a lake. I did see Zed and Skye. Where were Sean and Addison?

Zed pov:
I was shocked.
"Skye! I'm so sorry."
"It doesn't matter. You held back just in time..."
"I didn't mean to attack you. Really."
"I believe you. I'm glad it worked."
I looked at her questioningly.
She grinned.
"I kept talking to you and made you think about Addison."
"So it worked."
Sean came running furious.
"Skye! Are you crazy?! That monster almost killed you!"
I looked at him furiously.
"I'm not a monster!"
"You're a brain-eating loser. Works too."
"Well, you would be safe then."
Skye stood between us.
"Guys. Knock it off."
I glared at Sean.
"I'm not a monster. I'm a Zombie from Seabrook." I said as calmly as possible.
"Zombies are monster." Sean sissed viciously.
Skye glared at him.
"Sean, don't challenge him."
"Skye, he can't avoid the facts."
I clenched my fists.
Skye saw it and looked at me.
"Zed, ignore Sean. You're not a monster. Otherwise I probably would have been dead already..."
"I wouldn't want to kill anyone... Or attack at all..."
"See? No monster."
Sean rolled his eyes.
"But seriously, you and those other two zombies. Do all zombies have green hair?"
"Trouble with it?"
"No. I get it. You've been underground for too long and grass is growing on your heads."
And before I knew it I had punched Sean.
"Dirty Zombie!" he scolded, and blood dripped from his nose.
"I've never punched anyone before..." I muttered.
Sean walked away furiously and Skye looked at me.
"I understand that Addison wanted to be your girlfriend."
I looked at her in surprise.
"Oh, did I say that out loud?" She turned red and I chuckled.
"Maybe. But how come you understand?"
"You're pretty handsome for a zombie."
I didn't know what to said.
"Oh... Uhh... Thanks?"
I looked away nervously. This was so awkward...
"Zed! Skye! There you are!" Addison yelled. She put her arms around me.
"A little further is a waterfall."
"Cool. Shall we go back to the others? Zed was -"
"Not doing anything at all." I interrupted Skye and she glared at me.
"Zed, you're hiding something..." Addison said.
"No. Everything is fine."
"Addison, can I talk to Zed for a minute, alone?" Skye asked.
Addison nodded and walked away.
Skye crossed her arms.
"Why can't Addison know you were just a zombie again?"
"Because then she'll start to worry."
"Rightly so!"
"Skye, if we can all go back to our world, everything will be fine."
"I meant what I said before."
"That you are handsome."
I got nervous again... Why?!
"Yeah... I guessed that..."
What she did next really startled me.
She stood on her toes and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"You knew that Addison and I are a couple."
She looked like she had been stung by a wasp.
"Yes..." she said with disappointment.
"I'm sorry..." I said softly.
She shrugged her shoulders. "
Shall we go back to the others?"
"Yeah, good idea..."
I looked at the bushes and saw Mal standing there watching.
Mal took off and I sighed.
"I hope Mal doesn't say anything. She saw everything!" I hissed.
Skye looked around.
"Are you serious?!"
"Yes... Let's hurry."

Skye pov:
Soon we were back with the others.
Sean glared at Zed.
"I'll get you next time." he hissed.
I shook my head and walked away from the rest.
If Mal would say it, I would really be so screwed...
Why did I even do that?!

After a short walk I saw a kind of building... No, a hotel! I walked in and found an empty reception area. But I also saw that there were eleven keys, each with two name tags.
"You can not be serious...?"
I ran back to the others.
"Guys! I found something strange!"
Sean looked at me in surprise.
"Come with me!"

The whole group followed me.
Back at the hotel I took the eleven keys and put them on the reception desk.
"All these keys have room numbers with all our names on them."
1. Ben and Ben.
2. Evie and Eliza.
3. Bonzo and Carlos.
4. Gil and Wynter.
5. Willa and Uma.
6. Wyatt and Noah.
7. Kaylee and Mal.
8. Jay and Josh.
9. Harry and Danielle.
10. Skye and Zed.
11. Sean and Addison.
The others looked surprised.
"Is it meant that we share these rooms with the other?" Josh asked in surprise.
Zed and Sean instantly looked at each other angrily. Logical.
Sean shared a room with Zed's girlfriend. And Zed shared a room with me.
It was clear that Sean was still in love with me so it was a lot of drama again...
Everyone went to the rooms with the pairs.

Fortunately there were two beds... Zed and I said nothing, sat on our own bed and looked away.
I was the first to speak.
"I shouldn't have done it."
"That I kissed you..."
"Oh... that..."
I looked at him briefly.
"Skye..." he said softly.
"I can't believe you kissed me at all... Sean is your boyfriend, isn't it?"
"What no!"
"But why did he act like that?"
"Because I think he's still in love with me."
"But not you on him."
"No, with him it was all about the enduro and other mountain bike track competitions. He ditched me when we did enduro together. Just so he could win. I broke up with him and he went on tour for a year."
Zed chuckled.
"So you were the perfect couple."
"Yes, for a short time."
And we went silent again...

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