5. Trust

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Mal pov:
Kaylee and I were busy that night asking everyone what makes them happy. And of course everyone said they could go home. I sighed.
"That is clear. We can't keep the atmosphere optimal."
Kaylee seemed to be thinking.
"Well! We just have to make sure everyone feels at home. So some atmosphere from Auradon, the Isle of the lost, Seabrook, Zombietown and the Lodge!"
I stood up.
"That is genius!"
"Come on. We have work to do."
"Take it easy. Maybe we can start tomorrow?"
"Yeah good idea..."
"Maybe the others found something to eat in this hotel."

When we got there everyone was busy together.
"You see the same as me, don't you?" Kaylee said with a chuckle and I nodded.
Harry motioned me to walke to him and he grinned.
"That Eliza is really smart. She even managed to create zombie food for the three of them."
"That's really nice... and weird."
"Guess what I kept back for you?"
He nodded behind him and I chuckled.
"You really are the best friend."
"I know."
I kissed him. And yes, as you (should/could) guess, they were strawberries.

The next morning Kaylee went to ask everyone what they miss most about home. She decided to do the left half of the hallway, so I did the right half.
I knocked on Evie and Eliza's door.
"Hey girls, what do you miss most about home?"
Eliza chuckled.
"My laptop. But that's not really of any use to you, is it?"
"No not really... Something that makes it feel like home."
"I already have that. Also in this hallway." and she looked toward Wyatt's room. Evie looked at me.
"Your graffiti from core four base. I miss that. It reminded us of who we really are."
I grinned.
"I can do something with that. Thanks girls."

After an hour, Kaylee and I were done with the inventory.
"So some art from the Auradon world. Some music from the Lodge house. Some ways of socialism. Anything else?" I muttered.
"Yes, the open spaces in nights for the wolves. They want to be able to see the full moon. Then they are already home, they say."
"And cheer for Addison and Bonzo."
"Oh yeah!"
We finished our to do list and started right away.

Zed pov:
Kaylee and Mal had been busy all day.
They've asked everyone what makes them feel more like home.
Well, they can't bring my little sister here.

That evening I sat for a while by the lake. "Hey Zed!" Addison's voice yelled.
I looked up.
"Hey Addison."
"Everything fine?"
"Yeah I'm fine. It's day 2 and I have to show Skye that she can trust me for day 7..."
"Is that your assignment?"
"Yeah... What's yours and Sean's?"
"We have to play some kind of cupid and keep all the couples whole."
"That doesn't sound difficult."
I sighed and Addison put her hand on mine.
"Talk to her."
"The thing with Skye. Talking always works. A normal conversation and then you and Skye can get to know and trust each other better."
"That's a very clever idea! Thanks Addison!"
"No problem."
I got up and walked to my and Skye's room,

I thought she was still there. I also just opened the door; it was my room after all.
Skye looked up.
"Hey Zed."
"Hey, I have an idea."
"For what?"
"It's day two now. Five more to go. What if we just talk. Maybe that'll work?"
"It's worth a try. What do you want to talk about then?"
"What do you want to know?"
"How is your world?"
"When we got here it was really great. The zombies, werewolves and humans could finally live together in peace. First the zombies came out of Zombietown and they went to Seabrook high school. A lot changed there and zombies were accepted. The werewolves came look around the corner later and everything was easier for them And now everyone is happy... Except my sister probably..."
"Yesterday was her birthday... The five of us were working on the surprise. Eliza and Bonzo were still to come. So Eliza was stuck and Bonzo came to meet us."
"And then you guys came here... That sucks..."
"I hope Zoey's birthday wasn't ruined..."

Skye pov:
I sat on my bed. Thinking how I could make myself trust Zed. I wanted to but couldn't.
When he came in we chatted for a bit and I thought it was sad. They put so much effort in the birthday suprise of his little sister, but they ended up here.
I sighed.
"But your sister is not alone, is it?"
"No, she still has my father and her dog." Zed said with a chuckle.
"What about your mother?"
I probably shouldn't have said that... Zed looked away and sighed.
"Zed, I'm sorry for you..."
"It's okay. She died right after Zoey was born..."
"That's terrible."
"How's your family?"
"My father is great but sometimes terrible. A year ago one of my friends even turned out to be my cousin so that was confusing and my mother..."
"... Dead too?" Zed asked cautiously.
"Yes... Almost two years ago..."
"I'm sorry..."
"It doesn't matter."

We were silent for a while... I was the one who broke the stile.
"Sorry to ask but since you got those Z-bands you don't eat brains?"
"Yeah, I've never eaten brains... Luckily."
"Then neither have your friends, I'm guessing?
" "Fortunately not. My father once ate someone's brains, but neither did our mother. Nowadays we vary a lot with human food."
I chuckled.
"Do you take care if you have allergies?"
"With what?"
"Allergies, if you can't stand something when it comes to food or substances. I have that with nuts. Then my windpipe closes because it gets thicker."
"That's not good..."
"No. I'm lucky I had my shoulder bag with me. There's another allergy shot in it. If I come into contact with nuts I have to push that syringe thing in my thigh otherwise I will die."
"Then you are really lucky."
"Yeah, hopefully I don't need it."
"I hope so too."
I felt a little more at ease with Zed and sighed.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"This conversation. It worked."
He chuckled and I felt weird.
Don't tell me what I did at the lake...
That I feel it even more now! I looked at Zed briefly and looked away again.
"Is something wrong?" he asked.
"No." I said quickly.
Too soon... Yep it was. I had a crush on a zombie from another world... NO!

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