22. Damnation

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Mal pov:
Uma and I were just talking.
"But Wyatt can see me now." Uma said cheerfully.
"Serious?" I asked surprised.
I mean Wyatt and Eliza were a thing so yeah.
"Yes, he-" But Uma suddenly collapsed. "Uma!" I knelt beside her and a few of the others came up as well.
"What the hell happened?" Harry asked.
"What is going on." Eliza asked.
"No idea. She suddenly collapsed!" I think I sounded quite panicky.
"Guys, where's Uma?!" Skye suddenly shouted and everyone looked at her.
When Skye saw Uma, she looked like she had been stung by a hellish wasp.
"So it's true what Evertown said. If people can't or don't complete their assignment at all, they die. Wyatt and Uma were both assigned to date each other but Evertown just killed Wyatt..."
"What?!" said Wynter in surprise.
Skye gave Wyatt and Willa's necklaces (because Wyatt had it) to Wynter and he got tears in her eyes.
"Now I've lost my sister and my brother..."
"Wynter..." and I looked at her with compassion.
"No, just leave me alone."
Wynter ran off and Sean watched her.
"It's dangerous to go alone! Evertown will get you!" And Sean went after Wynter.
So our cemetery was expanded again.

Uma's necklace was in Skye's bag with the other items, and Wynter had her brother and sister's necklaces.
She and Sean were still gone and it was getting dark.
"I'm going to look for them." Zed said before I did.
"I was just about to say the same thing." I said surprised.
"I'm going too. Recently I found out that ghosts can see better in the dark than non-ghosts." Skye walked with me and Zed in the direction where Wynter and Sean had gone.

After walking for a while, I sighed.
"They probably went in a different direction."
"Just wait." Skye said and she rose.
"They're by the lake." Skye said when she got back to us.
"Okay, to the lake then." Zed said.
"Yeah and then back to the others. We can't risk Evertown popping up again and killing people."

Moments later we were at the lake.
"Wynter, Sean! There you are!" I said with relief when we saw them.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. We were talking and forgot we had left." Sean said.
Wynter stood and handed Skye Wyatt and Willa's necklaces.
"Keep that with the other items. We'd better keep everything together."
Skye nodded and we walked back to the rest.

Zed pov:
My Z-band started buzzing again on the way back.
Why did he keep doing that?!
I kept my hand on it and lagged behind. Maybe it would stop if I didn't pay attention to it.
And to my surprise it worked.

When we were back with the rest, everyone went back to his or her own room.
Skye was always looking out the window.
"I think I know where Evertown can have Zoey." she said suddenly.
I looked up while being surprised.
"How do you know that then?"
"Every time I stand here... um... float... I see a second lake. But when we walk there it's just forest. I bet she's there."
"Huh... That sounds pretty logical."
"Yeah, right."
"Come on."
"If my sister is there with that madman, I'll get her out of there."
"Yeah, okay. I get that. Let's go."

Skye kept flying high so that we would go in the right direction.
After a while she came down again.
"It must be here somewhere."
So we looked around to find a secret entrance somewhere. By the rocks and stuff. But we found nothing.

After a while I sighed.
"Nothing at all." and I leaned on a branch of a tree.
Which then bowed away and I fell into some trapdoor.
"Zed!" I heard Skye yell and suddenly it was quite dark.
"Hello?" I said softly.
I walked carefully around the dark room where I was now. What kind of place was this?
"Hello?" I said a little louder this time.
"Hi?" came a familiar and weakened voice.
I walked in the direction it came from.
"Zoey!" I cried when I could see her.
She was chained to the wall and I looked at her.
"We'll get you out of here. Skye is outside and she's getting help."
"Who is Skye?"
"Not important. Did Evertown do this?"
"No... Because I'm Evertown!" and Zoey turned into Evertown.
"You disappoint me Zed. Because the real Zoey is just in your world. You had to find someone else. And now you only have 2 days left. You are short of time."
"But who should we look for?!"
"She's one of my slaves. She keeps escaping and you have to find her."
"But your letter said she was one of us." "That's right. She's also a test subject. Just like Skye, Sean and Wyatt."
"Huh? Wyatt?"
"Not important. Find that girl and that's your job. There's the way out of this base."

And a moment later I was outside again. Skye looked at me in surprise.
"How did you get here again?"
"Not important. Zoey is just in my world. We need to find one of Evertown's escaped slaves."
"Seriously but -"
"No time for further explanation. We have two days left and I don't want to die like Uma because we couldn't complete that stupid assignment."
"Calm down. We can do this."

Skye pov:
The next morning dawned.
We had to find that girl before tonight. This went so wrong... Mal came into our room.
"Some girl just came. Everyone's with her now. Come on, you two."
Zed and I looked at each other in surprise and we followed Mal.
"Who are you?" Harry asked in surprise.
"Serina. I'm lost. My father did an experiment and I ran away. But now I can't find my way back."
"Who is your father then?" Eliza asked.
"His name is Simon. He lives near a lake. I mean everything to him, I bet he's very worried right now."
"But the only one who lives by the lake is Evertown, right?" Wynter said doubtfully.
I looked at Serina.
"Is your father a ghost?"
"Yes, because of one of his experiments. It went wrong. My mother and brother died like much of the population of this place. Since then he has been trying to get us back to normal..."
"You are the girl we had to search." Zed said suddenly.
"Yes, probably yes!" I said relieved.
Serina looked at us in surprise.
"Wait, is my dad still handing out the cursed assignments? You're the new mixed group!"
"That's right... But we were 22. Now only 8."
"I must go back to my father. Otherwise you will be in danger again."
"Come on, we'll bring you back." I said and I reached out my hand, Serina took it and I helped her up.
Serina was a goblin but still pretty cool.

When we got to the meteor we didn't go inside.
"You have to continue here yourself. We have had bad experiences with going in there." Zed said, and I nodded in agreement.
Serina grinned.
"Doesn't matter. Thanks and good luck."
"You too."
When we got back to the others I looked at Zed in surprise.
"Our assignment came to us itself. That was quite strange."
"You know what's weird?"
"It's a full moon. But do you see Wynter somewhere?"
"Well no..."

Evertown pov:
My daughter was back. Luckily.
Zed and Skye had completed their assignment. I decided to see how the others were doing.

I saw Sean walking up to Wynter.
This could get interesting.
"Wynter, aren't you forgetting something?" Sean asked.
"Huh? Then what?"
Wynter looked at him in surprise.
"It's a full moon. Aren't werewolves supposed to howl at the moon or something?"
"When you're in a pack you never cry alone... So I'm not crying at the moon this time."
"I'll cry with you then."
"But you don't know how."
"We'll find out soon enough."
Wynter grinned and they walked to the lake together.

Logically, there was an open area so the best view of the moon.
"I'll show you how we did then." said Wynter, looking at the moon. "AWOOOOOO!"
Sean looked at Wynter.
"I'll never forget you... I bet you said that to Wyatt and Willa."
"Huh? How do you know what that means?"
"Before Addison died she taught me some werewolf."
"How so?"
"So I could say this."
And he grinned briefly.
"Wait, are you serious?"
What had that guy said?!
Sean nodded and Wynter flushed.
"Sean, I Awo-Awoooo you too."
She flew around his neck and they fell to the ground side by side.
"Thank you for wanting to howl at the moon with me."
"No problem... Can I ask something weird?" "Go ahead?"
"Will you turn me into a wolf so we can really be together?"
"You want... What?" Wynter seemed to hesitate for a moment, but she grinned.
"Wait here."
She ran and I followed her.
She went to Skye and Zed's room. Sneaking (she wasn't supposed to wake Skye and Zed, of course) she took Wyatt's necklace from Skye's bag.

Then she ran back to Sean.
"Are you sure?" Wynter asked Sean again. He nodded, a second later she looked like she was hitting/scratching his cheek and she quickly put Wyatt's necklace on him.
Sean turned into a wolf and he chuckled.
"I told you. Hanging out with freaks becomes one ourselves."
They sat side by side by the lake and Wynter rested her head on his shoulder.
I have to admit that Sean looked quite different as a wolf...

When I got back I saw my daughter looking out.
"Dad, you have to stop this."
"You murder innocent people. You ruin their lives!"
"But I do that for us!"
"Us? Dad, if you stop your crazy projects we can get our lives back on! Now you're ruining their lives. They brought me back because they had to. But otherwise they probably would have done it anyway. people are super nice dad. They don't deserve."
"Shut up. Without all this we can never be ourselves again."
"You can't do that anyway." she said angrily and walked away.
Ungrateful bitch.

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