8. What the f*ck?!

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Mal pov:
"Guys! Skye and Zed have been gone for 2 hours."
"Oh come on. Don't be so spastic." Uma said as she looked at me dryly.
"Maybe Zed became a zombie and killed Skye." Gil said stupidly, and Sean looked up in shock.
"Sean, calm down. Zed would never kill anyone!" Eliza said quickly.
"We have to find them!" Addison said anxiously.
I nodded.
"Uma, Harry, come with me!"
"Wait, I'm coming too." Sean said.
"Are you sure? What if Gil is right?" Harry asked.
Sean sighed.
"Eliza must be right... Zed would never kill anyone."
So we went with the four of us.

After walking for a while, Harry motioned for us to wait.
Gil seemed almost right too!
"Is that Zed in full zombie?!" I said startled.
Sean wanted to attack Zed but Uma stopped him.
"Wait! He... he's hurt!" she yelled suddenly.
Sean freed himself and walked over to Zed.
"What happened to you?!"
"Help... Skye..." Zed said with difficulty and was knocked out.
"Uma, Sean, take Zed to the others! Eliza and Evie can help him!"
Zed seemed to wake up again and looked at me.
"No... I'm... the only one... who knows... Where she is..."
I looked at Harry and he nodded.
"Zed, you just have to trust me, okay?"
He nodded and I tore a piece of his shirt and tied it around his wound.
"That way you won't lose blood so quickly. Uma, Sean, you have to make sure he doesn't die. When someone dies in this world, our own worlds are never the same!"
"Why don't you just use your magic?" asked Uma.
"I can't in this world... Didn't you notice?"
"Focus! Skye is in danger! We have to find her!" Sean yelled angrily/concerned.
Zed stood up with difficulty.
"The Meteor... A blue guy said she's Skye... That they'd turn her into one of theirs..."
"One of them?" asked Uma surprised.
"All I remember is that guy was blue..."
"What could that be? Smurfs?" Harry joked and punched him.
"Not funny."
"Leave me here... You know where she is now... I'm just slowing you down..."
I looked at Sean hopefully and he got the hint.
"We're not leaving you behind Zed. I'm taking you back to the others."
Zed looked surprised and Sean helped him.

Zed pov:
(Just before Mal pov)
I heard Skye yell and suddenly the entrance to this meteor closed as well.
I wanted to say something but I was hit on the head and knocked out.

I woke up moments later.
"Where am I?"
"At the gate of death!"
And shortly afterwards I felt a great pain and blood poured from me.
"I'd be careful if I were you, green-haired one."
"Where's Skye?"
"Skye? Oh, Skye Hart. She's close. And will soon become one of us. But you're not much use to us!"
He threw a knife at me and I half dodged him. The knife cut my cheek and it hurt.
"Why are you doing this?!"
"Because you're going to die anyway! You're no use to us and you know too much!"
"But I don't know anything! Just let me go!"
"No. That won't work!"
Some other people came and two of them tied me up and the third started beating me.

After a long time of pain I heard a familiar voice and with difficulty I opened my eyes.
"Zed!" Skye's voice shouted.
"What have they done to you?"
She put her arms around me and I felt a little less cunt.
"I'll make sure you get out and the others can help you!"
"Watch out... That guy..."
"Zed, I know. But everything's going to be okay. I promise."
Skye was taken away and the guy looked at me.
"It's that the girl doesn't want to cooperate otherwise."
He motioned to one of those other guests.
"Dump him by the lake. Then he'll be 'free' and Skye Hart will cooperate. He won't survive anyway."

And I was literally dumped there. Pain swept through my body. I wanted to help Skye but I would never make it...

After a while I saw Mal, Uma, Harry and Sean. I wanted to go to them but it got too heavy. I lost too much blood...

"Let me go to Zed! Let him go and you can do whatever you want!"
The gay chuckled.
"All right. Take Mrs. Hart to that green-haired boy."

"Zed!" I yelled.
"What have they done to you?"
I put my arms around him.
"I'll make sure you get out and the others can help you!"
"Watch out... That guy..."
"Zed, I know. But everything's going to be okay. I promise."
I was taken away from him again and that guy stayed with him.

A moment later he came back to me.
"Skye Hart. That boy was just released. Now you have to keep your part of the bargain."
I swallowed and he pushed me into a weird tube.
"What are you going to do with me?!"
"I told you you'll be one of us."
I winced and blue gas entered the tube thingy.
"What is that?!"
"Take it easy. You'll only get a little better that way."
It started to hurt and my veins almost seemed to burst.
I fell to my knees and put my hands on my head. It hurt. A lot of pain!
"Make it stop!"
There was a bang and I didn't know what it was.
I looked up and suddenly saw Mal, Uma and Harry.
"Guys! Help me!"
Again I started screaming from the pain and I got less and less. The girls were fighting with that guy and Harry tried to open the tube by pulling the plug at the panel. The gas seemed to disappear but a part remained behind.
Everyone stopped fighting and I felt myself grow light...
"Oh goblins..." Harry said softly.
The guy who did that to me had a fake laugh.
"It worked!"
Uma seized her chance, used her necklace and the man disappeared.
Mal looked at Uma in surprise.
"Why does your magic work?"
"Girls! We have a little problem..." Harry muttered and I looked through the glass of the tube at the reflection of myself.
"Tell me this isn't real..." I said surprised and softly.

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