25. The attack

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Mal pov:
The next day everything got off to a good start.
Zed, Skye and Eliza walked away for a moment and I looked at Sean.
"Where are they going?"
"They were talking about that Serina girl or something?"
Apparently my spell wasn't quite right (or it was the werewolf thing) but Sean scratched himself behind his ear like a dog and I chuckled.
"What's so funny?" he asked and I shook my head.
"Nothing never mind."

Okay, so Zed, Skye and Eliza went to the daughter of Evertown or something. Not at all risky or anything... Oh no huh... That would go wrong anyway.
There was another big explosion just like earlier this week.
"What was that?" Wynter asked, startled.
"Not that volcano again, right?!" cried Harry immediately. I looked where the smoke was coming from.
"Evertown's meteor..."
"...Skye, Zed and Eliza went there!" Sean yelled.
"Oh no..." Josh muttered.
"Uhh... Guys, I think Evertown is coming here!" Harry cried.
And he was right.
"Evertown is no longer a ghost! He is human!" Wynter said afterwards.
Harry grabbed his sword and handed me Uma's.
"Wynter, Sean, Josh, get in. Now!"
"No way! Wolves are stronger than humans." Sean angrily said, his and Wynter's eyes glowing.
Josh grabbed Gil's sword.
"And I can help too."
I sighed.
"Fine. Own risk!"
Evertown glared at us.
"You friends have made a big mistake. Time for revenge!" He lunged at me and I defended myself just fine.
"Good thing you helped me on Evil high with sword techniques." I said to Harry.
Harry wanted to attack Evertown but Evertown turned around after he pushed me back.
"Attack someone in the back? You filthy rat!"
Josh helped me up and Harry defended himself.
Wynter and Sean growled at Evertown, who also pushed Harry away.
"You should train those dogs better!" He lunged at Wynter but Sean pushed her away.

Zed pov:
(An hour ago...)
Me, Skye and Eliza went to that Serina.
Yes I know. Big risk. But Skye had it figured out, and you didn't think I'd let her go alone.
Eliza came along so she could get away from Wynter and Sean...
We were almost at the meteor.
"Is it even safe?" I asked.
"Otherwise you will go back." said Eliza cattyly.
"Someone got out of bed on the wrong foot." Skye said, I was trying my best not to laugh.
"No, I just don't understand that we're going to Satan."
"Serina's pretty okay." Skye said defensively.
"Yeah, what about Evertown?"
"You could have stayed with the rest, Eliza." I said quickly and Eliza sighed.
"If only we could get out of this hell." I looked at Skye and she sighed too.
"Not everything here is bad..."

Soon we were at Evertown's meteor and I was looking at the girls.
"If we go in there like that, we'll be caught again."
"Right. That's why I left Serina a note before she left." Skye said and she whistled between her fingers.
A hatch opened and she grinned.
"Are you still coming?"
I chuckled.
Eliza and I followed Skye and we ended up in a strange room.
"Are you sure we're in the right place?" and Eliza gave Skye a dirty look.
Did I miss something?!
"Serina is dead." an angry voice said. We quickly turned around.
"Evertown!" Skye said angrily.

Skye pov:
Evertown was behind us and I glared at him.
"Yes me."
"Why is Serina dead?"
"You whispered tricks to her ghosts that made her not want me to make her."
"So you had to kill her?" Eliza said. Evertown glared at her.
"It didn't go that way."
"That will."
Evertown glowed and his eyes turned blue. "I see you've gotten yourself normal Skye Hart. Too bad you can't help your friends!"
"What are you talking about?" I said confused.
But that question was answered when a lot of goblins came in.
"Grab them!"
Evertown kept glowing and went to some sort of chemistry bureau.
Zed and Eliza looked at me.
"Okay, new plan." Eliza muttered.
"You two, get out of here. This is between Evertown and me." I said.
"We won't leave you!" and Zed looked at me in surprise.
"Go!" Reluctantly, Zed and Eliza fled and I looked at Evertown.
"What kind of serum do you have this time?"
"Something that was meant for your zombie friend."
A couple of goblins grabbed my arms and I was able to break free.
"Evertown, listen. You've already lost everything. Then why do you have to take everything from us? We had niche to do with this!"
"Oh no? Serina helped you and I don't understand why. That made her resist."
"Maybe she didn't want to be human anymore."
"That is ridiculous."
"No that's you! Northing people out instead of just asking them to help you."
"What do you mean?"
"I got myself back to normal. So I'm sure you can too. Just try it."
"I'm not listening to you!"
"Why not?!" Evertown started to glow brighter and I passed behind a closet. An explosion followed and everything became fiercer.

Evertown pov:
I was sick of it. But Skye was right. I was human again.
But my lab was destroyed. Their friends would pay.
If I could kill just one person it would help.

Harry, Mal and the others saw me coming and those two were holding swords and the two wolves looked angry.
Josh grabbed a sword too and I walked over to them. I looked at them fiercely.
"You friends have made a big mistake. Time for revenge!" I lunged at Mal but she defended herself just fine.
"It's a good thing you helped me on Evil high with those sword techniques." she said to Harry.
Harry wanted to attack me but I turned around after pushing Mal back.
"Attack someone in the back? Filthy!"
Josh helped Mal to his feet and Harry defended himself.
Wynter and Sean growled at me and I pushed Harry away too.
"You should train those dogs better!" I lunged at Wynter but Sean pushed her away.
My sword went right through his stomach. He grabbed hold of the sword and fell backwards making choking sounds.
"Sean!" yelled Wynter.
I grinned viciously and left.

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