14. Do or don't trust?

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Mal pov:
Gil was dead...
Harry and Uma were mentally absent and that was understandable.
I sat down next to Harry.
"Hey... are you okay?"
"Yeah... It just feels like my fault..."
"I told him to go that way and then Zed killed him."
"You couldn't have known that."
"I hate that Zed guy. My hook wasn't worth it."
"Worth what?"
"I threw it in his arm."
"Harry! Why in his arm? You should've been aiming for his head!"
Harry couldn't help but laugh and I sighed.
"I'm out for a while."

Willa and Gil were buried in the empty field.
I kept Willa's necklace and Gil's necklace. Then we had some of them left...

I walked over to Wyatt.
"Here, Willa's necklace."
Wyatt took it and looked at me gratefully. "Thanks Mal..."
I gave him a hug. "I'm so sorry for you and Wynter..." Wyatt sighed.
"It's harder for Wynter than for me..."

After talking for a while I walked over to Harry.
"Hey..." he said absently.
"Are you okay?"
"I lost my best friend... No, I'm not..."
"Zed didn't do it on purpose... His Z-band -"
"I'm sick of this Z-band thing! It made you a zombie too. It's why Willa and Gil are dead! Who knows who else he'll attack?!"
I put my hand on his.
"Here..." and I slid the bull necklace towards him.
"Gil's necklace?"
"Then you still have something from your best friend."
I gave him a kiss on the cheek and sighed.
"Zed would never hurt anyone on purpose..." I muttered.
Harry sighed and had the bull of Gil's necklace on his hand, which he closed in annoyance.
To my surprise, he threw the chain away.
"Mal, if Eliza could make you a Z-band. Why can't she make another one for Zed?" Harry suddenly said very seriously.

Zed pov:
My wound was getting less but still a majority of the group didn't trust me.
Only Skye, Mal, Addison, Eliza, Bonzo and Harry (purely because of Mal) still trusted me.
The wolves and the others from the other worlds didn't like having an uncontrollable zombie nearby.
But I couldn't blame them.
I had already attacked someone almost 4 times and still no control over my Z-band. Harry walked over to me.
"Hey, if Eliza could make a new Z-band for Mal. Why can't she do it for you?"
"Each zombie can only use one Z-band in his or her life. That's because of the technology of the people at Seabrook. A new one wouldn't work."
"What for bullsh*t is that?!"
"Can I help it?"
I looked angrily at my Z-band.
"Sometimes I wonder if I should stay here and not leave the group. I can't be trusted..."
"Dude, don't act like that."
"You don't know what it's like to be a murderer!"
"Oh no? I killed my own father!" Harry exclaimed.
Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben and Uma looked at him in surprise.
"Did you kill Captain Hook?"
Uma looked at him incredulously.
"I thought you always said he went away on his own and never came back..."
"Actually he did... But I followed him and threw this hook in his head in anger."
"But you always said it was your father's hook!" said Mal in surprise.
"That's right..."
"So you killed your dad with his own hook?" Wynter asked.
Harry sighed.
"I'm really not proud of it..."
I looked at him.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't need your pity."
"I didn't even mean to-."
"Get lost!" Harry shouted angrily, I could see it hurt him to be reminded of his father and he ran off.
"Harry, wait up!" Mal yelled, and she ran after him.

Skye pov:
I saw Zed sitting by the lake and he didn't seem very happy.
"Oh, hey Skye..."
"What's up?"
"I'm a murderer and even when I don't attack anyone I hurt people."
"What do you mean?"
"I accidentally reminded Harry that he killed his father."
"You couldn't have known that."
"It's not just like that here! It's like home too. We've been here for almost two weeks. Zoey's birthday was ruined anyway because no one was there. Except Dad and her best friend. Her own brother wasn't even there!"
"Zed, calm down..."
"Skye I -"
Suddenly there was a big explosion.
"What was that?!" I asked startled.
Zed looked up in surprise.
"Is that...?"
He pointed to a mountain further up.
"... a Vulcano!" I added.
Chunks of rock popped out and one came straight at us.
"No!" I shouted and suddenly I started to glow. For a moment I even seemed to fly up without doing anything and I aimed my hands at the rock (which was already getting pretty close).
"We are here near the lake, take that rock far away from here!"
The lump disappeared and I went back to normal (at least normal ghost form).
Zed looked at me in surprise.
"How did you do that again?"
"I... I have no idea..."
"You lit up and your eyes turned purple! It looked so cool and strange at the same time."
"We must go back to the others! Or else people will be injured!"
Me and Zed hurry back to the rest.

We saw Carlos, Jay, Kaylee and Bonzo lying on the ground with burn marks on their skin.
"Fire..." muttered Bonzo. Zed rushed to him and I ran to Kaylee.
"Kaylee! Oh my brains!" Noah was also sitting next to Kaylee. He held her hand.
"Come on Kayls. It's going to be okay..." For a moment it looked as if Kaylee wanted to say something but she looked at him with a cold, frozen look.
"She's..." I muttered.
"Carlos! Jay!" Evie yelled and tears rolled down her cheeks.
I wish it wasn't true but they were dead too.
I saw Eliza rushing to Bonzo as well and I walked there too.
"Fire..." said Bonzo again.
Zed looked at him.
"Come on Bonzo... It's nothing, it'll be fine..." But part of Bonzo's body was scorched.
I knew one thing for sure, he wouldn't survive it either...

That evening our cemetery was expanded. Willa, Gil, Kaylee, Carlos, Jay and Bonzo were laying there.
Wyatt had Willa's necklace.
Harry had tossed Gil's necklace away but I had found it back and put it in my bag.
Just like Kaylee's ring, Carlos' headphones, Jay's earring and Bonzo's Z-band.
I couldn't help myself.
I had to have a keepsake from everyone.
Wyatt had Willa's necklace and he should. He was her brother.
I sat with the thaw for a while and a tear slipped down my cheek.
"Now six are dead... This number can't grow. We need each other. And we needed you..." I said to the tombstones.

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