Chapter 19: "Sorry"

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Longer than normal: 2435 words

-Y/n P.O.V-


Minho and someone else found me, scared and fragile, most of all; beat up.

I was so in pain that after a moment I fell into a deep sleep, I passed out.

I felt nothing, but it was weird, I still felt conscious, it just felt as if I was sleeping. I felt nothing going on around me, but I could still think, feel myself breathing in short but heavy breathes and I could still see, all I could see was black now, but I was aware that I was seeing black. It was a weird feeling, to say the least.

I felt my body getting lighter, and then minutes later get heavy again. I didn't really know what was happening.

Then, I saw something. A dream? I don't know.

I saw the maze, it felt as if I was in the maze. Like the dream, or whatever this was, was in my point of view. But I wasn't in control of my own body.

I saw nothing but endless walls around me. I was walking further and further, turning right, then left, then right again. Then I saw the thing I wanted to see the least, a griever.

I walked around the corner, and there it was. The beast that we call Grievers.

I tried to run the other way, but it wasn't working. I not in control of my own body.

I was just standing there, frozen in place. Like a dumb shank I stayed there, in the view of the griever.

I wasn't surprised when it saw me. I was quite obviously there.

It stared at me for a moment, probably wondering why I wasn't moving.

I don't blame it; I was wondering the same thing.

It started running towards me, ready to attack me, me still just standing there, doing nothing.

I wanted to scream, run, anything. But I couldn't, I was frozen.

Once it got to me it obviously attacked me, what else would it do?

I took it's big metallic arms and swung at me, cutting and slashing at my stomach and legs.

For some reason I felt the pain it was causing me, like it was happening to me in real life.

Then it all went dark, all at once.


I still felt pain rushing through my body, from head to toe. All I could do was stay there, I couldn't do anything, I felt paralyzed.

For a moment I thought I was dead, but I couldn't be. Right?

-Minho P.O.V-

I opened my eyes, but quickly closed them when the bright light of the sun blinded me.

I felt like I wasn't in my bed, so I slowly opened my eyes again to see I was in y/n's room.

Everything hit me, hard.

I remembered everything that happened last night.

I looked over to y/n, who was still in bed. She was squirming a little in her sleep, I don't know what was happening, but I decided to get up and go over to her.

Her head tilted to the right a little and to the left. Her legs got bent a little into her chest and her arms hugged her body.

I went up to the head of the bed and kneeled next to her.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm here. Your ok. Calm down." I whispered to her.

I looked at her with a look of pity. I brushed her hair out of her face and continued to whisper to her that she was ok, and that I was with her.

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