Kinda sucks, kinda short, sorry
-Time skip; 2 weeks-
-Y/n P.O.V.-
It's been a few weeks, a new Greenie came up, his name was Fred, yet another boy to worry about.
There were no advancements to finding a way out of here. We are stuck.
Newt recently decided to become a runner, which means I'm usually alone during the day. Since Alby is usually always busy, Newt and Minho are always in the maze and Gally is always either causing trouble or bossing people around.
But I tried to keep myself busy, running around the Glade, helping where I'm needed, most of the time I help the Med-Jacks with cuts or bruises.
I'm usually useless around the Glade.
Now, I'm helping Frypan in the kitchen. Making lunch for 25 people is hard.
Once I finished doing what I was doing in the kitchen, I snuck out and went over to homestead.
Once I got there, I sat on my bed, and took a long breath, trying to relax a bit.
I couldn't seem to focus on anything lately, it was like I was in another world, another universe.
Newt and Minho were gone in the Maze again today.
I decided to take a short walk into the woods, now named the deadheads, since its where we put the grave of our fallen Glader.
We didn't bury him, but we did put up a branch with his name carved into it.
Of course, some people who knew why he was banished didn't want to put it up, but it was only right. We also crossed his name out from the wall of names.
I walked out of homestead, and over to the deadheads, passing by his grave, I decided I was going to sit there, with my back to a tree for support.
I looked at his name, I cringed when I read it.
I tucked my knees into my chest and put my hands in my hoodie pocket.
Then I felt a cold metal hit my skin. I pulled it out to see that it was my pocketknife, the one I had that night.
I pulled out the blade from its compartment and took a close look at it. I lightly traced my finger over the sharp part of the blade, careful not to cut myself.
Tears clouded my vision as I looked back over to Josh's grave. Thinking of that night made my stomach turn, almost making me want to vomit.
I let some tears fall as I slowly brought up the sleeve of my black hoodie, slowly setting the blade and lightly tracing the scars from my old cuts, the more this went on, the more pressure I put on my arm, opening some old wounds and adding some new ones to both arms.
I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but it was my only release.
I slid the blade across the dead leaves on the ground, wiping off the blood and putting the pocketknife back into my boot.
I applied pressure to my cut, making me wince, but made my body relax all at the same time; it was a good type of hurt.
I pulled both my sleeves back down over my arms and got up. I tried to clean of my hands a bit in the leaves and brushed off my butt.
I wiped the tears from my cheek and turned to Josh's grave one last time.
"Fuck you." I spat, knowing he wouldn't hear me, but it still made me feel better about myself.
I walked out of the deadheads to see it was starting to get dark out, the doors would be closing in a matter of minutes.
I thought about going to the kitchen for supper but decided on going over to the doors and watching them close.
Once I got there, I saw everyone around the doors, suspiciously.
"What's going on here?" I asked no one in particular.
"The boys aren't back yet," I heard Alby call out.
I pushed my way to the front of the group, where I saw Alby. "What do you mean? Who isn't back yet?" I asked, I slight hint of worry in my voice.
I hoped it wasn't who I thought it was, but Alby confirmed my thoughts by answering, "Newt and Minho." He whispered.
My heart broke slightly. Tears coming back to blur my vision.
I nodded, knowing that if I said anything that my voice would break. All I could do now was cross my fingers and hope that they would come back in time.
After a few moments of silence, we heard the doors start to move. I let out a small sob, no one heard it, since the maze doors were a lot louder.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a slight movement from inside the maze.
"There!" a random Glader yelled.
I looked up to see Minho and Newt, but Newt was limping along as Minho tried to pull him along.
My brain was moving quickly, as I thought of something to help them, the doors started closing.
"No." I let out.
My feet moved for me as I started running towards both tired boys.
I got to both boys and got to Newt's side to help him walk.
"Y/n! what are you doing you're going to get yourself killed!" I heard Minho yell.
"Stop your whining and help me get Newt to the Glade!" I yelled back angrily.
We pushed forward until there was only a small crack in the door, in a quick thought, I had to decide. So, I pushed both boys through the door and fell to my knees. When I looked up though, I saw Newt.
He got up quickly and jumped back towards me, falling on top of me. "Y/n!" he yelled.
Then I heard the large stone doors bang shut.
I shuffled to get up as Newt did the same, limping quite obviously on his leg. Something must have happened today in the Maze and he got hurt.
"Why did you do that! I pushed you in the Glade for a reason! I TRIED TO SAVE YOU DUMBASS!" I yelled in his face.
"I'M SORRY!" he yelled back, taking a step forwards as I took a step back. "I couldn't just let you die in the maze! I had to do something!" he said, a bit calmer but still angrily.
I looked at him, examination his facial features. An angry expression on his face but laced with worry.
"What now?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper. I looked down on the ground, then over to the large doors that separated us from the Glade.
"We try and make it until morning." Newt said blankly.
I looked up at him with tears in my eyes once again.
His eyes softened when he saw the look on my face.
"It's ok. We can figure this out. Ok, love?" he reassured softly, taking small steps forwards until he wrapped his arms around me.
I sobbed into his chest, wrapping my arms around his skinny figure.
He placed his hand on the back of my head, resting his head on top of mine as well.
"You're ok, love. We'll figure this out, my love." He cooed in my ear.
I pulled my head of his now soaked shirt, wiping my cheek with my sleeve.
"I'm Sorry, Newt."
"You did nothing wrong, love. Now let's go find some place to hide." He whispered.
-Chapter 26 Finished. I had time to finish this one, I didn't think I would, although it kinda sucks and is shorter than usual but things are happening
-Thank you for reading, I'm at 996 reads on this story and I'm super grateful for every single read.
-Good morning/ Goodnight Shuckfaces!

The First Greenie (Newt X Reader)
FanfictionNewt X fem. Reader TW!!!: mentions of self harm, suicidal thoughts and rape/attempted rape All around violence Horrible description of story: You're the first and only girl in the maze, you where the 1st person to come up in the maze. You're very re...