-Y/n's P.O.V.-
We were stuck in the Maze, with large killer spider-scorpion hybrids we called 'Grievers'.
Although we have yet to see one, we heard them howl and groan.
We had set off to find somewhere to hide, but in a maze with only walls and ivy, there are only so many places to go.
So, we did our best to try and survive, but we did have to fight for our safety. Once we had left the maze doors behind us, we ran -or limped, because Newt hurt his leg- down plenty of corridors, watching our backs, fronts, sides and anywhere where we could get attacked.
As we turned another corner, Newt suddenly stopped, making me hit into him and let out a groan.
"What was th-" I got cut off by Newt placing his hand over my mouth. He glared at me, a look of anger and worry tracing his features.
He placed his finger on his lips, telling me to be quiet and then pointing over to the corridor to the right then pulling his hand slowly off my face.
Getting the message to not speak, I quickly put two and two together and guessed that there was a Griever in the hall forwards.
"What do we do" I mouthed over to Newt, he who was still looking at me, a look I couldn't quite pinpoint on his face.
I didn't know, but it does not look happy, or hopeful.
He shrugged, looking over his shoulder again, turning his body towards me.
"Ok" he whispered, to which I almost didn't hear him, "We need to hide, now." He said hurriedly.
I nodded and looked around to see I patch of ivy almost as if it were meant to be, I whipped my head around, grabbing Newt's attention, that was also on trying to find somewhere to hide.
I looked into his eyes. If she I weren't in a life-threatening situation, I would have gotten lost in his eyes, but I was more focused on the tasks at hand.
I pulled the blonde-haired boy over to the patch quietly, but also quickly, considering the circumstance.
I first pointed for Newt to get under the ivy, but he pointed towards me to go first.
Deciding that they most likely didn't have the time too fight about it, I went first, crawling under the layer of ivy covering most of the 40-foot-long wall.
After a moment, I was joined by the boy.
Since we had to try and blend into the ivy and the wall, we had a very limited amount of space. So, newt had to get very, very close to me.
Wrapping his arms around me, even.
I saw him move towards me, but I still flinched, quite hard.
Hoping Newt hadn't noticed, I pushed myself flat against the wall, trying to create a bit of room.
"Sorry," he mouthed.
I shook my head, telling him it was alright.
My arms where in-between both of us, another measure for keeping our distances.
Newt looked down at my arms, slightly touching his chest.
He looked into my eyes; I had noticed a hint of disappointment before he moved his arm slowly up, so it was holding my wrist in his hand.
I looked down, only to notice that my sleeves had been pulled up, showing of my fresh cuts and old scars. My sleeves were probably pulled up when we were running through the maze, trying to get away from the Grievers.
Even though it was dark out, and you could barely see, somehow, by chance, or not, a slight glow of the moon was shining down onto them both, even through the thick ivy leaves.
I looked back up in Newt's eyes to see his glossed over, just then my heart broke. I didn't like seeing him in this state.
I was about to explain, when I saw a movement, coming from behind Newt.
I looked past him, to see a large metallic arm, clapping down against the stone, making me flinch and cringe.
The noise also made Newt realize what was happening; the Griever was slowly passing by us, possibly even trying to sniff us out.
I closed my eyes tightly, hoping I would open them to see that this was all a dream. I would open my eyes and wake up to be in a comfortable bed, in a small home, with my family surrounding me, soon I would forget this whole little nightmare even happened.
I was rudely pulled out of my daydream when I heard another loud thump, farther this time. Hopefully it meant the monster would leave us alone.
After minutes of silence, seeing no signs or scary monster creatures, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
"Is it gone?" Newt whispered, his back still turned to the scene in front of me.
I nodded my head slightly, making his let out his own breath of relief.
"I'm sorry" Newt mumbled, pulling me tighter into his chest.
My body started shaking at the movement, not being used to feeling wrapped this close in anyone's arms.
"For what?" I asked, my voice slightly shaking.
"Not noticing you were still hurting this badly," he replied, pulling out of the tight hold slightly, enough to see my face.
He wiped his finger on my cheek, rubbing off the tears that now covered my face.
"I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to find out so you guys didn't have to worry about me again and-"
I got cut of by his soothing voice, "Love, you have to tell one of us when you feel like this, you've been through a lot, we'll understand if you need a break or just a shoulder to cry on but please, don't let it get to here," he said looking down and my wrist.
He placed a small kiss to my wrist, kissing both my forearms, up and down, "I'm sorry we have to stay this close together, I know you aren't all that comfortable with the idea" he sighed.
I nodded but told him it was fine.
"Are you ok if I hug you, you're shivering, and I can tell its from the whole situation and the fact that it is freezing out here during the night." He said, gently.
I nodded slowly, pulling my arms around my own lower waist and looking up at him, to which he slowly inched forwards, wrapping his arms very loosely around her. "Is this ok, Love?" he asked.
I nodded against his chest, feeling a bit more comfort than before.
He sighed lightly and places his chin on top of my head. He lightly kissed the crown of my head before placing his head back in its original position.
"I know it may be hard, but try and get some sleep, we'll head back over to the doors tomorrow morning and get out of here. For now, your safe in my arms, get some rest." He said lowly.
I nodded, somehow feeling I bit tired, probably from the loss of adrenaline from everything that went on tonight.
So, I closed my eyes, but before I fell asleep, I heard one final whisper "I love you, Y/n. I'll keep you safe." I heard his whisper.
I was too exhausted to realize what he had said, and I don't even know if I dreamt it, but I hoped it was real.
-chapter 26 finished!
-What do you think?
-It's gOiNg SomEwHeReEeEeE!!!! Finally, about time, we are at chapter 26 after-all
_Good morning/ Goodnight Shuckfaces also I wrote this at 1:11am on a Wednesday😊

The First Greenie (Newt X Reader)
FanfictionNewt X fem. Reader TW!!!: mentions of self harm, suicidal thoughts and rape/attempted rape All around violence Horrible description of story: You're the first and only girl in the maze, you where the 1st person to come up in the maze. You're very re...