Chapter 29: Angry But In Love

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-Newt P.O.V.-

After Y/n's breath become even and her body relaxes from its constant tense state, I re-opened my eyes and looked down at her.

A tsunami of questions came crashing down on me. It feels like as soon as I was left alone, or in silence, or even when I'm in mid-conversation with someone, my brain is trying to shoot me down. All the questions I ask myself, all the time.

It might just be because I'm in a weird place in the middle of an always-changing maze, with creepy spider-scorpion monsters, and every day I'm closer and closer to my death.

But who knows?

"Why is she always on edge?"

"Why is she always so tense, even with me or Alby, even Minho. They are the two closest people in the glade, yet she still seems afraid of him,"

"Why doesn't she want to be together?" I asked myself.

But then, I clue in.


He's the one who made her like this. He's the one who ruined her trust in us all. He's the one who ruined her.

His betrayal made her mind think all of us are like that.

That's why she tried to create space between us in the maze, why she jumps whenever you even come close to touching her, and why she always shy's away from people she doesn't know.

Man, I hate him.

Not that I'm happy one of the gladers died, but-

What am I even saying, he wasn't a Glader. He was an abomination. A betrayer.

He won't ever be considered a Glader, good riddance.

He hurt the best person in this glade. Our once-happy favorite person. Our leader. Our hope.

My hope. My leader. My love.

By now, my face was red in anger and my body was tense.

My eyes almost clouded over in anger and I could almost feel the steam come out of my ears.

I didn't even notice Minho walking into the med-hut.

"Hey, you good, buddy? You seem like you're gonna clunk your pants," he pulls me out of my thoughts, patting my shoulder, making sure to do it gently, not to hurt me or wake up the sleeping girl laying across my body.

"I'm fine, just thinking of something," I said coldly.

"Well take a breath, you're kinda looking at me like you're gonna go after my throat and it's kinda scaring me," he looked at me concerned while sitting on the bed next to the one we were laying in. "What are you thinking about that's shaking you up this badly anyways." He questions, "Must be pretty bad if it's getting you this riled up," he adds with a small chuckle.

"Josh," I said through my teeth, looking over to a surprised Minho.

"Oh. Why are you thinking of that dirtbag?" he asks.

"Because not only did he hurt Y/n, but he also ruined her trust in us all. Last night, in the maze, we had to hide. So, we had to go behind the vines of a wall, but we had to stay together, so we got put into a small space together, without much room," I pause and take a long deep breath.

"So? What's the problem?" Minho pushes.

"The problem is she flinched, every time I touched her in the slightest. You wouldn't even be able to notice it, but we were so close together that every, single, time. I felt her move in fear," I said, tears brimming my eyes.

"I don't think she means to, but her body is so scared from what happened that night that she doesn't trust us anymore," I said, "Not me anyway," I add, mumbling.

"Newt," Minho voiced, "She trusts you, with her life, even. It's just that it's gonna take a while for her to open up to us, and trust you, and I don't think she'll ever stop doing the twitching thing. I noticed it too. She had a fly on her shoulder the other day, so I swiped it off. She thought I was going to hit her. Once she clued in that I wasn't, she started sobbing and saying "I'm so sorry" over, and over. She sobbed into my shoulder for 10 minutes because she thought I was angry at her," he explained, "It's going to take a while, be patient with her. You'll get there." He nodded.

I nodded but stayed silent.

After a moment I blurted it out, I had to tell someone, "I kissed her."

I looked over at Minho, then back down to Y/n and back up to Minho. He looked at me wide-eyed as a large smile appeared on his face.

"You what?" he asked.

"I. Kissed. Y/n," I paused, "On the lips." I paused again, "And it was amazing" I smiled.

"See, improvement." He said, chest puffed as if he had the answer all right.

"She said we couldn't be together because it was what was best for the Glade," I looked down at her, her peaceful state still cuddled into me, using me for warmth.

"But you still kissed her, and she didn't run away. I call that," he paused, "A win." He said proudly. "But I swear to whatever is still good in this shuck universe, if you ever, and I mean ever, hear that you broke her heart in even the slightest, I'm going to find you and torture you until you die an agonizing death, then feed you to the Grievers," he paused and stood up with an innocent smile, "Got it?" he said cheerfully as if he didn't just threaten to feed me to the maze monsters.

I nodded, a bit scared, "Now you're the one who needs to calm down. I would never hurt her, not ever. I couldn't live with myself if I did." I said with my whole chest, making it so he knew I wasn't lying.

"Good," He smiled, "Now get some rest, you look like clunk and you need to heal." He spoke. "Oh, and with the whole Y/n thing, just be patient with her. Let her come to you." He patted my shoulder and walked out of the med-hut.

I sighed and looked down at the beautiful girl laying with me. I wished she was mine, but I'll take Minho's advice, I'll wait for her to come to me when she'll be ready.

With that, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, my love being in my arms, right where I wanted her.

Right, where she belongs...



-Chapter 29!!!!

-For real I need to make some stuff happen, I'm not even half done with this book and I've been working on it for almost a year, and we are still at like month 6 in the glade... good things take time?

-Oh well, sorry this is kinda short.

-Good morning/goodnight shuckfaces

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