Chapter 36: The Fire

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Lucy slowly opened her eyes, and sat up.
'Where am I?' she thought as she looked around and noticed the familiar infirmary.
She felt fine, the last thing she remembers was reading that card.
As she stood up, she stretched her arms out and walked out.
Wendy saw her and ran, hugging her.
"Woah there" Lucy slightly laughed and hugged her back.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel fine"
Natsu looked over and noticed the blonde and walked over.
"Yo Luce!"
Lucy noticed Natsu walking over and smiled.
She randomly gave him a tight hug.
He was a bit surprised but hugged her back.
All of a sudden, his face started getting warm.
His stomach felt like it was doing flips.
He let go and stepped back a little.
"Natsu?" Lucy asked.
He walked off and sat down at a table.
'What is this feeling'
Gray and Juvia came back and sat across from each other at a table.
Lucy walked over to Natsu and sat down.
"Are you ok?" Lucy asked as she studied his actions.
His stomach started doing flips again and he felt uncomfortable.
His eyes widened as he rushed off to find Wendy, who was now talking to Mira.
"Natsu? What's wrong?"
"I think Lucy is making me sick" he sat down at the bar.
"Sick? What do you mean?" Mira silently watched as she cleaned a glass.
"Well, when she hugged started..whenever she comes by me, my face gets hot and my stomach turns upside down." He said as he looked at his hands.
Mira gasped and dropped the glass.
She grabbed Natsu by his scarf and brought him over the counter.
They ducked down, so nobody was looking.
"What the hell Mira"
"You're not sick....You're in love!" She gleamed.
"Love? With who?" He scratched his head.
"Lucy, you idiot!" she smacked him.
"When someone has feelings for someone, they get nervous and their body reacts differently" Mira jumped up and glared down at him.
"You made that up didnt you" he got off and patted his vest.
"Watch...LUCY!" Mira yelled, making Lucy quickly look over.
She walked over and sat at the bar.
"Hug Natsu"
Lucy yelped and hurried over to Natsu.
Natsu glared at her as she slowly put her arms around Natsu.
Mira saw Natsu's cheeks go pink.
Lucy let go and stared at both of them.
"You're free to go" Lucy slowly walked away as Mira's eyes shined with hearts.
"Lucy is only my best friend, I dont want to be like The Stripper and The Stalker"
"Oh Natsu my dear, I need to start planning! Excuse me!" Mira pushed him to the side as she rushed by.
"Well, I'm gonna go home now" Lucy yawned as she said her goodbyes for the night.
Natsu started walking with her but she stopped him.
"I can tell you have been up all night, I'll be should go home and rest" she smiled as her hair flipped when she turned.
Her smile placed a warm and fuzzy feeling throughout his body.
The blonde walked along the stone by the river, enjoying the quiet environment.
"Dont fall in Lucy!" A man on a passing boat yelled, Lucy returned a friendly wave and nod.
She opened her apartment door, forgetting it was unlocked.
A cold breeze sent shivers down her spine.
The note on the ground was still there, she set it on the table.
She placed her celestial keys on her bedside table then made her way to the bathroom for a warm bath.
She got undressed and filled the bath tub with steaming water.
She slipped in, and closed her eyes.
"I wonder why Natsu was acting weird" she said as she enjoyed the water.
She almost forgot how she got poisoned.
'Who would send me poisonous flowers?'
Her thoughts were interrupted, when she heard the bathroom door lock.
"Thats weird, my bathroom locks on the inside.. Not the outside"
She looked at the door handle, and saw how it was replaced.
She got out and wrapped a towel around her.
She tried to twist the handle but it wouldn't move.
With all her strength, she pulled but still nothing happened.
"Come on Natsu! This isn't funny!"
There was no response, which got her worried.
"Help! I'm locked in here!" Her fists banged on the door, making loud bangs.
A white piece of paper slid under the door, she picked it up and read it.
"You made me suffer, now it's your turn"
Her heart skipped a beat.
The next thing she knew, she smelt smoke.
"Help! Natsu! Anyone!"
The smoke started coming under the door, she got an extra towel and covered the bottom of the door.
Part of the door, was slowly burning.
Her keys were by her bed, which made her panic.
'Love? That sounds nasty'
"Natsu!" Happy yelled as he flew into him.
"Whats up buddy?"
"Its Lushi!"
"Whats wrong?" He got up and his face went serious.
"Her apartment! Its..its on fire!" Happy regained his breathe.
"Fly me there"
"Aye sir!" Happy picked him up and raced off towards Lucy's apartment.

She started to cough as more smoke got into her system.
Half of her door was melting off, which gave her the chance to jump through the holes in the door.
She squealed as she made it to the other side.
The fire was spreading along the walls and floor.
"Momma!" She yelled as she grabbed the box of letters she wrote.
Fire flew in front of her, making her step back.
She coughed again, but stumbled and dropped the box.
She spotted her keys and went to grab them.
The fire made them hot to touch, which resulted in her hand getting burnt.
She went back over to her box and held out a key, as she coughed again.
"Gate of the Lion....Leo!"
Loke appeared as Lucy's arm dropped her keys.
Natsu then came in by the window and looked for Lucy.
She was laying on the floor, hugging a box.
Loke was just summoned.
"Loke! Get her out of here!" Natsu yelled as he nodded.
He picked her up and jumped out of the window.
Natsu sighed and sucked up all the fire.
When all the fire was gone, he saw Erza and Jellal running by Lucy's side.
It didnt take long until everyone showed up.
Natsu picked up Lucy's keys and jumped out of the window.
Lucy was on her knees, coughing.
She slowly crawled over to the river, placing her hands in the cold water to relieve her burn.
"Some person..set this fire..they locked my door and slid a note-" she coughed again.
Natsu sniffed the air, spotting a familiar scent.
He couldnt tell whose scent it was though.
As he looked over, a man was hiding beside the dark alley by her house.
He spotted Natsu looking at him, and started running back into the alley.

"Ill be right back!" Natsu took off running towards the alley.
It didn't take long before he caught up to the person.
Natsu pushed him against the wall, holding him by his black coat.
The man had a mask on, which Natsu pulled off.
His eyes widened as he recognized who it was.
It was the man who attacked Lucy at the hospital, Marissa's dad.
"Let go of me!" He yelled.
"Have you been hurting Lucy all this time!" Natsu threw him to the ground.
"She deserves it!"
Natsu picked him up again, punching him.
The man stumbled back, and wiped the blood from his lip.
"She killed my daughter! Its her fault! All her fault!"
"Lucy wouldn't kill anyone!" Natsu kicked him, as he fell.
"I want her to suffer, I want to watch her suffer, I daughter..back.." he dropped to his knees and started crying.
Natsu stood there, but dragged the man back to everyone.
Lucy was checking every letter in her box, making sure everything was there.
Natsu dropped him in front of everyone.
"He did this, everything"
Lucy stared at him, as he stared back.
Lucy coughed loudly.
"That is music to my ears" he said smiling.
"Bastard! Shut up!" Natsu yelled, as Erza held him back.
"I didnt kill your daughter" Lucy plainly said.
"How can you sit there and lie to my face!"
The memories came back to Lucy, as she started shaking.
"I didn't kill your daughter"
Lucy watched as the mans anger was building.
"I didnt kill your daugh-"
Lucy stood up and walked over to the man and slapped him.
"Do you really think I killed her?! LOOK AT YOURSELF! DO YOU THINK MARISSA WOULD ENJOY SEEING YOU LIKE THIS?!" Tears formed around Lucy's eyes.
Lucy didn't wait for the man to speak.
"In the last moments of her life, she was so cheerful.. She talked about you and your wife..she talked about love..I'm really sorry that I couldn't do more!" Lucy dropped to her knees.
The man's tears formed again as he cried into his hands.
Police showed up and took him away, leaving it quiet.
Everyone watched as Lucy hugged herself, tears were pouring down her face.
Natsu walked over and wrapped his arms around her.
That warm feeling came creeping up in his stomach.
"S-sorry" Lucy stood up and looked up at her apartment.
It was pitch black, the walls were falling down as she sighed loudly.
"You can stay with us lushi!" Happy said as he landed on Natsu's head.
"Are you sure? I mean I already caused a lot of trouble.." She looked down at the ground.
"You can stay as long as you want! Only if you cook me fish though!" Everyone laughed, making Lucy smile.
"We'll sort this out in the morning..for now, Lucy needs to rest" Erza replied as Lucy nodded.
"Ill see you guys in the morning then!" Lucy hugged everyone, saying her 'Thank yous' and left with Natsu and Happy.
As they were walking home, it was mostly silent.
"I need to change into some clothes"
Suddenly, Natsu stopped.
"What is it Natsu?" curiously, her eyes showed concern.
"Let me show you something.."


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