Chapter 41

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Nastu stood in front of Lucy and glared at the figures moving towards them.
One of the people that came out of the forest, was a girl.
Her yellow eyes were the first thing that Natsu saw.
She had long blown hair that was pulled up into pony tails.
A long scar trailed down the side of her face.
Her body was slim, and a black bow was strapped onto her back.
She was wearing a red leather suit that hugged her body.

The other two people were guys.
One of them was very muscular, an axe was gripped tightly under his black gloves.
He was covered in scars, and wore a black mask that covered most of his face. Part of the mask was torn off, revealing burn marks.
His clothes were torn and burnt.

All you could see was his piercing black eyes through his mask.

The other guy was quite slim but had a muscular tone to him. He had short brown hair that covered his face. He had a bored expression on his face as he walked with his head facing the ground and his hands were in his pockets. He had a katana strapped to his belt.

As they approached, Natsu told Lucy to step back.
She nodded and ran to help Levy with her wound.

The mysterious trio stopped a few yards away from Natsu.

"Who are you"
Gray and Jellal ran up besides Natsu, waiting for a response.

The girl was the first to speak.
"We're the guests, shouldn't you be polite and introduce yourself first?"
She grinned as the big muscular man next to her chuckled.
Natsu didn't speak, but instead gave them an intense stare.
"Alright, fine..I'm Triss" she motioned her thumb towards herself.
"This is X" she pointed to the giant muscular man with the axe.
"And this is Cole" she pointed to the other guy with her other hand.

Gray nudged Jellal and whispered to him.
"X? What kind of name is that?"
X growled and picked up his axe but Triss put her hand out to stop him.
"Easy boy, don't start the fun yet" she grinned as Natsu clenched his fists.

Jellal then stepped forward.
"Are you the one who shot that arrow and hurt Levy?"

The girl moved to the side a little and looked at Levy clenching her shoulder in pain.
"Yep, I was meant to hit that blonde over there but I guess Pinky has nice reflects" she crossed her arms in frustration.
"Are you in a guild?" Natsu asked.
Triss pulled up her sleeve, revealing a black crescent moon with an arrow shooting through it.
X and Cole showed theirs too.

Erza came shortly to find out what was happening.
"What is your business with us" she said as Triss smirked again.
"Our guild is kinda short on finances, words out that many dark guilds want Fairy Tail dead and they are willing to pay big bucks for that" Triss twirled an arrow around in between her fingers as she spoke.
"We just wanted to come and find out what we're up against"

"So you're an enemy" Natsu smirked and lit his hand in flames.
"Now now, what fun would it be if we just ended this now? X here likes to play with his food before he eats it..right X?"

X clenched his teeth together and growled.

"I'd like to see you try" Natsu took a fighting stance.
"Feisty aren't you" Triss looked over at Lucy and then at Cole.
Cole sighed and put his fingers to his temple.
He blinked and then put his hand down.

"What did you just do?" Erza asked.
"Well, why don't you turn around and look for your friend..Lucy was it?" Triss fixed her eyes onto Natsu's reaction.
They all turned around and Lucy was gone.

Natsu gripped Cole's shirt and brought him close.
"Where did she go you bastard!"
Cole's face showed no emotion as Natsu dropped him to the floor.
Triss laughed and looked at Cole again.
"Eenie meenie" Triss said as Cole placed his fingers to his head again.
"That one" Triss pointed to Juvia.
"Juvia get back!" Gray ran towards Juvia but she vanished before he could do anything.
Jellal covered Erza as Cole looked at her.
He blinked and Erza was gone.
"One last one before we go" Triss looked around and spotted Levy.
Cole nodded and made Levy vanish.
"Give them back!" Natsu flew at Triss but she jumped out of the way.
"Poison shot" she mumbled as a trail of poison shot at Natsu.
Gray pushed him to the side.
"Watch out idiot!" Gray shouted as Triss fired another shot.
"Now X!" She yelled.
X chuckled and moved his hands in an "X" formation.
"Boo" he whispered then it was silent.

"What the hell! I can't see!" Natsu looked around and it was pure darkness.
"What's happening!" Gray couldn't see either.
Everyone was soon blinded.
"Let's play some hide and seek, you seek and we'll hide! No peeking!" Triss's laugh echoed in their ears as it got quiet.

Moments later, everyone's vision went back to normal.
"Damn!" Natsu yelled as they all sat in frustration.

"What the hell are we doing sitting here?! Let's go catch those bastards!" Gajeel said as he stood up.
"How do you plan on doing that? We don't know where they went" Gray sighed as he laid his back on the soft grass.
"We have the two strongest noses in Fiore, Gihi we can smell them out"
"Yea! I have Luce's smell memorized! It's still fresh!" Natsu got up and turned his head towards the wind.
"Let's start walking that way" Natsu pointed towards the row of trees as Gajeel nodded.
"Natsu! Can I come save Lushi!" Happy flew around Natsu.
"I think we got enough help, maybe next time buddy"
"Fine! But you owe me fish!" He flew off leaving them.
Jellal stood by them
"Me and Gray are coming"

"Alright, Let's go kick some ass!"

IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. Someone stole my phone and then right when I ordered a new phone, I went up to Oregon. Once I got back I got kinda lazy. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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