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Vremoor, the kingdom of gold some people call it as some other call it as the kingdom from far away land as it is located between two mount peaks and a waterfall. Vremoor is also famous because of its invincible troops. A soldier has the power of ten men as they were called the dark knights. Come and goes as they pleased and no one knew about their identities as they were always hooded.

Vremoor is one of the wealthiest kingdoms in the whole of Narnia. Although it is secluded, still the people lived in prosperity and peace. There is no war since other kingdoms are too afraid to face the dark knights. Nevertheless, everything about that kingdom is perfect, except for one thing.

Nobody dares to ask nor talk about it as the people believed it is cursed. It used to be a beautiful and colorful forest, but now? It's all dead and grey. All the trees were dead as those dried branches were the only thing that is still attached to the trees. Dried leaves were scattered everywhere. There was no sense of living not even the tiniest.

Children were told dark tales of the forest so they wouldn't dare to visit. But truly, the forest does hold an even darker secret than those tales. Evil things would be heard and seen when you go there, even the strongest man would be seized by it. No one can escape from that forest when you've once stepped a foot on it. Just because of that very reason, nobody knew what had happened to the beautiful forest they once knew about. 


"Any news?" she monotony asked as she cut a dry rose and threw it to the ground. "No, but you'll be delighted with this," Matthias replied as he handed the Queen a scroll. The symbol of the lion's paw was stamped against the red seal.

"Cair Paravel?" Cassandra who had been standing beside the Queen asked. "Why would they sent a ball invitation to you, your majesty?" "Why of course they want an alliance," Matthias rolled his eyes.

"Watch it, amigo," Cassandra replied, anger was written all over her face. Her curly red hair was slightly covering her cheeks as her eyes were filled with burning fire.

The Queen sent them a death glare before the two could even start a fight. Both couldn't contain themselves especially Cassandra. Her stubbornness and careless attitude do not go well with Matthias's.

They shut their mouths as she broke the seal and read the scroll. "This is our chance," Matthias stated. "Indeed it is," the Queen replied.

"Should we sent some intel to get the troops ready?" Cassandra excitedly asked. "There's no need to rush on this matter."

"Just like these roses," the Queen said while she was admiring those roses. She inhales the scent as she closed her eyes in delight. "Smells fresh and looks beautiful but least expectedly, it'll show its true beauty, thorns. We must gain their trust first. Then when the time has come, we shall proceed as planned."

"For now, we shall attend a ball," the Queen smirked. "You know what to do."

"Yes, your majesty," Cassandra and Matthias said in unison. They both shared a disgusted look.

"We're leaving tomorrow," the Queen spoke before dark ashes formed around her body, and just like that, she disappeared into the mid-air.

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