22 | turning point

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Elena frantically walked back and forth around the library, thinking of a way out.

Then another soldier come their way to report about the Tmanian's and they were fast, faster than anyone would've thought. "They would arrive at evening with their current pace," Matthias pointed out.

Elena froze as she tilted her head to the window. "Evening," she whispered to herself as her muscle tensed.

"I might have an idea," she walked towards the table before her hand landed on the drawing of the castle. "This won't be the best idea but it's the only one I come up with," she breathed out.

"We'll take our chances," Cassandra reassured her with a nod.

"Once the sun falls down, we just need to light up a few torches. Isadora and I will stay inside the castle while all of you lead the troops outside and once the Tmanian is in, we could capture them. Until they confess and tell us Lucy's location, everyone must hold their position," she said.

"The risk is too high," Edmund barged in.

"There's no escape in this. I'm the queen and I will guard Vremoor with my whole strength even if it cost my life. Besides, the shadows will accompany me," she smirked.

Both Edmund and Leon looked at her with confusion but they hid their curiousness away since there was a bigger task to be done. Edmund had learned from his mistake and he would entirely trust her.

"In one condition only," Matthias said. "The dark knights must stay beside you for both safety and emergency reasons."

Elena nodded her head as she looked outside the window where the eagle was, "Ezio here will help us with that, won't you?"

"And Edmund will stay beside you," Matthias continued.

Elena looked at him with furrowed eyebrows before she switched her gaze to Edmund, receiving a nod from the king.

"I won't need his help anyway," Matthias rolled his eyes in disgust.


The archeries were split into two groups, each one of them was led into separated towers and some were positioned on the top of the castle so they could easily target the enemies. Matthias had led the chivalry out of the castle.

The soldiers that were left to guard the castle began to light up the torches along the hallway. The dark knights from the North district had gathered along with them. Elena instructed them to go in a separate direction and few were left beside her. They were standing on the fifth floor so it would be impossible for the Tmanian to find them.

Ezio had been flying around the castle for the past few minutes to keep his eyes on the Tmanian.

The cold wind breezed through the window as the cold atmosphere crawled all over their skin, leaving goosebumps. Elena tensed her body as she got a sign from Ezio that the Tmanian were seen. She sent a signal for all the troops to be ready for an ambush.

They could hear the sound of horses galloping through the bridge that lead towards the castle. Isadora anxiously rubbed her hands together as Edmund placed his hand on his sword.

On the other hand, Elena turned her wrists around in order to relax her body, she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath feeling the cold air rushed inside her lungs. Her mind was focused on that one specific thing. Then, she began to feel the lingering dark clouds that formed around her hands.

When she heard the sound of the front gate being opened, she raised her hand and the dark clouds that were once around her morphed into the shape of a man then a soldier. There were tons of them, lining up on the castle ground with weapons in their hands.

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