13 | blood & betrayal

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After a few hours of discussion, the two guests decided to go back to Vremoor since there was no further clue to unveil.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Elena said. "Hope you can visit us again in the future," the chief replied with a gentle smile. The queen bid her goodbye before she walked towards a bridge that would lead out of the realm.

"I hope you'll find your sister soon," the old man spoke as an encouragement. "Thank you, chief. It's been an honor to meet you," Edmund replied before they shook their hands. "Till we meet again, King Edmund."

"Till we meet again, chief," he said his last words before he followed the queen, who was waiting for him.

A portal that was made years ago was in front of them. It was the twice size of a man, enough for them to fit in. "It'll take us back to the tunnel," Elena stated before she stepped her foot inside the spiraling portal.

Edmund stared at it for a few minutes before he gathered all his courage and went inside the portal. His vision was blurred as darkness took over. He felt like he was floating in an empty space. He tried to touch on something with his arms but it was no use. Nothing was seen nor can be touched. It was indeed just a portal that connect the realm and his world.

Then Edmund focused his mind on the tunnel. He thought of the two stones that stood before the tunnel. And everything around him started to move. He felt his whole entire body being spun faster and faster. His mind went wild as he saw a glimpse of light being mixed with the darkness.

Seconds later, he felt his foot planted on solid ground. For a split second, he almost forgot how to stand. As if he hadn't stepped his foot on the ground for a very long time. He felt something strange happening at the pit of his stomach.

Elena caught his arm to support him so he could stand properly. He moved his head sideways so he got a better look at the queen.

"I've been through the portal before," Elena said when she saw the curiousness in his eyes. She took a pill from her pocket before she gave it to him. "Eat, it'll stop your head from spinning."

Without question, Edmund took the pill and bite it. He had consumed many different things the queen had given him and every one of them works like a miracle.

He scrunched his nose as he was trying to swallow the pill without water. After a few minutes later, the dizziness and that strange feeling was gone. Since the king was able to gain back his balance, Elena let go of him.

"Where's the carriage?" Edmund asked as he looked around.

"The horses must've returned to the castle and so is the carriage."

"They can go back on their own?"

"They've been trained to do so."

"So how do we get back?"

The queen didn't reply as she was trying to figure out something. They were in the middle of nowhere. Their only hope right now was to the small village nearby. Although it would take hours to get there.

Then they both heard the sound of horses moving swiftly towards them. They shared a glance at each other. None of them knew if they should run away or stay. But since there was no place to hide, they decided to wait and see.

Edmund gripped the hilt of his sword as he was ready to pull it out. Elena did the same while she cautiously waited. The sound became clearer as their grip around the sword became tighter.

Two horses came around the corner and the familiar auburn was seen. The queen sighed in relief and she let go of her sword.

"We better head back now," Cassandra stated as she pulled the rein of the other horse towards Edmund. She held out her hand to help Elena mount her horse. The queen quickly grabbed her hand and sat behind her.

Cassandra took a glance at Edmund and didn't wait any further. She slightly kicked her leg and the horse galloped towards Vremoor.

After the king mounted the horse, he closed both of his legs to give the horse a squeeze and it trotted towards the same road that lead to Vremoor. He closed his outside leg before the horse sped up its pace. Soon, Edmund was able to catch up with them.

"What happened?" his voice broke through the harsh wind.

"There's an ambush," Cassandra replied, "I've called for backup but there hasn't been any reply."

Elena made a short whistle and in a brief moment, an eagle flew above them. She connected her vision with the eagle and saw numbers of soldiers defending the castle with their lives.

"Where're the dark knights?"

"The South district had rebelled against us. Most of them are in the front line, fighting their way to the castle," Cassandra explained.

"Then, call the North district for backup."

"I've tried but there's no use."

"Tell the North district to send backups," Elena said in her mind. Then, Ezio flapped his wings to increase the speed and made his way towards the North.


By the time they reached the bridge, the rebels had retreated. The gray sky was covered with flying crows. Their aggressive craws were heard as they were ready to feast.

Dozens of fallen soldiers were seen throughout the bridge. Their bodies were shrouded by pools of blood.

She walked along the bridge as her eyes were gazing around. Then short breathing was heard from one of the soldiers. The queen rushed towards him and kneeled beside him. She swiftly moved his head to her lap so he could breathe easier.

"Y- your highness," the soldier managed to whisper. He tried with every bit of his strength to stand up but it only worsened his pain. "Stay still," Elena said as she took her handkerchief and gave pressure to his wound.

Elena tugged his arm around her shoulder for support as she helped him stand up. "Keep giving pressure," she spoke as they both walked towards the castle with small steps. Cassandra rushed towards them and gave him a hand.

As they reached the hospital room, a doctor approached them and offered them help. They laid the soldier on an empty bed then Elena handed him over to the doctor.

Her eyes wandered around the room as her heart was tormented. There were dozens of soldiers laying on the beds. Low grunts were heard from the wounded soldiers.

It reminded her of the day she lost her brother. As if time had repeated itself. Ironically, it happened again and just like then, she wasn't able to save them.

Elena clutched her hand into a fist — feeling her fingernails dig into her palms, knowing that it would leave marks. Anger was ranging around her entire body. She felt it coursing through her veins, enveloping her with the negative feeling.

She should've known better that someone would take this chance to take over the castle. Yet, she underestimated them. She gave them the advantage to deceive the South district of the dark knights to fight against her. And those soldiers sacrificed their lives to protect the kingdom.

"It's all my fault," the queen blamed herself, once again.

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