20 | a howl of wisdom

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Elena wrapped both of her hands on the cup, feeling the warmth crept through her arms. She took a sip in hopes that it could ease her mind. Though, it clearly didn't work.

She motioned the king to sit on the chair beside her. After taking a deep breath, she started to explain, "Vremoor was once a kingdom with clans, eagle, wolf, and fox. Each and every one of us has different abilities. As time flows, people realized that they need to be united for the sake of Vremoor. So one day, each clan leader gathered around and swore to protect the peace between each clan and would only use their strength and abilities to protect Vremoor and its people."

"I'm one of the last descendants of the eagle clan," she said, her eyes cautiously looking at Edmund as she was trying to read his mind. "Matthias is the last descendants from the wolf clan and.."

"Cassandra is from the fox clan?" he asked but it was more like a statement rather than a question.

Elena tightened her grip around the cup before slightly nodding her head. "But that doesn't mean she's the one behind all this. That symbol could mean something else," she quickly said.

"The evidence is very clear!" Edmund shouted as his hand turned into a fist that his knuckles turned white.

"I'm sure she never meant any of this to happened," she confidently said. "Doesn't mean that she's from the fox clan and that symbol has something to do with her."

Edmund looked at her and his lips curved into a smile as if she had said something sarcastic. "So you're saying that she's the one who accidentally killed all those soldiers on the bridge? Then she also happened to be the one who kill those innocent people in the dungeons. Oh, and what a coincidence she also kidnapped my sister. Not to mention those countless times where all of us nearly get killed!" he raised his voice in each sentence he spoke.

His eyes soften at the sight of her hopelessness. Elena was on the verge of crying but she held it with all her might. She bit her lips until she taste her own blood dripping to her tongue.

"Just let me talk to her. I have to make things clear with her," she said before she went out of his chamber.

She leaned herself against the wall as she took a deep breath. No matter how hard she tried, she knew she can't defend her. All the evidence was leading directly towards her.

And there's only one more thing to do.


Laughing was heard when Elena stood at the door. She was about to knock on the door before having a second thought. And before she knew it Edmund was already standing beside her. He didn't have any time to waste. And he didn't even bother to knock on the door as he burst the door opened.

There in the center of the room stood Cassandra and Leon. They were wrapped against each other's arms as a smile were written on their face. "Elena?" Leon asked in surprise at the sight of the queen. He seemed delighted but that soon disappeared when he saw the king.

"Get away from him," Edmund warned Cassandra in a low voice. His eyes were like two shining daggers, ready to take her life in any second.

Elena took him by his arm and pulled him back to keep his distance between Cassandra. Even until that moment, a part of her still wants to believe her.

Cassandra's smile disappeared as she saw the fear in the queen's eyes. "Is everything alright?" she concernedly asked as she approached her. But Elena took a few steps back, avoiding any contact with her. 

"I have a few questions for you," she said before finally locking her eyes with hers. "And I need you to answer it truthfully."

Cassandra nodded her head as she felt the air in her lungs being trapped inside. She didn't know what was about to come but she knew it would be far from good.

"Have you been honest with me the whole time?" Elena desperately asked. Her eyes were searching for any glimpse of honesty in hers, even the tiniest bit of it.

"What do you mean?"

"Just answer my question!" Elena shouted as tears started to make their way down to her cheeks.

"Of course, I've been honest with you. We grow up together. What makes you think I would lie to you?"

Elena avoided her gaze. "Do know anything about this?" she asked before placing the dagger she found on the nearest table. Cassandra shook her head in bewilderment. Elena smiled in satisfaction as she wrapped her arms around her. She cried uncontrollably and Cassandra held her closer as she stroked her back.

Edmund harshly pushed her away from Elena. Leon was quick to prevent Cassandra from falling, as his strong arms caught her by the waist. He looked at Edmund with furrowed eyebrows, "What are you doing?!"

Elena was about to approach her but she was stopped by the king. He glared at her as a warning but he was too naive to have thought that she would actually obey. Instead, she took his arm and twisted it to his back. A low growl was heard but before she could act, a hand suddenly swung around her shoulder. "Sorry, but I won't let you experience the same thing I've done," she heard him say, and with a single move, the queen was laid unconscious. Edmund caught her and gently carried her to the couch.

Cassandra was standing still beside Leon, she was between confused and shocked at the same time. She couldn't believe what she just witnessed since everything happened so quickly.

"Now, why don't you be honest with me," Edmund said as he took two letters from his pocket and threw it on the table, which landed beside the dagger. "The evidence is right in front of you, there's no need to lie anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

Edmund switched his gaze to Leon, "Would you like to explain it to her, or should I?"

"What does that have anything to do with her?"

"Our beloved Cassandra is the descendants of the fox clan."

Leon looked at her as fear rushed all over his blood veins. He had taken a conclusion a long time ago, that whoever was behind the kidnapping of Queen Lucy must be cruel and merciless. Though, he didn't completely disagrees with him. There was indeed something off with the evidence.

He had spent time with Cassandra and they've both made wonderful memories together. Not to mention that the two have grown feelings towards each other. Leon was the kind of man who follows his heart and as far as he knew, his instinct never failed him. He closed his eyes for a mere second trying to ease his mind.

"And you can't make any conclusion with that," Leon replied.

"Look, mate. I know you have some sort of feelings for her but this concerns my sister's safety."

"Don't," Leon warned him. "I care about Lucy as much as you do but I'm telling you, she's innocent."

"You've only spent a few days with her. You know nothing about her, in fact, you don't even know what clan she is from."

"We both know you have trust issues but that can't be an excuse," Leon said through greeted teeth.

Before any of them could start a fight, Cassandra stood in between them. "I don't know what you're talking about. But there's a reason why we never talked about which clans we're from," she said before continuing. "I don't know where your sister is, the very reason for you to be here is to find her. We're all trying our best to help you find her. So don't no need to ask me the same question again. And you can do whatever you want to me, as long as you won't hurt anyone else."

Edmund cautiously looked at her from top to bottom as if he was trying to find some sort of similarity of her with the woman who captured them in the forest. But he didn't find anything and from the way she acted, she couldn't be the one he was looking for. He could be wrong since this wouldn't the first time he misjudged people.

"Why does every trail of clues I found have anything to do with a fox?" Edmund questioned himself.

Or maybe he was looking at the wrong perspective.

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