05 | a foggy night

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It was early in the morning, breakfast wasn't prepared yet. "Edmund!" Peter glared his eyes at his younger brother who was walking towards his study room. A dark shade was seen under both of his eyes, of course, Edmund didn't sleep last night. He was too busy thinking about today's ball. Edmund froze to turn around and face his brother with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, don't give me that look. You thought I wouldn't know about last night?!"

"I never intend to hide it from you," Edmund chuckled as he shook his head. Peter was on the verge of his anger and with all the patience he had left, he said, "I'm warning you, Edmund. Don't you dare start a fight against Vremoor. I'm doing this for the sake of Cair Paravel and all our people."

"You sure?" Edmund calmly said. "Because from my point of view you did all this to impress her. You're afraid to lose a battle against them."

Lucy came just in time before any violence was done.

"Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you, what are you two doing here?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"We-" Peter said but he was cut off by his sister.

"Susan is waiting for you in the dining room. Don't make her wait any longer. And don't start a fight in the hallway, there are guests from all around Narnia. Better contain yourself at least for the sake of Cair Paravel," Lucy slightly rolled her eyes. The two kings rarely argue with each other but if they do, it'll end up with a fight. None would give in till they didn't have any choice. And the only person who could advise them before a fight started is either Lucy or Susan.

"Tonight there will be a ball and don't you dare to ruin it with your ridiculous investigation," Peter lowly whispered before he followed Lucy to meet Susan. Edmund stood there in the hallway as he sighed. Not even his own brother trusts him about this matter. But this time he won't let his guard down. He did it once and she slip right from his hand.

He won't make the same mistake.

"Your majesty?" a voice called out and made Edmund come back to his consciousness. He turned his head to meet a beautiful pair of ocean blue eyes. Her blonde hair was tied up into a perfect braid as some of her strained hair softly brushed against her cheeks.


Sophie's POV

I was walking towards the kitchen to prepare for tonight's ball. Until I saw him standing in the hallway. He was lost in his own mind so I approached him before I whispered, "Your majesty?"

It took him a few moments before his gaze was at me. I was smiling at him but it disappeared as fast as it appeared. "Lady Sophie," he greeted. "Do you need anything?" My heart shattered for hearing those first two words. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked through a frown to hide my sadness.

"No, what makes you think that?"

"Because you used to call me Soph but now you're always calling me Lady Sophie. You never address me like that when we're kids," I replied in one breathe. We did everything together, we used to be inseparable. But the relationship soon disappeared after Edmund was given the duty of a King. He had less time to play since he has to share his brother's burden. And as time goes by a wall was built between us.

"Exactly," he replied as he avoid my gaze.

"Look at me and tell me you didn't mean what you just said," I almost screamed.

"I was once a foolish child but I've grown up, Sophie. You may hold on to the past but I will not. The past is the past and it doesn't matter, anymore," he replied. "And I have made myself clear on that night so do please stop whatever you're doing."

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