12 | under the moonlight

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The chief had been offered the queen and king to stay for the night, which they both agreed to. It would dangerous to venture around at such a time and they still need to discuss further the stolen herbs.

And they were waiting for the bamboo house to be prepared. The cold gentle breezed pierced through their skin and penetrate through their bones. The weather at the other realm was unstable, at daylight, it could be as hot as summer and at night it would be like winter. Because of it, the villagers built their houses from bamboo trees that could stabilize the extreme weather.

The full moon was shining brightly as a few stars shimmered, accompanying the moon. There was a comfortable silence as the two relished the beautiful scenery before them.

"Ever regret anything in your life?" Edmund suddenly asked, receiving a sarcastic laugh from the queen.

"Yeah," Elena answered as she crossed both her arms together. "Pain is temporary, regret lasts forever."

"If only we could only forget about them."

"There are some things we couldn't let go of," she started as she approached the king. "No matter how long it had happened, we would always remember them. Our minds would do as much as they can to forget about it. But hearts are made to remember, both the good and the bad."

Edmund looked at her with admiration. She was glowing under the moonlight as the gentle breeze blew her hair. Every word she said was like music to his ear and serenity to his soul. And what she said was entirely true, as if she could read his mind and say what was inside his heart. The king was never good at uttering his feeling and he was glad someone felt the same way, or at least that was what she said.

Since the queen saved him from the creature, he had lowered his guard down at her presence. To say that it wasn't the first time she saved him adds another reason for him to act more amiable around her. He knew he couldn't fully trust her but he owes her that much.

"Seems that you're quite experienced at this matter."

"Talking about yourself, I see."

"Well, at least there's something we have in common."

"Better not," she rolled her eyes as she rubbed her hands together due to the cold.

A villager approached them with a smile on her face, "The house has been prepared. You better go inside, today would be an extremely cold night."

"Alright, thank you," Elena replied with a smile. The villager excused herself before she head back to her own house which was located near theirs.

"Well, we should go inside now. You heard what she said."

Edmund nodded his head and they both walked towards the house. An intensional smile appeared on Edmund's face as he saw her enter the house with rushed steps.

As soon as he realized he has been grinning like a fool, he shook his head. "What's got into you, Ed," he grunted. And he remembered himself to know his boundaries and not to pull his guard down.

They both walked inside and noticed there was only a bed that was placed in the center of the room. Elena slightly bitted her lips in annoyance. "How could I forget they only serve a bed in one house," she said to herself.

"You take the bed," Edmund stated as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"And where are you sleeping?"

The king pointed his finger to the floor.

"You need to get some rest, your majesty. You're not fully healed yet," Elena said before she went out and shut the door closed. Elena let out a small sigh as tugged her coat closer. These few days have been something and she didn't get a chance to have a proper sleep.

The bed was right in front of her but she won't risk his life. Because she isn't willing to give an explanation to his siblings if anything happens to him.

She waited for almost half an hour before she decided to head back in. She had made sure that the king was asleep before she hung her coat on the nearby chair and she seated herself on the chair. She let the warmer temperature from the bamboo house expand to her body.

A soft snore was heard as she was taking a sip from the leather water bottle she had brought earlier. Her mind ventured around her past memories.

The first time she visited here, she only brought along Cassandra and Matthias. There's not a chance that they were the ones who stole it. The queen trusts them both with all her heart.

They were the ones who accompany her since she was a child, the two of them were Elena's dearest friends. They were there when she was in her darkest times. The two were the ones who helped her get through it and she wouldn't suspect them.

She remembered what General Elias once said to her, "Everyone has a wicked side. The evil would always come to offer one greatest desire and if you don't have faith in what is right, then you shall be drifted to the wrong path."

And she knew someone inside the castle was be a threat to her. Till this day, she hasn't found that person. General Judas wasn't the only one who rebelled against her. She knew that very well since he wasn't in charge of the dark knights. But on the day the queen lost her brother, there's a leaked information that spread around the kingdom. And the information was only known by the knights.

General Elias also gave her a letter which was filled with a list of the suspected names. The queen and Matthias have been working on it but they haven't found any solid proof.

The thought of someone close, someone she trusts with her whole heart betraying her was always hunting her, day and night. It was always in the back of her head, echoing inside her mind. And was slowly eating her sanity.

If she couldn't even trust her friends, then who shall she trust?

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