16 | the river nymphs

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Edmund took her in a bridal style as he gently laid her limp body on the sand that was out of reach from the waves.

Leon kneeled next to him as he took over the situation. He clasped both of his hands so that his palms were facing her chest and pumped her lungs in a rhythm. He did that same movement for five minutes or so but there're no reaction from her.

Edmund felt cold radiating from her pale skin, her lips were slowly turning to cold-blue, and he could feel the sense of life from her body was slowly drifting away with the soft wind that blew around them.

It was then he remembered about the mythical goddess Lucy always told him about. He never saw any of them but he believed in his sister.

He stood up and approached the water with high hopes. "I, King Edmund The Just — calling the naiads for help," he spoke half confidently. "Please, she needs your help." His voice was so gentle that anyone who hear him would be moved to help.

A few naiads were seen above the surface, curiousness was written on their faces. They were in the form of humans, specifically beautiful ladies dressed in gowns of aquatic colors. They were whispering to each other, considering whether or not to help.

In the end, a naiad who wore a crown approached him. "Bring her to the water," she said.

Edmund made his way towards where he last left the queen and his friend. He took her in his arms and brought her to the naiad. The waves that were once harsh were now gentle and warm. Leon stood beside him as he watched the queen's limp body float on the water as the naiads circled around her.

They waved their hands above her and sang a song, a certain Narnian song which Edmund haven't heard of. The melodies were as calm as the river flows that they could soothe one's heart without an effort. The seawater was lifted up from her, it made a beautiful spinning spiral above her before evaporating into the thin air — leaving no trail behind.

A shade of red was framed on her skin as her chest began to generate rhythmic ups and downs.

There was a gentle wave that tugged her body onto the soft sand. Edmund approached her and let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you," he spoke with a grateful smile.

"With all due respect, your majesty, we didn't do it for you. Queen Elena and her parents had done great deeds to us, it's time to return the favor," the naiad spoke. "She'll be fine but make sure that she gets a proper rest, her body needs it."

The naiads gave the king a slight bow before they merged into the glistening ocean. They left just like they never showed up. The waves crashed into the shore just like it was. Edmund quickly took her away from the cold water. He looked at her with gentle eyes, knowing how vulnerable she was.


"What happened?!" Cassandra approached the king as she followed him from behind. She took a glance at Leon since Edmund wouldn't reply.

"She was drowned," Leon said, merely above a whisper. Cassandra widened her eyes. "But the naiads had taken care of her so she'll most likely be awake tomorrow morning," Leon continued as she relaxed her shoulder a bit.

She didn't tell Matthias yet because she knew well that with his short temper, the two would get beaten up for not taking good care of the queen. But sooner or later, he'll find out.

Cassandra opened the door to the queen's chamber and Edmund laid her down on the bed.

"I'll take it from here," she stated as she approached the queen with a bucket of warm water and a clean cloth and placed them on the night table.

Edmund stood still beside her not moving an inch and Cassandra stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "I need to get her change," she briefly retorted while lifting up the emerald nightgown in her arm.

He snapped his gaze away from Elena as crimson roses were seen on both of his cheeks. He looked at Leon who was standing in the doorway. "She'll take care of her," he gave the king a reassuring nod.

He cleared his throat, "Right then, I'll leave her to you."

Edmund took a last glance at the queen before he walked away from the room and shut the door closed.

Cassandra let out a small giggle as she shook her head in disbelief. "You, my queen, have found another admirer," she whispered as she was squeezing the soaked cloth and started to clean her up.


Matthias burst into his room with anger boiling at the pit of his stomach that with only a degree higher, his range would explode.

"How did she even drown?!" he blurted out.

"You should've knocked," Edmund said in a matter-of-fact as he met his fuming gaze.

"Might have to remind you that this is Vremoor, not Cair Paravel. You can't do things the way you like, there are rules to follow and stop telling us what to do. I give my respect to those who earn it," Matthias said the last few words lowly. If gaze could kill then the king would be lifeless by now.

"I never intend to hurt her."

"Says the man who brought her back unconsciously."

Edmund was about to launch his punch towards him but Matthias was quick to defend himself, he palmed the king's fist.

"What on earth are you two doing," they heard Cassandra's anxious voice echoing around the room before she stood in between them.

"Matthias..." she gave him a warning glare and he lowered his hand before taking a step back.

"If you ever cross the line one more time," Matthias started. "Don't expect that you'll get to see the daylight again," he finished before leaving the king's room with heavy steps.

"I'm so sorry," Cassandra said as she gave him a small empathy smile.

"I'm the one who failed to protect her. There's nothing to be sorry about," Edmund sighed.

"She can swim," Cassandra spoke. Edmund furrowed his eyebrows but stayed silent in an attempt for her to continue. "She can swim in the lake, as long as the water is calm. But she wouldn't survive at the sea with those strong waves." Leon had told her about the whole incident after she took care of the queen.

Edmund nodded and didn't ask any further. It was the queen's personal affair and he knew his boundaries.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

Cassandra gave him a gentle smile before excusing herself and going to check on Elena.

As the door closed, Edmund dropped his shoulders and he seated himself on the bed. He took a long breath and laid himself down. His eyes were looking at painted the ceiling but his mind was somewhere else.

There was a part of him that wanted to get to know her better. He wanted to know her daily activities, her likes and dislikes, her favorite books to read, her favorite dress to wear. But there was a huge wall that kept him separated from his dream and reality. But he has his own responsibilities and his main priority now was to find Lucy.

Nothing more.

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