23 | the spark inside

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The forest was only a few meters away. Philip increased its pace as they heard the Tmanian catching up.

Once they reached the entrance of the forest, Edmund pulled on the rein before he jumped down. Then he gave the rein to Elena, "What are you doing?"

"You'll have to go on your own now. You're our only hope," Edmund said with a smile before he ordered Philip to continue the journey.

"Aslan, if you're hearing this. Please, bless me, give me the strength to fight all of them and keep Lucy safe," he said a silent prayer before pulling out his sword. Lucy was the one who taught him how to speak his heart out and Edmund had been doing so for years now.

The Tmanian came in his direction with a high speed as he held up his sword.

Technically, a single man fighting against a couple of chivalries would lose. But this is The Just King, with his swordsmanship, that's above any other men and the agility of an assassin being combined, he would be able to win it. There is no doubt about that.

He played with his sword and when a Tmanian approached his way, he used his sword to block the attack and slide under the horse. He then easily mounted the horse, the Tmanian tried to turn around and push Edmund off but since he was the one on the front, it was harder for him to move. The king said a quick "sorry" before he pushed the Tmanian off the horse and took the rein.

He looked around and saw the amount of Tmanian he had to fought. It was then he realized he couldn't handle all of them alone.

So Edmund ordered the horse to move but instead, it bolted around. "Easy, easy," Edmund tried to calm the horse as he was blocking all the attacks from the other Tmanian. Once the horse was comfortable enough with him, it galloped along as Edmund lead the Tmanian to the other side of the forest.

He didn't know which path he should take and took a random path. Then he was met with a dead end. He couldn't go back to the path he had taken before since the Tmanian were on their way. Edmund squinted his eyes as he saw an eagle fly above him but that was not an average eagle.

The Tmanian sounded closer and closer. Edmund didn't even bother to pull out his sword when they were a few meters in front of him. Instead, he faced them with a smirk.

"There's no escape now," one of the Tmanian stated.

Then, they could hear the sound of horses running towards them. The Tmanian looked at each other as none of them were moving, fear started to took over since they could conclude that they were outnumbered.

It only took a moment before the chivalries of Vremoor were seen.

"Yeah, no escape," Edmund said.


Elena pulled on the rein as she found the place she was looking for. It was the exact same place she had been years ago and on that very place, she turned the forest that was once beautiful to dreadful in the count of seconds. It was an accident but that little incident almost destroyed the entire kingdom.

She jumped down from Philip and traced her fingers on the dried land. And the excruciating memories flooded her mind, once again.

It was an average sunny day and young Elena was as happy as she could be. Her bright smile filled the entire castle as she greeted everyone she met in the hallway. But it all changed when she heard one of the maids whispering about the bad news.

With her small steps, she was able to reach her mother's chamber in a few minutes. She held her chest and calmed herself before she slowly opened the door. She saw her mother laying on the bed as her father was sitting beside her. Their hands were intertwined together as tears rolled down her father's cheeks.

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