06 | black herbs

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"Edmund! Put your sword down!" Peter shouted with Susan following behind him. "Look at what she had done!" Edmund spoke, anger was written all over his face and there's no doubt he will kill the queen anytime. "Not to mention she took our sister."

"First of all, us Vremoor would never do such cruel thing. We repay kindness with kindness. So why would I want to kidnap her? Second of all, if I really wanted a war you won't be standing here right now, your majesty," Elena spoke. Her voice sounds calm but it was as poisonous as venom.

"You think I don't have the guts to kill you?" Edmund hissed with a deathly glare as pointed his sword closer to her throat. "I never say that. You can kill me, do anything you want but I won't guarantee your safety after that," Elena said with a smirk.


"Edmund!" Susan shouted with a warning tone. "Don't you dare. There's enough blood for tonight, Edmund." He hesitated for a minute and only lowered his sword a few centimeters away. "Indeed, there's no need for this," Elena smiled as she lowered the sword with the tip of her fingers. His eyes were still glaring at her with anger. "She is the one," he clenched his jaw.

"We don't have a proof for that," Peter stated.

"I have," Matthias suddenly approached them. His wound had been treated by one of the guards as it was neatly wrapped with a clean cloth. "What kind of proof?" Leon cautiously said as he narrowed his eyes. He gave Peter a folded silk and there were some kind of black ashes inside.

"What's this?"

"That your majesty is a famous herb that could only be found in Tmavesh Island," Matthias said before he continued. "It came from a rare flower that only blooms in that island. Every once in a year, when the flower bloom it will produce the herbs. It's very rare and has much different use. With the right treatment, the herbs could be a cure for any disease but it could also turn into poisons. How deadly the poison depends on the people who make them. And the one which is used tonight isn't harmful. It only produces smoke and makes people sleepy, nothing more."

"And where is this Tmavesh Island?" Susan curiously asked. It was a strange name for those who lived outside Vremoor.

"It's somewhere near Vremoor but I don't know the specific location since it's hidden," Matthias replied as the herbs were being passed to Edmund.

"What do you mean by hidden?!" Edmund raised his eyebrow as he was studying it.

"Legend says the island could only be found when it wants to be found. Unless you are a bloodline to those who had found it as the call themselves The Tmanian."

"Well, then where are they?" Peter impatiently asked.

"The Tmanian are sacred people they won't use the herbs to harm people. Not to mention that it ain't that easy to meet them even if you're king," Elena stated. "So there's only one possibility. That someone stole it from them. But I will do as I can to help you meet them."

There was a silence where everyone's eyes were looking at Elena with mixed feelings. Some of them were grateful and some other were curious and surprised that she offered a help. And for Edmund, he was cautious as always. "Queen Lucy welcomed me with open arms and it is my duty to at least help you find her," Elena continued as she broke the awkward stares. "We are beyond grateful for that, Queen Elena," Susan thanked her. Elena slightly nodded her head, "I shall leave tomorrow morning."

Elena excused herself and she noticed a soldier walk behind Peter's back and whispered something. She took a quick glance at him, anger and fear were shown through the king's face. The three siblings shared a look and by seeing Peter's face, Edmund and Susan seemed to understand the information that the soldier had brought for him.

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