25 | a farewell

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The sun peeked through the horizon and lighten up the greenhouse. It would be a marvelous view at the right moment.

"What are you doing here?" Elena plainly asked as she glared at her. "I could ask the same question to you," Isadora said with a smirk. It seemed she had fully gained her courage since the last time they met, though the time gap wasn't that much.

"I let you go last time but I never do the same thing twice," the queen said.

"Neither do I," Isadora replied as two dark knights appeared behind Elena's back. But addressing them as the knights would be absurd since they've rebelled against the queen. One was holding an ax while the other hold a claymore. She recognized them.

"Pathetic," Elena said as she shook her head. She held out her arm then concentrated her mind to think of a sword and it only took a second before the sword formed on her hand. It was the duplicate of her father's sword, the one she always admired. There was an eagle emblem on the hilt of the sword, the blade was forged multiple times and it was called one of the strongest swords that ever existed. The sword was as light as a feather but also as quick as a lightning.

The two were quite shaken when they saw the sword because of its former owner. It was told that whoever held the sword, would gain more power. And it had proven right since Elena's father, the late king, never lost a single battle. The victory was always on his side.

And now it was on the hand of his daughter. Though it might not be the same sword, still it was a replica of it. And the fact that it suddenly appeared on her hand, scared them more.

"I have to admit it, your bravery is something to be rewarded. You are one of the best students I've ever taught and yet here you are backstabbing your queen," Elena laughed. "Though I must ask, what makes you do this? What's your motivation to do so?"

The two of them looked at each other before they looked at the floor, avoiding her gaze. Apart from them were embarrassed for doing such a thing. Elena had been a very good mentor to them, she always treat everyone equally. And the most important part, she managed to uncover their true potential. She took them in when others didn't want them.

"Kill her now," Isadora stated as she noticed the hesitation in them. Seeing that none of them were moving she repeated, "I said, kill her."

The two shook their head as they faced Isadora with their weapons ready.

"We've done many unforgivable things but we won't lay a finger on her majesty," one of them said as the other nodded his head.

"Fine, I'll do it myself," Isadora replied before she pulled her sword. Without hesitation, she attacked the queen and Elena easily blocked every attack. The sound of swords clashing was heard as the two continue their fight.

Elena went behind her back and made her stumble over. The sword fell to the ground and before she could take it, Elena stepped her foot. The once rebelled knights roughly pushed Isadora to the ground.

"You shall get the punishment you deserve," she said before switching her gaze to the two knights. "Keep your eyes on her," the queen ordered before she entered the greenhouse.


Elena flipped all the pages on her father's notebook as her eyes scanned every one of them but she still didn't find anything that could help her brother. She desperately took another book from the shelf.

It's ridiculous that she had been making antidotes for everyone but when it comes to Thaddeus, she wasn't able to help. She didn't even know the recipe to the potion the Tmanian gave to him and how was she supposed to find the antidote?

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