03 | midnight guests

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Rumors spread faster than anyone could've thought it would, people's mouth indeed is the best and fastest way to spread the news. Everyone in Cair Paravel has been talking about it.

She dragged Matthias inside her room after shutting the door closed, she glared at him. "I only ask you to do one simple thing and yet you've failed to do it," Elena whispered yelled as anger was written on her face. "I did my very best, your majesty. I'll take full responsibility on this matter."

"You know that won't fix anything," she replied coldly. "We need a better plan."

There was a short moment of silence before she finally spoke up. "Tonight we'll go as planned. Do everything as I say and this time it shall not fail, you hear me?"

"Of course, your majesty."

On the other side of the door, Leon was smirking. He has been waiting outside, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"This would be something worth telling," he thought to himself. And just before they both opened the door, Leon hid by the corner of the hallway. He took one last glance at them ; the Queen looked as normal as can be but the platinum blonde hair who always followed her looked burdened. Leon headed towards Edmund's study room with that satisfactory information.


"Ed," Leon burst into his mate's room without even bothered to knock. Edmund gave him a warning glare as shook his head, "I might have to teach you basic manners."

"Oh, but you won't have to since I'm bringing you fantastic news!" he exclaimed with a huge grin. "This better be good," Edmund rolled his eyes. "It is," Leon purposely made a quick break before he went on. "I've been following Queen Elena since this morning and like you say the rumors had spread, by now even the villagers have heard about it. And right after breakfast, the Queen and her fellow friend went inside her room. Of course, I managed to hear their conversation." And so he told everything.

"So that means they've planned it long ago before they even arrived here."

"Indeed, but unfortunately I don't know what their plan is."

"No worries, the information you've brought is enough. And I do hope it's accurate."

"What do you mean? You think this might be some kind of a trick?"

"I honestly don't know, mate. The Queen seems like a well-prepared person. I know that from our first encounter when I address her with her name, she wasn't even bothered. Her every move and word were well prepared and yet cautious at the same time. I believe there's so much more behind her beauty. So it won't be that easy for you to eavesdrop on her."

Leon nodded his head in agreeance, "You're right. I never thought of that but since this is the only clue we've got now. I suggest prepare everything, even if this is a trick. Then we would know that she truly is hiding something."

"Yes, I agree with you. Set the best troops on every corner of the castle especially near the dungeon and the music room," Edmund ordered. He took his sword as clean it with a clean cloth.

"And shall we inform this matter to Peter?"

"There's no need to bother him. He has made it clear that he only wants solid evidence, sooner or later he shall get it. And till the time comes, I shall catch the devil in red-handed."


Everything has been according to plan and now is the moment of truth. The moon was high above the night sky. The gleaming light coming from the moon is lighting the hallways. The soft yet cold wind that would give goosebumps on the skin was felt every once in a while. Everything seemed slower, it felt like time itself had stopped ticking.

Then suddenly a shadow was seen in the corner of their eyes. The soldiers held their swords higher in an attempt to protect themselves from whatever they've just seen. Cold sweats have started to form as adrenaline rushed over. Edmund raised his hand as an order for those soldiers to follow him. Only the sounds of their breathing and their quiet footsteps were heard.

Edmund once again held his hand up and those soldiers stood in their places. All eyes were cautiously studying their surroundings.

Their breathing stopped when they saw two cloaked people standing by end of the hallway. The soldiers were quick to react as in a mere second, they had surrounded them. Edmund walked towards them with his sword straightly pointing towards them both. As he looked closer he realized it was indeed the Queen and her fellow subordinate since their faces were seen.

"Well, well, well. What is the Queen of Vremoor wandering around in the middle of the night?" Edmund pointed the edge of his sword against her delicate neck, with the right amount of pressure he managed not to hurt her. But if she dared to move a single bit, then it would surely kill her.

"How glad to see you, your highness," Elena calmly replied with a smirk. "I believe you are looking for those who are responsible for killing those innocent soldiers?"

Her cunning smile was so sickening that it took all of his will to contain himself from killing her. "Indeed, I am," he managed to say in with the even voice. "Ah, you are indeed the Just King of Narnia."

"Since you knew I'm looking for them, then you know I have every right to catch you right here right now," Edmund coldly stated. "I'm aware of that, your highness. But you don't think I would do that, do you?" she put an innocent smile. Some of the guards had lower their swords by now. None of them would believe that the beautiful Queen would do such horrible things.

"So did you do it, Elena?" he raised an eyebrow. "Of course not! I'm here as a guest and I know my place."

"Then, what are you doing here?" Edmund lowly chuckled as he tilted his head.

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