02 | men in black

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"Your majesty!" Peter heard someone yelled behind the door. Through lidded eyes, he can see the moon still shining bright on the night sky. "Your majesty! I have urgent news to report to you," he heard the same voice shouted and Peter could sense the panic from his voice.

Peter opened the door and was met by a soldier. He recognized the soldier since he was the one who is in charge to protect the dungeon. Blood was straining down his arms as his face was shown, true terror. His hands were trembling as his breathing got quicker and quicker. "What happen?!" Peter widened his eyes. "A- a man with a black cloak attack the dungeon. He- he killed everyone including all the prisoners and-"

An arrow suddenly shot right to the soldier's chest. "Guards!" Peter quickly shouted but it was all too late, the arrow had already shot him to death. Peter closed the soldier's eyes as he silently spoke a prayer. He knew the killer has run away so by the time the guards has come, he didn't order them to search for whoever it was. He only asks them to bury the fallen soldier.

At the same time, Edmund heard a loud 'bang'. He was quick to react as he grabbed his sword and followed the sound. It lead him to the music room and he was met by a cloaked person. He couldn't see the person's face as it was covered with black cloth. But from his features, he could tell it was a man. The man grabbed something from his cloak and before Edmund could do anything, he was already swarmed by gray clouds. And just like that, the person disappeared or more like vanished.

Edmund made his way inside the music room. Since the moon was shining bright, he could see everything clearly but nothing was damaged. Everything was neatly placed. And when he was about to close the door, a piece of the letter was tugged into the gold handle. So he opened it but it was only an empty piece of paper. He studied the letter and the paper but he got no clue. The only thing he could do now is to report this matter to his brother.

The door was already opened as a few guards were standing in front of Peter's room. Those guards bowed when Edmund walked past them while Edmund gave them a nod.

"Ed," Peter exclaimed as he stood up from his chair. He was sure glad to see his own brother. "You came just in time, I'm desperate for help right now."

"You saw the cloaked man?" Edmund asked as he saw some blood-stained on the ground. "What?! No, I didn't saw anyone but a soldier did tell me about it but he was killed and so is the rest of the prisoners."

"And the messengers were killed right here?"

"Indeed, and how did you know about all this?"

"I saw him. But I doubt that it's the same person," Edmund replied as he tried to analyzed what had just happened. "Why so? It could be the same person, after he killed everyone in the dungeon he went to kill the last soldier then he ran away."

"He was coming out from the music room. Even if he is a well-trained assassin, he still needs some time to get there. So the one who came here is a completely different person from the one I saw."

"You're right. This arrow is the only clue the man left," Peter stated as he put the arrow on the table between them. "But there's nothing special. It's just a wooden arrow."

Edmund took the arrow as he studied it, but his brother was right. It was just a normal wooden arrow. And he just remembered about the existence of the letter. He tugged his hand into his pocket before placing it on the table. "And I found this in the music room."

Peter's eyes were suddenly lightened by it. He thought that it would contain more clues but that hope soon disappeared. "It's just an empty letter?!" he exclaimed in disappointment. "Although, they are both different people they might be in this together."

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