10 | a stray soul

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It has been foretold that at the tenth generation, the king and queen would have a twin. A princess and a prince. Both of them would have opposite personalities and features. The girl would be as light as the daylight, kind-hearted, cheerful, and easygoing. She would be an image of her father. While the boy who would have the image from his mother, would have a courageous heart, timid, and firm.

Aslan had promised to give the twin abilities that no one had ever had before, for Aslan had seen what the king and queen had done for the past few years. They've done great things for Vreemor. He also asked a favor to the king to raise the future king and queen with wisdom and love. Because in this cruel world, there is a thin line between the good and the bad. One must be clear how to tell the difference between them.

"Only the purest heart could rule the kingdom. And by then, the wisdom of My Father would be passed down to them. Vremoor would still be full of prosperity and peace," the Great Lion once said.

And so the king and queen raised their children with love. The king always reminds them that a great ruler would put the people first. He was the best father figure anyone could ask for. He taught his children how to fight and about political manners. On the other hand, the queen was the one who taught them about basic manners and attitudes. But both their parents always tell them to put faith in Aslan.

Eventually, the two children grew to be a beautiful princess and a handsome prince. Not just from their features, but they also have charming hearts. They were inseparable, like two orbs attached towards one and another.

The people addressed them as Princess Elena and Prince Thaddeus. They were the hope and future of Vremoor. And it was true. What Aslan had said years ago, that the two of them have different tastes. Elena loves nature from animals to plants she studied them all while Thaddeus is more into political problems and history. But it was a good combination, they completed each other and with that, the two of them would be great rulers.

On their eleventh birthday, their mother passed away due to illness. The king was heartbroken and so a year later, he passed away. Since then, the twin had conflicts with each other. Their were torn apart. They often blamed one another for the littlest things.

Evil is best at finding weak points, right?

A greedy general saw the opportunity. At that time, the kingdom was unstable since there's no ruler. There are several economic and political problems, the trading between other kingdoms had also stopped. And so the general gathered an army to rebel against the true heir of Vremoor.


"General, they've reached the front gate!" a soldier informed. The general's eyes widen as he pulled Elena and Matthias away from the scene. A dropped of blood came down from the sword she was holding. She might be at a young age but she had been trained by her father so nobody had ever doubted her skills. She was just as talented as her brother. Adrenalin rushed through her body as she clenched her jaw, "I am not leaving without my brother."

"Your majesty, with all due respect your brother won't make it," the general replied with a sigh.

"He will make it!"

"Let Matthias lead you to a safe house and I'll try to find your brother," the general suggested.

Although, there might be a small chance of finding him. The general's main priority was evacuating the princess. Even if the kingdom had fallen to the wrong hand, as long as one of the heirs is still alive then Vremoor would be fine.

She hesitated for a while before nodding her head. She then ran towards the tunnel followed by her eagle.

Matthias looked at his father as tears threaten to drop. "Protect the princess at all cost, she's the future of Vremoor," the general stated.
"What about you?" he spoke as he was trying his best to hold back his tears. "I'll find a way out, Matthias. Don't you worry," the general said and hugged his son. He knew this might be the last time he could ever meet him but as a general, he has sworn to protect Vremoor, even if he has to sacrifice his own life.

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