21 | one step away

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Elena squinted her eyes as she was still adjusting to the light. Cassandra helped her get up before she leaned against the couch. She gently rubbed her numb shoulder due to being hit by the king.

"Sorry," she heard Edmund's voice call behind her. And when she was about to turn her head, she felt the pain from her shoulder crawl over to the back of her neck. Edmund approached her with hurried steps as he helped her lay down again.

"I hit you pretty hard, so you might need to take a rest."

Leon chuckled, "From fierce to gently." Edmund slightly rolled his eyes as he ignored him.

"Elena held a special place in his heart," Cassandra teased, earning another laugh from Leon.

"Wait," Elena furrowed her eyebrows. "What happened to you guys? Didn't you-?" Since the last remaining memory was Edmund glaring at her friend.

"It was a misunderstanding," Edmund admitted, slightly embarrassed.

Cassandra was quick to take the hint, she nudged Leon with her elbow and the two went out, leaving some space for them.

"I'm sorry for being impulsive," he said while her gaze was looking everywhere but her. With a little struggle, Elena was able to sit on the couch without any help. She straightened her body before looking directly at him. Her delicate finger touched his chin as she guided him to look at her. Her lips curved into a smile, a smile so beautiful that it reminded Edmund of the crescent moon.

"I should've believed in you," Edmund whispered as he took her hand in his. Before he could say another apology, Elena placed a finger on his lips. "I know you did that to protect all of us and I know that you're concerned for your sister. But I can assure you that we will find her," she gently said. "And I forgive you."

"Though, I'm quite curious. How did you get to see it through?"

"It took me quite some time but I guess I've been looking at the wrong perspective."

She repeated the last few words he said in her mind. Then she suddenly stood up, blood rushed through her veins in excitement to the point where she forgot about her wound. Elena quickened up her pace towards the table. Then, she took a closer look at the symbol.

From the very first moment she looked at that symbol, she knew she had seen it somewhere but her mind wouldn't collaborate with her. And when Edmund said it was a fox's tail, apart of her doubt it. 

Edmund stood beside her as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "What is it?"

"It's all about perspective," she mumbled.

Elena took the dagger in her hand before putting back on the table and spinning it around. As it increased its speed, the symbol made an infinity circle which looked similar to a spiral. 

"It kinda looked like the portal from the other realm," Edmund said as he shared a look with her.

Elena nodded her head, "Because it is."

"So you're saying that the Tmanians are the one behind all this?"

"Doesn't all make sense?!" Elena exclaimed. "There's no possible way an ordinary people could enter the realm except if they've been invited there. And as far as I know, the chief has never invited anyone else aside from me."

"That's very likely to happen. Though I don't think the Tmanian has the capability of overpowered against my swordsmanship because the night I got the letter, I've met someone and I have to admit that his skills are far from ordinary. He slip through my hand in a single move," Edmund stated as his mind flashbacked to the incident.

Elena slightly nodded her head because he was right. The Tmanian were only good at producing herbs and magic. And the few things that were keeping them alive are their secret entrance, Atarka the guardian, and their magic realm. Not to mention that Edmund had one of the best swordsmanship in the entire Narnia. It would take a lot of effort to escape from him.

"Then there's someone else who's plotting against us," she replied. "Maybe, it could be Judas but I doubt that he has such skills and bravery to do so. I mean, attack Cair Paravel after he escapes from Vremoor?!"

"You mean the rebel from years ago?"

"Yes, well some rumors that spread across Narnia are based on fact."

"Do you have any plans?"

"Clearly we can't attack them in their own realm, we'll lose no matter how many armies we have. So we have to lure them out and we must plan this thoroughly. In the meantime, could you ask for some backup?"

"Of course, I'll write a letter to Peter to send some of troops as soon as possible."


Matthias opened the map of the entire kingdom of Vremoor before he settled it on the table. There were drawings of trees that symbolized the forest, villagers' houses, roads, lakes, rivers, and many more. 

They had gathered around in the library and they had been told about their newest discovery.

Then, Elena explained every potential location to launch an attack as the others listened and gave their opinions. Any sorts of ideas should be combined and considered if they are going to win this. 

There were a few arguments along the way and at last, they've come to a conclusion. 

"I will personally send the invitation to lure them out. And once they reach the border of the castle, Cassandra and Leon will lead the archery. Matthias and Edmund will lead the chivalry. Then once they reached the location, set the attack," Elena said. "And Isadora will guard inside the castle in case something unexpected happen. Never leave the castle empty."

They all nodded their head and silently hoped that everything would work out as they planned. It might sound simple but after their previous encounter and what happened last time at the bridge, they had to prepare themselves for the worst outcome.

Just as they were envisaging about it, the two massive hardwood doors that lead to the library burst open. There stood a soldier with his hand on the chest as he was trying to calm himself.

Matthias approached him with a frown, "What's the matter?"

"There's a message from outside the border and it seemed to be an urgent matter," the soldier said in one breath.

Matthias took the letter before he gave it to the queen. Elena broke the seal apart and once she read it, her hands fell to the side in wretched as fear took over.

"It seemed that they are a step ahead."

- ☽.

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