24 | alter plan

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In her whole life, Elena never could've thought that her brother would change sides. She always believed that he would be her main support system, cause he had always been like that since they were a child.

And here they were.

Both were the heir of Vremoor and they were beyond blessed by Aslan himself. Elena was given the power of creation while Thaddeus was given the strength of any kind of creature that ever exist. They were both equally strong.

One was protecting the people while the other was rebelling against it. Thaddeus had rebelled against Vremoor and also did the same thing to Cair Paravel.

As a matter of perspective, of course, Elena was the one who was doing the right thing. But they both have their own struggles and they both solved them in a different way.

When Judas ambushed the castle on that night, the Tmanian took the chance to kidnap the young prince. They never planned to capture him alone, they were supposed to capture both of the heirs. The Tmanian had been waiting for this opportunity for years. They needed both Elena's and Thaddeus's power to create an emperor, one that could surpass other nations. In another word, they wanted to rule the entire land of Narnia.

Since the day Thaddeus got captured, the Tmanian had been taking care of him. They gave him food, drink, clothes, and a place to rest. Everything started well besides the fact that they would always pursue him to join forces with them. As time passed by, the Tmanian realized that he couldn't be pursued like that.

So they discovered a better way of doing so. And by better, it means torturous.

It was known that the Tmanian could make any sort of potion and medicine with the black herbs. They could make a potion that could control one's emotion and that includes controlling their mind. And in this case, they could also control power.

They forced him to consume drinks that contain a mix of black herbs with many other kinds of potions, every single day. It was never a problem to drink it but what matters is the effect. It was slowly killing him inside and the Tmanian gave it to him for years. Until one day, he couldn't take it anymore and be left unconscious.

The other day when he woke up, he wasn't himself anymore. He became cruel and merciless. To add more to it, he had forgotten who he was and every person in his life. So it wasn't odd for him to stare at Elena with cold eyes.


She saw the eagle fly above her and soon enough, Edmund and Matthias were seen coming towards her as the chivalries followed behind them. The dragon suddenly perked up its head and scared them to death.

Elena swiftly moved her hand as a sign for the dragon to move back. And it back away a few steps as it huffed in disappointment. "Don't give me that look," Elena glared at the dragon only to receive a playful fire breath.

Edmund and Matthias stayed in their position as they looked at the dragon in fear.

"He won't hurt you, don't worry," Elena stated. "Just walk over."

Both Edmund and Matthias mounted down their horses as they instructed the chivalries to stay in their position. Then they approached Elena while keeping their distance from the dragon.

"Gentlemen, this is Alonzo," the queen smiled as the dragon spread its wings at the sound of his name being called. "He roles a major role in this battle."

Matthias moved his gaze towards her, "So what's the plan?"

"All of you shall enter the castle from the main gate. Try to distract them," Elena said. "Then I will find some antidote for Thaddeus but I have to warn you that this would take some time."

"Take all the time you need, we'll do our best," Matthias said.

"Very well then," the queen held her breath before approaching her way to Phillip. "Thank you for assisting me," she smiled before taking the reign and leading him to Edmund.

"Let's set off now, be careful on your journey," Elena said.

"If I may ask, how are you going to get to the castle?" Edmund asked.

Elena smirked before tilting her head towards the dragon before she approached Alonzo.

"Would you?" she kindly asked. And the dragon lowered himself to the ground and she climbed up his back.

"You seriously going to ride that... thing?" Edmund asked in hesitation.

"Well, I'm the one who created him so I suppose I could also ride him," Elena said as she find something to hold onto. "And this is the fastest way to enter the castle."

"Be careful," Edmund and Matthias said in unison.

"I will... try my best."

Then Alonzo spread his wings and used his legs to push off the ground before he sore to the sky. Elena clasped her arms around the dragon as she closed her eyes. And once they were floating in the sky, she slightly opened her eyes before her eyes wandered onto the pile of clouds around her.

It took her a moment before having the bravery to sit up straight. Elena let go of her grip around the dragon and opened her arms as she let the feeling embrace her. The wind caressed her cheeks as they were flying against the current.

Once the castle was on sight, Alonzo flew down at a steady pace. Then Elena instructed him to go closer to the specific window that could lead towards her chamber. While she was using her power to manipulate the people who were below them. So nobody could saw the dragon nor her.

Or at least that was what she thought.

She slowly stood on the dragon's back and waited for the right time. When they were close enough, she jumped over to the balcony and her hands were quick to grip on the railings.

Then she crawled over the railing before her foot landed on the solid ground. She let out a shaky breath and looked over her shoulder to the dragon. "Stay hidden in the clouds and wait for me," Elena said.

Alonzo nodded his head before he flapped his wings and disappeared into the sky.

Elena peeked through the window before she heard crackling from inside. Then the window burst open. A smile spread across her face before she sneaked inside.

It was odd for her to sneak inside her chamber. She had done it before, lots of times. Though this time felt different.

She stepped her foot inside and was met with the eagle. Ezio flew to her shoulder as she was heading towards the door. She slowly opened the door, careful to make any noise. Then she walked out of her room and went to the greenhouse.

Everything went as planned until Elena saw the last person she wanted to see again.

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