11 | the other realm

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"You sure you don't want me to come along?" Leon asked as he helped the king wear his coat.

"She said that the fewer people who go there the better it would be," Edmund replied.

Leon nodded his head in agreement. The queen had sent a letter to the Tmanian and they've agreed to meet up with the Just King only if he comes alone. And the letter comes with an invitation for the queen since it's been a long time since she last visited.

"Then be careful, you aren't fully healed," he stated before handing the king his sword. "I'll be fine," Edmund reassured him with a nod. He took the sword and went out of his room.

By the time they both arrived at the castle ground, a carriage was prepared. It was a simple wooden carriage with two horses on the front. Edmund took a glance at the queen. "Your body isn't ready to ride a horse," she stated before clambered inside the carriage. He knew the reason the queen choose a simple carriage was for their safety. Using the royal carriage would gain much-unwanted attention that could harm their life. Edmund followed her inside the carriage before seated himself across from her. He put his sword beside him and looked at the scenery outside the window.

A few minutes later, the carriage started to move and soon they were on the road towards the Tmanian. A step closer to finding the young queen. They passed a small village on the Northside of Vremoor. Then they were met by two giant stones that lead to a tunnel underneath the mountain. Elena climbed down the carriage as Edmund followed behind her. They both walked towards the tunnel.

Everything was a total black before soft glimpses of light were seen outside the window. "Fireflies," Edmund mumbled under his breath as his eyes everted from one to the another light. It was the first time he saw such an incredible view, unlike the queen. He was too focused on those fireflies that he didn't realize Elena was a few meters away from him.

"Are you coming?" she asked. "Sorry," he managed to whisper.

"Where are we going?" he looked around the tunnel as he didn't see any path. The tunnel itself leads to a dead end since there's a giant stone stood vividly. "Down," she replied before knocking her sword twice on the stone wall next to her. Edmund waited for some time but nothing happened. She then stomped her foot twice to the ground underneath her and a light was seen from the other end of the tunnel. It only took a second for Edmund to realize that it was a cage. He took a few steps back and a crack was heard. He looked down and it was then he saw human bones scattered on the ground. A low growl was heard and was followed by heavy stomps. Edmund pull his sword out and was ready to attack but Elena held his arm as a signal for him to calm down.

Being the stubborn person he was, of course, he didn't listen. He held his breath while the creature approached them. It started with slow steps but it became quicker and it ran towards the king as if the creature had targeted him. It was twice the size of a lion and it got pair of broken horns on the back of its ears. Its skin was covered with rough scales. Its deadly green eyes were looking directly towards Edmund's soul and it looked like it was about to rip him apart.

Elena grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the creature before throwing a pinch of herbs that she had taken from her pocket earlier. The creature let out a high pitch squeal.

Elena ran towards the cage and pulled a trigger. The stone around her shook and another tunnel was seen beside her. "Come on," she shouted towards the scared king. Elena sighed before rushing towards him and pulling him along to the tunnel. The creature followed them and as soon as they stepped their foot inside the tunnel, Elena pulled another trigger and the stone wall closed right in time. A second waste, then their life would also be wasted.

"What was that thing?" Edmund asked with a heavy breath. "Atarka, the guardian of the realm that separates our world towards the Tamanian's," she replied before pulling out her sword and stabbing it just a few centimeters away from the king's head. Edmund widen his eyes as tilted his head and saw the shining blade was deep inside the stone.

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