01 | first clue

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"Ed, do please keep your mouth shut. I won't force you to respect her, just don't say anything that will cause catastrophe," Peter spoke as he seated himself on the throne chair.

"Will try my best," Edmund replied as he lazily placed his hand on the armchair. His eyes were venturing the throne room as he hums a simple tone to distract his boredom. "What do you think she would look like?" Lucy excitedly asked.

"There're many rumors about her but since we're talking about her looks, then nobody has ever said something bad about it. Plus, many princes and kings had proposed to her yet she always declined them all," Susan stated. "So I supposed she'll live up to that expectation."

"What's more important is that we get an alliance with Vremoor."

"Yes, Pete. We know how much you want this but it won't be an easy task. You know how she declined every other kingdom. She even declined the proposal and alliance from Archenland. And to say that she agreed to come here has been massive progress."

"Yes well, I know. But I need you all to take this matter seriously. This is a big opportunity and I don't expect any of you to ruin it."

"Yeah well, I couldn't guarantee that," Edmund spoke with a smirk. He had heard many rumors about the Queen and he was quite curious to meet her in person. And from his smirk, there's no doubt that he will challenge her.

"Ed, don't you dare to" Peter didn't get to finish his word as the giant door towards the throne room had burst open. There revealed a beautiful Queen with hair as dark as ebony with hazel eyes. Her cheekbones were perfectly formed as a crown perfectly fitted her head. The crown was only decorated with white diamond but the simple design showed elegance. She was wearing a navy blue dress that perfectly fitted her curves. The long sleeves were knitted with silver embroidery. Everything about her was simple yet it managed to show the elegance and the pride of a Queen.

A lady with curly auburn hair and a man with platinum blonde hair walked behind her. And on the very back stood the General of Cair Paravel who had been chosen to greet the Queen from the front gate.

"Greetings to you, your majesties," the Queen politely greeted with a charming smile. "Please do address us with our names, Queen Elena," Peter stated as the Kings and Queens stood up from their throne chairs.

"You can call them with their names but you shall call me your majesty," Edmund stated. He could feel Peter's eyes were glaring at him but he didn't bother. Cassandra being the impulsive person she is, was about to spat something but she was cut off by the Queen.

"Of course, your majesty."

Edmund was enjoying this and he will test her patience to the limit.

"That's very polite of you, Elena."

For a mere second, she was taken aback by his bravery to called her Elena. Nobody except Cassandra and Matthias had the nerves to address her like that. But her facial didn't even change a bit since Matthias had prepared her for this.

"Remember that The Just King might be your biggest problem. He's known for his venomous attitude also his cold stares. So I suggest you stay calm in any circumstances," Matthias spoke as his eyes were fixed on the book that was laying on his lap. Cassandra laughs at this, "That would be fun."

"Unfortunately, we won't be there to have fun, Sandra," Elena replied. "Oh come on, this is a rare opportunity. This is the Just King we're talking about and if you succeed to make him speechless, then I'll personally award you-"

"Won't need it, thank you," Elena simply replied. "You better hold yourself so you won't embarrass anyone." Matthias was laughing at her statement. The Queen was beyond ready to face the Just King.

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