09 | castle in between

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"We're just a few miles away from Vremoor's border," Cassandra stated with a small smile. It had been quite a journey and there's no better place than going home.

The flags of Vremoor were seen, waving along with the wind current. And as soon as they arrived at the border, the gate burst open. There revealed soldiers who were standing in two lines with spears on their hands and they were wearing full body armor. They stood on each side of the road and made a path for their queen and their honored guests. While the people of Vremoor gathered behind the soldiers, greeting their queen who had come back from a long journey. Some throw flowers and some others cheered with wide smiles on their faces.

Elena waved at them as a smile appeared on her face. Edmund who was a few meters away from her studied her face and he finally had a conclusion, that her smile was truly genuine. After a journey, he learned many things that he never thought could be found in her. And yet here he was, witnessing her saving his life and smiling at her people.

A man with black hair approached the queen. "My league," he greeted her with a bow. "Call the royal doctor," Elena declared as she was still waving at her people. The man nodded his head before he excused himself to do the task that the queen had given.


Both Edmund and Leon were stunned as they saw the magnificent castle in front of them. It was a whole lot different from Cair Paravel.

The castle was located between two mount peaks. It was a mesmerizing view, a soft glimpse of sunlight shone down as the misty fog from the mountains covered half of the castle and made the castle look even more enchanted. There was a stone bridge that connected the castle and the village. Under the bridge, there was a calm river.

The color of gray and iron dominant the castle. There were four main towers which were north tower, east tower, south tower, and west tower. Each one has its uniques and functions.

Their breaths were seen as they exhale since the atmosphere had dropped a few degrees. "Let's get you warm up," Elena said as she noticed how the two guests rubbed their palms together. Without hesitation, Leon followed her inside the castle.

"You're a few days late," a voice called out. They all searched the source of the voice and there stood a lady at their age with bushy brown hair. A warm smile appeared on her face.

"We got ourselves some troubles on the way," Elena answered with a smile."It's good to have you back, my league," she greeted as she approached the queen and gave her a quick hug. "Glad to be back," the queen replied as she returned the hug.

"Nobody misses me, huh," Matthias joked. She giggled and exchanged hugs with Matthias and Cassandra.

"Pardon me," Elena smiled before continuing. "May I present you the royal advisor of Vreemor, Isadora." She turned her head to the two gents and spoke, "And this is King Edmund the Just and Leon the General of Cair Paravel."

"Your majesty, general," Isadora bowed as a greeting for the two guests which Leon returned with another bow.

"Cassandra and Matthias please escort our guests to the doctor," Elena spoke. "Isadora come with me."

And they all went into separate ways.


"And why are we going there?" Isadora asked as Elena opened the stained glass door of the greenhouse. "The king got poisoned by Arbatus flower," she answered before approaching the piles of plants. She moved the leaves aside and pulled a trigger that was hid behind it. And a hidden door busted open, just around the corner of the room.

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