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I covet those eyes,
Of a sculptor's, unfinished.
To gaze neath the polish,
Those raw instincts.
To see the edges,
Smoothed for thee.
Beneath those irises,
I am lost at sea.
Those oceans hidden,
That drip out smooth.
Drops of treasure,
That you grant as boons.
If only ever could I,
Find my ship in the desert,
Maybe life would be,
Much more pleasant.

I covet those eyes,
Blind to my deceit,
Lost in the waves,
Of an unfinished sea.
I'd brave the waves, if only,
There was a way.
A pupils wish,
Sultry but sweet.
And gone is the gaze,
No more ocean or sea.
I covet those eyes,
Now blind to me.

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