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A girl once lost,
Who had all but lost,
Her memories so precious,
Her mind so precarious.
Afraid of forgetting,
What she remembered,
Went and jumped,
Into the abyss of Mimirs well,
Not to die, not to drown,
But see her father once more.

Death came gliding,
Seven steeds riding,
Behind him they followed,
None neighed, none bellowed.
It isn't thy time,
Canst thou rejoice,
In thy life and reconcile,
What's gone is gone?
Nay said the girl,
My father once more,
Canst I see,
The maiden beseeched.

And woke did she,
In a meadow beneath,
A bower of violets.
Her screams still echoed,
Yet no answer followed.
The violets admonished,
Life is for thee,
Do not dream for the abyss,
For naught lies there but a sea,
Of broken dreams,
Thine prize though shalt take,
Ne'er, but at life's break.
For that is what he wants,
Thine father chants.

And the world fell quiet,
For the girl, and dusk fell.
Ride on home, tarry not,
There awaits you your lot.
And walk she did,
To her hearth and her heart,
Her fathers words ringing,
And her heart singing.

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