Chapter 1:A new school, maybe this one will surbive

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Canterlot High it's a school in the city Canterlot of America. It's a school known for many things.

Unity. Friendship. Teamwork. Ppneys turned humans who wants to take over the world. Alright, the last one is little less known for.

But anyway, today a new student transfers to this school. To their luck, or misfortune, that student is Kumagawa Misogi.

Kumagawa:[So, this is Canterlot High, huh

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Kumagawa:[So, this is Canterlot High, huh.]

Not too shabby, not shabby at all. Though, he had seen better. But that's another story.

Though the death of Anshin'in he did whatever he wanted. Not that he doesn't miss her, wouldn't you miss the single person in the world who ever undrrstood you?

And Anshin'in is the exact motive he is here. In the day he lovingly ripped her face off and sealed her away she told him to transfer in this school at this exact year. Beacause she said that the actions that will happen here from this point forward could satiate his boredom.

As he passed through the halls he was greeted by a blue haired person who was not a Kurokami. This was Flash Sentry.

Flash:Hey! You're the new student, right?

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Flash:Hey! You're the new student, right?

Kumagawa:[Is the floor made out of floor?]

Flash:...Ummm, yes?

Kumagawa:[Then yes.]

Flash:Cool! Do you want me to show you the way to the principal's office?

Kumagawa:[I would appreciate that.]

They began to make their way to the principal. Kumagawa started a conversation.

Kumagawa:[So, how is the school.]

Flash:Pretty cool. The people around here are nice. Well, except Sunset Shimmer.

Kumagawa:[Sunset Shimmer?]

Flash:She practicaly rules the school. I was her boyfriend for a while. But she was kinda distant, than she confessed she was dating me just for popularity.

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