Chapter 15:The begining of games

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Today was a day of games. More specificaly today was the begining of the Frienship Games. Who, by the way, was not having anything to do with friendship. A contradiction on Kumagawa's tastes.

As a different matter, Sunset entered Kumagawa and Haten's house just now. She had a game in her hands.

Sunset:Kumagawa, we finished Danganronpa V3. Need to say, did not see that end coming.

Adagio:Well, well, well, if it isn't Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset took a shocked look on her right. There were the sirens. The thing that took her by complete surprise is that their pendants were restored to their original state.

 The thing that took her by complete surprise is that their pendants were restored to their original state

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Sunset:How did you get them back!?

Sonata:Misogi gave them back to us!

Aria:He said something about too much posivity making him physicaly sick.

Sunset:He wouldn't!...Oh, who am I kidding, of course he would. You're not making trouble anymore, are you?

Adagio:We don't need to, not anymore.

Aria:That smiling fucker is fueling our powers at least we don't need to work our backs in getting some cheap meal now.

Adagio:Normally humans are such scums. At least he's tolerable.

Sonata:They're just shy! They don't want to admit they like him.


Aria:Ugh, you're the worst!

Sunset:...It's so ironic for me to see this.

Kumagawa:[Oh, you're already here?]

Kumagawa just came out of the kitchen. He was eating an amount of sweets that would kill a normal man.

Kumagawa:[Did Pinkie-chan liked Ouma?]

Sunset:She adored him.

Kumagawa:[She has good tastes, that girl.]

Aria:You don't say. It's not like we don't know how much you like her from how much time you  spend with her every day!?

Sunset:...If I was my old self, I would've lose a battle between us.

Truly. Sunset was just a temporal tsundere. But you need just one looks at those twintails to see it. Aria Blaze was a pure tsundere, the OG tsundere of this universe even!

Kumagawa:[You're soooooo adorable!]

Aria:Eh? Shut up! Stop messing with me!

Kumagawa:[Does my face looks like I'm messing with you?]

Aria:Well, I suppose no-wait! You alwais have that face!

Having his fill of banter for today, Kumagawa went with Sunset to school. There were the rest of the girls and new arrivals from Crystal Prep.

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