Chapter 17:The minus god

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The last game was one with more parts. First was a target shooting. To his dissapointment, Kumagawa was not chosen to shoot.

Kumagawa:[I don't understand why? I'm good at shooting.!]

Sunset:You're good at pretty much anything. But principal Celestia did not trust you to not shoot more than the targets.

Kumagawa:[Oh, that's a good.]

Cadence:Good day to you all! The last game will be a team game. It's composed from archery, speed skating and motocross.

Sunset:And I'm in the most dangerous one. How do they trust students to go with mitorcycles? These things are fast.

Kumagawa:[Meh, I'm faster.]

Sunset:Don't remind me. When I asked you for a ride I didn't expect you to put me on your back and to run at the speed of sound. I pucked my stomach.

Kumagawa:[Oh, it began.]

The first ones to do archery were Sour and Applejack. Sour hit the target with three arrows at the same time. All of them hit the target but just one hit tge center.

Kumagawa:[Huh, not bad.]

Applejack hit the atarget too. Now Fluttershy and Sci-twi were trying to hit it. They weren't doing great.

Kumagawa:[Alright, I fell insulted.]

Fluttershy hit the target by accident. Sci-twi was still trying, making Sour to growl even more.

Sunset:She growls a lot.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, kinda hot.]

Sunset:...I wouldn't want to be in your head.

Sour:Can I make a sugestion? Hit the damn target!

Applejack:Argh, I can't take it anymore!

She goes to Twilight to help her.

Applejack:Hey, you shouldn't aim for the target.

Sour:Oh, don't aim for the target. That's logical. Thank you!

She did not look thankful. But Applejack continued anyway.

Applejack:Aim for where the target will be.

Sour:Oh, that's a great idea. Takeing advices from  the competition!

Applejack:Do you want hit it or not?

Sci-twi noods. She did as she was told and hit the target. Spike came at her.

Spike:Good job Twilight!

Seeing the talking dog, Sour relucantly stepped back.

Sunset:Well, I guess seeing a talking dog would freak out most people.

Kumagawa:[Try seeing the moon coming to you. Man, I'm glad Iihiko-chan stomped that jerk.]

The race continued. Applejack began to glow, but her magic was absorbed by the advice too. Portals began to open and giant carnivore plants came out of them.

Kumagawa:[Oh, I like the new gardening.]

Sunset was already driving, with much dificulty from the plants. She lost her bike, but Rainbow saved her in time.


Rainbow:We're not leaving anyone behind!

Sunset:Should we go help Kumagawa?

Rainbow:Are you joking? He Kumagawa freaking Misogi!

Sunset:...Good point.

As they expected, Kumagawa was peacefuly walking through the chaos. He spoted Indigo on the ground ready to be eaten by a plant.

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