Chapter 18:The benevolent act of a minus

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All went pretty well. Twilight was back to normal. Kumagawa got a better technique than Medaka, which he felt very smug about. And the studets were uninjured, well physicaly at least.

As Twilight stayed on her feet Kumagawa saw something. He knows this specimen from somewhere. How was ot called again? Oh, it was a coward!

Cinch:If you think you won the right to be called equal with your...magic! Than you're awfuly mistaken! This is clearly cheating!

Neither of the students of the rival school were pleased with her return. In fact, most hoped she fell in one of those cracks.

Sugarcoat:At least they didn't try to manipulate Twilight in releasing the acumulated magic transforming her into a flying demon and breaking the fabric of reality apart, just to win a game.

Pinkie:Wow, it sounds pretty much when you say it all at the same time!

Kumagawa:[Not a bad roasting.]

Kumagawa and Sugarcoat looked at each other. They gave each other a high five. Kumagawa still having his smug smile and Sugarcoat perminted a smile to be formed on her usual pokerface.

Sour:In fact, we all are to blame. But mostly her!

Cinch:...I will take this to the school council!

Celestia:Oh, suuuure. I'm sure if you tell them you lost to our school because of magic they'll believe you completly sane.

Kumagawa:[Here, you'll need this.]

She looked indignated at the object he throwed at her. It was a staright jacket.

Kumagawa:[And most people believe there's where I belong.]

Cinch looked around. Students, as well as teachersgave her smug smiles. She decided to leave.

The girls celebrated on a group hug. Meanwhile Kumagawa was thinking about that fake world.

As much of a pathethic imitation that illusion was, she looked the part. At least he got to see her face again. And je knew not even now she wouldn't tell him to rest, but reminded him he still has something to do. He began to walk away.

Pinkie:Huh? Misogi don't you wanna party!?

Kumagawa:[Oh, It would be my pleasure! Unfortunately, I have something to take care of.]


Kumagawa:[Pest control.]

Cinch was ready to leave through the back door. But before she could reach, the door dissapeared.

Cinch looked shocked at this. But not as shocked and frigtened as the next moment when an oversized screw passed by at milimeters from her head.

With a scared expression, Cinch beagn to run through the halls. All of a sudden, he surrounding changed.

The floor was now black with white cracks. The celling was red, painted in such a way that it looked like blood. In the right and left sides of the straights path were mirrors. They didn't show her reflection, however. They showed a human shadow with a big white smile painted on their faces who lacked any other faces. It wss like a demented circus.

From the floor and the celling, one by one, giant screws were coming at a pace to hit her. But they weren't aimed to kill her. No. They were aimed to toy with her.

Finnaly she reached a door. But this door had a distinctive warning sign painted on it.

 But this door had a distinctive warning sign painted on it

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She opened the door. No screws came anymore. The inside was filled with paintings.

One was on a green landscape filled with big white demonic wolves. The painting began to swirl and became a tornado which absorbed her.

She found herself surounded by those same wolves and began to run like crazy. The wolves began to run after her. They made deep scratches on her body and one of them ripped her leg of with his mounth.

Cinch:Why!? WHY!? I don't deserve this! I DON'T WANNA DIE! I DON'T WANNA DIEEEEEEEE!

In the real world Kumagawa was observing the moving painting. But he got bored of it quick and set it on fire, burning that world as a result.

That is how Cinch died. While she was being devored by wolves, she burned in a burning fake world. With no one to hear her screams of pain and despair. Truly, an act of benevolence. He's such a nice guy.

When he returned, Sci-twi decided to transfer at Canterlot. The Crystal Prep were ready to go.

Sour:Where's Cinch? That old bat better not run off again!

Kumagawa:[Oh, I don't think she'll bother someone ever again.]

Sour:Well, aren't you an ambiguous psichopath? Here's my number!

Sunny:Mine too. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun in the future, deari!...Possible withba lot of steps.

Indigo:Don't leave me out. You're the collest, Kumagawa!

Sugarcoat:Mine as well. It was an interesting action, metting you.

Lemon:Here's mine. Let's rock all night along, dude!

On the front of another bus, Cadence was saying goodbye to Sci-twi.

Cadence:I hope you'll have fun, Twilight.

Sci-twi:I'm sure I will. There's so much to learn about friendship.

She took a admiring glance at Kumagawa.

Sci-twi:And something more fascinating than everything.

Ah, it seems his harem continue to grow. What, did you think he was some dense anime protagonist? How naive of you. Of course he knows. But, not acting on it makes things so much more interesting.

Everybody went home by now. The sun was setting and the moon was rising. Kumagawa watched this scenary of light and darkness.

Kumagawa:[We'll have a trip at Camp Everfree, huh. Strange phenomens regarding nature began happening there. Seriously, can't take a break from it all. Makes your brain to trembke with excitment.]

As a proof to that, he stabbed an oversized screw through his own brain. He showed a true demonic grin.

 He showed a true demonic grin

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Kumagawa:So damn fun!

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