Chapter 6:The team starts

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Twilight woke up and came down to eat. When Kumagawa said there were enough rooms he wasn't kidding. There were a lot of rooms.

When she arrived at the kitchen Kumagawa and Haten were already there eating waffles with ice cream and chocolate sauce. She took a seat at the table.

Twilight:You're using them again?

Haten:Kumagawa-san likes to sesonate deserts with them. So we have a lot.

Twilight:I see. I didn't manage to find much of what I could use to combat Sunset Shimmer.

Kumagawa:[Like don't worry. We'll like totaly make it. Like really, like lol!]

Haten was unmoving. He was staring at Kumagawa like he just shot a puppy right in front of him.

Haten:...What are you doing?

Kumagawa:[Adopting a gyaru personality to ease the tension.]

Haten:It wasn't bad at all. But please don't do it again. Ever.

Twilight:You two are really good friends.

They just stared at each other and shrugered. While Anshin'in was staying with Kumagawa, Haten followed. That gave them time to get close to each other.

Haten respect Kumagawa and is one of the persons Kumagawa can actually tolerate without harassing. While not sure if they are friends, they are at the very least good aquaiments.

Twilight:Yeah, we should hurry. I'm running for princess after all. B-because I'm trying to make the school a better place! Yay, hehehe!

Kumagawa:[You're an embarassment for liars everywhere.]

Haten:Please, don't force yourself. I'm already aware of the situation.

Twilight:...I don't understand. How can you two be so calm!?

Haten:Sparkle-san, I'll be honest with you. This whole thing is more like a Saturday morning for people like us. At best.

Twilight stared at the two. Their aura was not one of arrogance, but one of pure confodence.

Kumagawa wasn't concerned even if Sunset was to succed. He doesn't care how hard those elements of harmony hit, they don't hit harder than Iihiko.

Arriving at school Twilight was determined to make a good impression. Unfortunately all the students do was chuckle silently.

Twilight:What is happening.

Kumagawa:[Not sure. But what I'm sure about is Rarity-chan is gonna grab us in room behind us.]


And it happened as he said. Rarity rapidly changed Twilight in a blue dress and a blonde wig.

Twilight:What are you doing?

Rarity:I'm making you a disguise. You need one.

Kumagawa:[Is my order ready.]

Rarity:Of course, darling.

She gave him the coat he asked for.

Kumagawa:[Sweet, this is symbolic.]

Rarity:We need to make a disguise for your dog too. Such a shame, he's so adorable! With a little work I think I can make him look like a rabbit.


Applejack entered the room. After her were Pinkie and Fluttershy.

Applejack:There you are Twilight.

Rarity:Well, so much for the disguise.

Applejack:I've been looking all over for you.

Fluttershy:Me too.

Pinkie:Me three! I like the new look.

Rarity:Well, I have a taste for that.

Twilight:I don't understand. What's the matter.

Applejack:You mean you didn't see it?

The girls played a video made by Sunset. It showed Twilight acting like, well, a horse.

Twilight:...I can't believe.

Kumagawa:[I know. I didn't think Sunset-chan was so good at editing.]

Twilight:Not that!

Pinkie:She really is a mean one.

Fluttershy:Like you can talk.


The girls of this world beagn to argue with each other. Twilight was gonna stop them, but Kumagawa's patience ran out first.

Kumagawa:[Shut up!]

He stomped on the floor making a cratter and cracks on the room's floor. The force made also a mini shockwave.

Pinkie:Wow, that's one mean kick!

Kumagawa:[Never skipped leg day. Now, I can't shake the feeling you're being manipulated.]

Applejack:What are you talking about, partner?

Kumagawa:[I guess every action you speak about was announced through a text, right.]

The girls shaked their heads in affirmation.

Twilight:It was Sunset Shimmer, wasn't it?

Kumagawa:[Yep, though it's understatable.]


Kumagawa:[She felt threatened by their bond. They were alwais together, supporting each other through anything. While she had no one. No friends, no family, no support. Of course she would be afraid of what you have, so she decided to break it. Plus, it was kinda obvious. If you were such good friends, don't you think you would say something so important in person. Geez, normals are alwais driven by their emotions.]

Not one of the girls said anything. They were embarassed. When you think in all this time not one of them realized anything, yet he did in just a few seconds. Twilight was the most embarassed, she pictured Sunset as a big bad, but she was just a lonely girl who needed help. As they thought, Kumagawa Misogi wasn't a normal person.

Pinkie:I knew Misogi was a genius.

Applejack:Well, it's time to talk with Rainbow.

They went at the sport terrain. Applejack and Rainbow talked and managed the things between them.

Rainbow:So you want to beat Sunset, huh. Sure I can help you. If you defeat me.


Rainbow:First who can mark five points wins.

The match could be described in two words. Total annihilation. All this time, Kumagawa watched sstisfied, while eating pocorn with Pinkie.

Rarity:Is she dead?


Rarity:Oh, hehehe. I thought you'll put through.

Rainbow:Alright, I'll help you.

Twilight:What? But you said...

Rainbow:I know, but there was no chance for you to beat me. I'm awesome. But you didn't give up. Plus, no one can score agains me. Well, almost.

Words could not describe the smugness on Kumagawa's smile.

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