Chapter 8:True minus

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It was tje dance night. Kumagawa arrived later than planned to Rarity's boutique to avoid another positive musical number. Dammit, there was just so much posivity a minus can take. And he had the dreaded feeling that won't be the last.

The girls prepared themselfs with beautiful dresses. Of course, Kumagawa was stylish himself for the night.

He was wearing his coat made by rarity. For the rest of his outfit he choose black boots and pitch black pants as well as a black shirt opened on the neck's section with a loosely tied blue tie.

Rarity:You look lovely, darling.

Pinkie:Yeah! You look like a badass general who's too cool for his army's dress code.

That is fit. He probably wouldn't adeher by any kind of dress code.

Everyone was already having fun. So social, if Maguro was here he would be the heart of the party.

Celestia:Attention, students! The vote were counted. The princess of Fall Formal it's Twilight Sparkle!

Twilight went to the podium. She was given the crown, which was not so much of a prize when you think that it was hers to begin with.

Rainbow:Yeah, we won!

Kumagawa:[No, I don't think it is quiet done yet.]

Kumagawa alwais had quiet an intuition. That intuition was proven right uet again at the cries of Spike who was kidnaped by Snips and Snails.

Twilight:Spike! They took Spike!

Twilight and the girls trailed the idiotic duo to Sunset at the entrance of the school where the portal is. Kumagawa appeared the next moment on their right.

He would've run with them, but he needed to finish his punch. Plus, he knew Sunset wouldn't really hurt Spike.

Twilight:Give him back, Sunset!

Sunset:Calm down, I won't hurt him! I'm not a monster.

Kumagawa:[I am!]

Applejack:Uh, partner I don't think this is the time for comedic banter.

Kumagawa:[There's alwais time for comedic banter.]

Applejack:That's some twisted logic!

Sunset:I'm his partner for comedic banter! Uh, I mean give me the crown or you can say good bye to your precious portal!

Sunset swinged around the hammer for extra clarification. Kumagawa was wondering where did she even got the hammer.

Twilight:Do it.

Sunset:...Excuse me, what?

Twilight:Do it. Destroy the portal.

Sunset:You realize that way you'll lose everything, right? Your friends. Equestria. Gone. You'll have no way back.

Twilight:Equestria can survive without the elements of harmony. But I saw what you did here without magic. So, I'll stay here. So, go ahead. Destroy it. You won't get the crown.

Sunset:Ugh, fine! You win.

She let the hammer fall to the ground. With Spike free and the crown still at them the girls made a group hug.

Applejack:You go girl!

Rainbow:You did it!

Needless to say, Sunset was very iritated by this.

Sunset:Oh yes, she's so very special!

She jumped at Twilight trying to snatch the crown, but the princess throwed it at Spike. Sunset, the girls, Spike, Snip and Snails began to throw around the crown trying to catch it. Kumagawa stayed unmoving snd observed them.

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